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Brunch, Gypsies and Goofballs....

Just returned from a brunch outing courtesy of Chilly....(which was delicious, thank you very much,..although it was a wee bit disgusting when you returned to the table with breakfast fare and a SALAD, Chilly....GACK! I realize after 14 years, I should be used to this, but not so much!)

Had some interesting brunch conversation....

Mommy: "Almost Teen Caveboy, I can totally picture you rockin' the surgeon scrubs and saving lives. That's very cool!"

Irish Dancer Girl: "And I can totally see me using my princess camera to take a picture of you in the nurses room."

(WHAT???) Almost Teen Caveboy chokes on his beverage and wants to offer up his sister for sale...."Can you list her on ebay this week?"


Fast forward to parking lot...Mommy...busy buckling in the Irish dancer girl...Almost Teen Caveboy...prepping his iPod for the trip home....a normal All American family moment...or is it???

Suddenly, Chilly yells out from the driver's seat: "Do not-ta shrink me, gypsy!" in his Borat voice....

We all stop and stare at his heart medication messing with him or has he just completely lost his marbles?

He continues (very, very LOUDLY)..."I-ya look upon your treasures, gypsy..Is this the previous owner, gypsy? Perhaps, one that you shrunk-a?" (Chilly holds up one of Irish dancer girl's dolls...)

Irish dancer girl (in her best gypsy voice): "I'm-a gonna shrink you if you don't start driving! I've got princess exercises to do! I've got wand lifting, twirling and tea parties to plan! Now drive!"

And scene!

Anyone care to join us on our next brunch outing???


LadyStyx said…
I would! Sounds like a blast.
Liz Mays said…
Within the confines of our own families, it's amazing what is said and done! :) My goofy bunch is very much like this too.
Wow! Sounds like some kind of absurdist play. You need to get it produced off-Broadway.
stephilinn said…
hahahahahah! love it!
Anonymous said…
The gypsy scene made me giggle!
♥ Noelle ♥ said…
that is cute!! you sound normal to me:) lol
Anonymous said…
Hahahaha, sounds like my kinda brunch...i'm in for next time ;-)

Jamie :)
Devri said…
As normal as me, I'd join ya!
Ter said…
sounds like the entertainment was good, but the real question is, how was the food?!
Kelly said…
Such great and funny kids! I love those kind of family moments.

Thanks for sharing.
Lesley said…
classic.....the nurses room would have probably have me peeing my pants don't invite me...
Kitten said…
Can I come with you? I love the gypsy talk!
Sounds like you guys had a great time!!!
Never a dull moment! I would totally join you. Ya'll sound like GREAT entertainment!
Badass Geek said…

Like the new design, btw.
Randi Troxell said…
i do believe that you may have a funny family... though still you all sound so lovable too!!
Alexis AKA MOM said…
Love it sign me up for the next one!
Mother Mayhem said…
Strap me in! I'm game! :o)

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