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Chilly Update...

I hate this disease with a passion...more on that in a moment...

First and foremost, there aren't enough words in the English language to convey my most sincere gratitude for the amazing love and support you've all shared with my family. I am completely overwhelmed and very humbled by it all. I've shared all of your comments and emails with Chilly and the kiddos. It has meant so much to us! Thank you, thank you and thank you again!

I wish I could write that Chilly is fine and coming home tomorrow. I wish I could go back to last Friday when every fiber of my being was screaming at me that Chilly was having a heart attack. I wish I would have pinned him to the ground and shoved an aspirin down his throat when he put me off about his symptoms. I wish he would have agreed to go to the ER...Sadly, I can't turn back time...

We were told today that Chilly has suffered a stroke in addition to a heart attack. These two events occured together...meaning, he had the stroke which then triggered the heart attack. They've determined that these events happened on Friday. His kidneys are now severely compromised as well. Once they realized that he was in cardiac distress, they gave him a cardiac catheter to take a closer look at his heart function. During that procedure, he had SEVERE allergic reactions to the anesthetics and they had to stop the angiogram in order to not risk his life. This morning he was complaining of numbness in his face and his motor skills were funky. A CT scan revealed the stroke. Yeah...good times around the hospital....

His bypass grafts are ok, but other areas of his heart are in trouble....BIG trouble. He's still in critical condition as of this evening. The nurses finally made me leave so that I could get some sleep. I've been teetering on the edge of dehydration and shock this evening, so I agreed.

Diabetes is the main culprit of this attack on my husband's body. This disease is so dangerous because it's truly a silent killer. I despise you, Diabetes. I hate that you are robbing my husband of his health and vitality. I hate that you've already nearly taken his eyesight from him. I hate that you are working very hard at trying to take his life from me and my children. I've got news for you, Diabetes...There's a new sheriff in town, and you need to get the hell out of Dodge...NOW....

Your continued prayers are much appreciated....It really does make a huge difference knowing people are rooting for you to get well. Chilly is truly grateful for all of your support. I will try to post more when I don't feel so incoherent. I will be back at the ICU first thing in the morning. I'll be there through the weekend, I'm sure...

Again, my sincere gratitude to you all...

With love,


Vickie said…
Oh My Goodness! I am so sorry!! My thoughts are with you, your Husband and your family.

Anonymous said…
So scary. :(

Liz Mays said…
I'm so glad you updated with more details. I had no idea how much of a role diabetes played in this whole thing.

I wish I could do something to help but I will continue to pray for Chilly.

We love you both!
Beth said…
Oh, Dawn... I am so sorry. No one should have to go through all that. You've been in my thoughts and prayers - and you and your family will remain there.

Please let me know if there is anything else I can do.
Caitlin said…
Our thoughts, love and prayers and with you and Chilly and your children. We really are rooting for you, Chilly. You can pull through!
Deb said…
oh dawn. i am so sorry. it sounds like he is in wonderful hands, and you need to balance being by his side with making sure you get the rest, food, water that you need. you need to be strong for him and the kids!
Kelly said…
Prayers still coming! Hang in there Chilly!!!
Cammie said…
I am so sorry you have all of this going on. Will say a prayer for healing for Chilly!
Anonymous said…
I'm so sorry that ya'll are going through this. My prayers are with you all. *hugs* If there is anything we can do, let us know.
Ash said…
Oh Dawn, I've missed all of this - tons of thoughts and prayers coming your and Chilly's way.

Take care of yourself as well. Em
Badass Geek said…
I hope he improves quickly. You'll both be in my thoughts today.
Annie said…
Oh honey! I'm so very, very sorry. I've spent my days in ICU with my honey and it's a hard, cold place (even when the staff is wonderful). I'll keep praying for all of you.

Please take care of yourself! Chilly needs you and you won't do anyone any good if you are down sick too.
Ter said…
this is bringing tears to my eyes, because I know how hard it is to see your husband in such a state, and there's nothing you can do to help them. :(

((many hugs))
Claire said…
Oh Dawn, I am just now seeing both of these posts. What a horrible, horrible situation. I'm so sorry that you and the children are having to go through this sad and stressful time, and that Chilly is having to deal with so many physical problems, in addition to probably worrying about the three of you!

