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What's the Story?

My husband and his father have a charming “phone” ritual that always makes me smile. Every call they share begins with “What’s the story?”

I am a lover of stories. I love reading them, listening to them and writing them. Whether it’s a group of preschoolers gathered at the library for storytime, friends regaling each other with their vacation adventures, or reading a bedtime story to a child…stories are what connect us to each other.

I love that stories come in many shapes and sizes….shared through the written word, woven in song, and played out in films. Stories are created with works of art. Beautiful stories are shared through dance. Some of my favorite stories are in photographs…a picture really is worth thousands of words. My kids love our photo albums…they are our family story.

I began to read a fairytale to my daughter the other day that began with the classic “ Once upon a time”…just after I spoke those magical words, Catherine sighed and said “I love those words ‘cause I know something good is going to happen." Those four words hold such promise…you just know that you are about to hear something wondrous from the land of Story.

One of my favorite ways to share stories with my son is to spend an afternoon with him as a “book buddy” where we curl up in our favorite spots and read (mine in a cozy chair with a warm beverage…his stretched out on the floor) …to me, that is pure bliss.

The Land of Blog is filled with amazing storytelling! I love connecting with fellow bloggers and following their journeys. Millions of bloggers are telling their stories daily through this medium. It’s absolutely fantastic!

Other ways we’ve spun our stories throughout time…ghostly tales around the campfire, hieroglyphics in ancient times, woven medieval tapestries, the songs of the bards, old wives tales, handwritten letters….I recently read “The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society.” It is a story written through letters. I found this book completely charming! A huge thanks goes out to "Me" over at An Eagle's View for recommending this book! (I highly recommend it too, by the way…)

Stories inspire us, tug at our heartstrings, give us courage and make us look deeper. Each of us has a unique story. Lots of folks lately have taken to writing down their life stories, printing them and giving them as gifts. What a treasure! I have often thought about writing a “mom-oire” to share with my kids. My daughter asked me recently if I would print my blogs so she could read my “book”. I am doing that this weekend and putting the pages in a binder for her. I hope she likes it!

Catherine’s favorite game of the moment (aside from her obsession with UNO) is “Tell Me a Story” from eeboo. You spread out the picture cards and create a story that is laid out in the cards. She loves spinning tales this way. (I highly recommend all eeboo products!)

I have this plaque hanging in my kitchen to remind me every day that I am writing my story through my words and actions.

Each day I create a new chapter…will it be a comedy, a medical drama or an action adventure tale? If Colin Firth or Sean Bean comes by, I can assure you, it would be a sizzling hot trashy romance novel! lol!

Today I leave you with this…

What’s your story?


P.S. Guess how many blogs I stalked yesterday???? Five!!! Wow! Can you believe that?? More sick kid action in my house! lol! Hopefully, today I can get to...oh, I don't know...maybe 10? lol!


Kristina P. said…
Well, you are so fancy! I'm sure it will be amazing.
Anonymous said…
Oh, I've got lots o' stories to tell Dawn ;-) Love the post...and that your daughter knows that 'Once upon a time,' ends in a nice way, that is so sweet.

Jamie :)
p.s. hope the kiddos are feeling better soon too.
Anonymous said…
I'm a fan of stories, too! I guess that's why I love reading so much.. And the Anne Frank book - loving it so far - I'm only on page like 100 something. :)
Caitlin said…
Beautifully put! One of the things I remember most from my childhood is reading with my mom and sister. We would all relax with a book on weekends.
Eve said…
I agree with your daughter. "Once Upon A Time" is one of my favorite phrases as well. I always think of Princesses and castles and dragons.

Now I feel like reading a fairy tale.
Eve said…
Oh - I meant to add: I have that very same plaque. It's one of my favorites (though I confess that my other favorite is: What if the hokey pokey is what it's all about?")! ;)
Randi Troxell said…
i absolutely adored this post! so wonderful and i also think its wonderful that you are printing out your blog, binding it, and giving it to her to read! that is so very cool!
Unknown said…
unfortunately i won't be allowing my kids to read my blog.

until they are adults, anyhow;)

my blog has evolved into more than a family album,'s become more like my outlet for expelling whatever needs to be purged from within me.

plus i swear...a lot.

but it is my story, and i suppose it helps me to remember where i've been and it's also a constant reminder of where i want to go.

Vickie said…
I love to listen to my kids when they make up stories. They are so entertaining and funny:)

Printing out a blog! Cool. I just have to figure how to do that, Hmmmmm.

Hope you kids feel better.
beckylbranch said…
I'm not sure what MY story's not too exciting! I love to read everyone's stories too, maybe that is why I like blogging so much as well! My blog is my scrapbook through life and I hope someday when I am old and gray I can look back and say "remember when???"
Kitten said…
That was an amazing post, Dawn. One of the reasons why I love blogging so much is that everyone has their own stories to share.
kado! said…
♥ your new look!!

That story the kids can create sound SO fun...I'll have to look into that!
blognut said…
I love to read!