I wish there was something I could say, all wisdomy, that would make things better or at least make you feel better. Just know that there are so many people who care about you and your family, and we are all praying for a happy and healthy outcome.
Amy said…
When you're caring for someone it's so difficult to remember to take care of yourself, but you must Dawn. It has to be excruciatingly difficult for you now, and I'm so very sorry. Those beautiful children need their mama to be healthy, so try to remember, okay? We're all rooting for Chilly and you and the kids. There's a whole lot of love surrounding your family and a world of good thoughts, prayers and wishes.
thais said…
I can't even imagine your pain... Your family is in my thoughts and in my heart in this difficult moment. Hope everything gets better soon!
Randi Troxell said…
oh honey... you and your family will continue to be in my prayers and thoughts... i hope something gets better soon so you can relax...
aurora said…
I am so sorry to hear about Chilly! I will be thinking of you and you will all be in my prayers. xo aurora
Jess said…
I'm sending lots of love and good vibes your way honey. You & the fam are def in my thoughts. Love you Mama Bee!
Michelle-y said…
You are a brave and spectacular woman. You, your kiddos and Chilly (of course) are in my prayers.
Bobby G said…
Diabetes is a POS, I worry about my dad everyday
Sara said…
My heart goes out to you and your family. I will be thinking of you and praying for you all. May the weekend bring good news and uplift everyone's spirits!
PS I agree diabetes SUCKS!
Unknown said…
WOW, Dawn...hang in there is all i've got.

that's tough, your husband is lucky to have you on his side.

and most men are disgustingly stubborn...mine drove himself to the ER when he was in agony, lying to me the whole time that he'd be fine. afterwards he said that he thought that he was going to die from the pain.

happy and healing thoughts to you all.

LadyStyx said…
It's a terrible, horrid disease which runs on both sides of my family. Amazing how many things can go wrong and this killer is the root cause.
Eve said…
We'll be praying for you.
Hang in there!
Anonymous said…
Oh Dawn, I'm not liking the news as I know you all aren't either. I'm so sorry you & your family have to go through this. If you need a sheriff's assistant, I'm here for ya ;-) But yes, don't forget you must take care of yourself too, get that you can be there for him and the kiddos. And we are here for you too, so keep that in mind. Hope he gets better over the weekend...thoughts & prayers coming your way.

Jamie :)
kado! said…
OH...MY....I did not think I was going to be brought to tears this morning as I "caught-up" on blog reading...I can't believe or even comprehend what you have been going thru...but even though we really don't "know" each other...know that I am thinking of you and your husband and sending the most positive thoughts your way while you are dealing with this....I hope his body heals very quickly so that your heart can be at rest and focus on happier thoughts!
Dapoppins said…
Oh sweetie. I am so sorry to hear that your family is facing this fight yet again. Wish I was closer so I could come and help out with the mundane stuff while you were in the fighting ring...

Saying prayers of healing now...
stephilinn said…
If any of Dawn's followers happen to read this, I just want to say a big thank you for all your support. I finally broke down and started crying like a baby today after reading all of your wonderful thoughts and prayers for my sister and her family. Thank you all so much. She needs the support. I only wish I could be there with her. You all are truly wonderful.

Dawn's little sister
Jenners said…
Oh Dawn. I'm so so sorry to hear this. I wish I could make everything OK. Listen to the nurses though and get some sleep if you can. I can only imagine what you and the kids are going through. Hang in there and I'm praying praying for all you.

♥ Noelle ♥ said…
so sorry to hear about your hubby! i will keep you all in my prayers!!
LORI said…
Oh Dawn! I am so sorry! I wish I had the words to make this all better! The best I can do is let you know I send all my love, support and prayers to you, Chilly and your sweet children! {Hugs} and Prayers Galore!
Tracy said…
Lots and lots of love to you Momma Bee!!!
I read with tears in my eyes. I am so sorry, and I am praying for your whole family.

Kim said…
Just popping in to say that I'm praying for your husband, and for you, Dawn. Hang in there.
Mother Mayhem said…
Rooting over here! HUGS

(Jack and I are both diabetics.)
Jennifer said…
Praying for you Dawn and your hubby.
I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. I hate that your husband has to go through this as well as you and the family.

Stay strong. With that I mean, you need to take care of yourself in order to help him.

If you wouldn't mind emailing me your address I would really like to send a card.

Warm hugs to you!
Kathy B! said…
My thoughts are with you often, Bee. And you always have my prayers. For Chilly and for you and for the kids.

Hang tight. We're all rooting for you.
The Mrs. said…
Praying all over the place. I know it works! You are such a hero, I can't even imagine what you're going through. I am truly sorry and saddened to hear it. Sending you all my LOVE!
Liz Mays said…
I haven't stopped praying for you both, Dawn!
Mammatalk said…
Lots of good, positive, healthy vibes sent your way.
kimberlee said…
I am just now reading this. THoughts and prayers for your family and Chilly. So scary.

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