And here's to better health at your house. :)
June said…
So well written Dawn. I do love a good story and I'm in awe of good story-tellers. I have a story that I have wanted to write for so long, but don't quite know how to start. I loved reading this post.
A Psych Mommy said…
Your daughter is so insightful with her words :) In Hawaii (where my mom was lucky to grow up), they call it "talk story"--so that's what we do with our friends as we sit with a glass of wine (or coffee, or what have you) and just talk to connect with one another
Polka Dot Moon said…
Fabulous post as always :)

Your daughter will enjoy your "book" someday!! I know I do :)
Unknown said…
What a lovely post! We really enjoy reading stories in our house too! I think that printing out your blog for your daughter is such a great idea, I bet she reads it over and over.
I too get behind on the blog stalking! Sometimes I just say oh well I will get to it on Saturday!
I loved "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society" as well. My book club chose it for this month's read. And I agree, the tell me a story cards are worth every penny!

Thanks for commenting on the Sweethearts post. I haven't looked for them in the stores yet. Wonder if they are available at Wal-Mart and similar big box retailers? Now you have me curious.
LORI said…
BrnEyedGal said…
Hey thanks so much for stopping by my blog...
I so LOVED this have such a beautiful way with words!!! :)
I can remember sitting at my desk in 6th grade after lunch listening to my teacher read the Caldecott Award Winning Novels to us. (Everyday was a different chapter from books like Olde Yeller and Island of the Blue Dolphins....that was such a special time!)
Thanks for helping us all remember how much story telling is a part of our everyday lives.... :)
Marie Reed said…
Ohhhh no! Sick and summertime don't mix! That is so groovy that she wants your posts in book form. It is such a delightful family diary! Kat is one smart cookie. I will sooooo try this game out too:)
Amy said…
I have that sign too! I guess it resonates with those of us who write and love to read. We're all about the story!

Maybe my kids can read my blogs when they're older and won't be so offended that I refer to them as Snotty & Grumpy. Oops.

I'd been wondering about that book. I saw it at Sam's Club and thought it looked interesting. Now that I have a recommendation, I'll pick it up to read when we take the long trip to Texas next week. Thanks for that!
Barb said…
What a wonderful post. I've always said "Life is a series of stories, but you get to control which way they go."
The Blonde Duck said…
Love the new look! I'm going to check out that book!
Michelle said…
Oh the stories are always so precious... and Mister Man and I also love spending time reading together -- our own books but still together. And telling stories to each other. I love both the imagination used to create the new ones and the memories brought about via the true ones. And the entertaining perceptions the wee ones have!
Caitlin said…
Yay! Thanks for the intermittent stalking! ;) Always looove to hear from you!
LadyStyx said…
My story starts in my Padded Room entries (the Like a Phoenix blog) and finishes up in the 2Cents blog.

Love that plaque!
Mammatalk said…
You're a girl after my own heart. I love stories.
Lori said…
loved your post here...i am so in love with reading...i am going to look for your recommendation next time i am at my library...thanks!!!
Kristen Andrews said…
I love a good story too! My Dad loves to tell stories and we love to hear them even if we have heard them before. I love Once Upon A Time too, may your daughter feel that magic forever!
Marie Reed said…
I made a video about the history of potatoes that your kids might like! It's on the blog! I thought of you:) Have a nifty weekend!
Alexis AKA MOM said…
Love stories and you know how much I love to read yours! You always make me giggle :)

Stories oh boy do I have them, and sadly it would take up too much of your comment field ... LOL :)

Oh no sick kids, hope everyone is feeling better. Much love my dear!
Night Owl Mama said…
loved your post so heart warming thank you for your kinds words they brought a smile to my face when I read them. thanks for taking the time to vote as well. My heart appreciates it.

LOVE your button with the owl. I'm looking for something with owls. ITs hard getting older and especially when it seems like no one cares.
Hit 40 said…
Thank you for stalking me today!!! The time really adds up.

I love - What's your story? Great way to start a conversation.
I am loving your blog! It's my first time here, but I will be back soon! I have that same plaque and I love it... SO true. Plus, I home school my two cuties, too!:) Lori
Shauna said…
Love it! Hope you have a Happy 4th of July weekend! ♥ HUGS ♥
Anonymous said…
This is why I scrapbook and try to journal at least 50% by hand. My Nana was born in 1911 and I have her scrapbooks. She has pictures of houses she lived in with notes on the backs of how much the houses cost. Those kinds of notes, those kinds of details, are a treasure to me. I have Bipolar Disorder and my story is that I'm all over the place. I kinds think my blog reflects that even though I don't talk about the BPD much. At least I feel like it's all over the place! :::visiting from SITS:::
Very well said! I enojyed meeting you!
tinkalicious said…
I always tell everyone, "everyone has a story". When you know that person's story, the event that defined them, then you truly understand them and why they are the way they are. Many people's are not happy stories, but out of their adversity they shaped themselves into the person they become. Some are just inspiring, but all are extremely interesting and I love discovering each and every one of them.
Anonymous said…
What a beautiful post. I love the tradition your hubby and his father have. And what your daughter said about "Once upon a time".

My story is still being written.
Queenie Jeannie said…
Oh, what an amazingly lovely post!!! LOVED IT!! I liked what you said and how you wrote it.

And definitely something to think about!!!! Hugs!
Tess said…
I love this post. We have a "Once upon a time" ritual too!
Liz Mays said…
You're so right about the Once Upon a Time opener. Even though my kids are older, their eyes get a special sparkle when I begin a tale of wonder.
Nancy Face said…
I just love the words "Once Upon a Time" too! :)

This was a wonderful post! I enjoyed it so much! :)
Loved this post!!

My story? Its a long one..but well worth the ink!!
The Rambler said…
I so agree with you on this. I believe it's why I also love to blog, read blogs, be inspired by blogs.

Once upon a time is truly a great way to start a story :)

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