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Marvelous Mermaids on Monday!

(Don't forget to visit Shannon's Weekend Wordles at Last Shreds of Sanity next Saturday to join the Wordle fun!)

When I was a wee girl, I had a very vivid dream that I still remember very clearly. I was a mermaid...swimming along in what appeared to be the countryside near my childhood was just underwater. I remember feeling very peaceful, and that it was filled with twinkling lights. I LOVED that dream! Thus began my fascination with all things Mermaid!

Here are a few famous Mermaids...

This famous Mermaid lives at our house....

Our famous Mermaid, SeaKitten, wanted to share some exciting news! Mermaids have discovered the Snuggie!! (She wanted to make sure Kristina P., Queen of the Snuggie, knew this!)

Here are a few of my favorite bits of Trinkets, Treasures and Mer-chandise...

Marvelous Mer-Make-up...

Mermaid Wearables and Accessories....

Gwen Stefani's Harajuku Mermaid Bag...

You can find this lovely trinket at

Even Mer-girls shop at Tiffany's...

Miss SeaKitten wanted to share her special mer-tastic treasures...she plays with these almost daily!

Thanks for sharing our Marvelous Mermaid Monday with us!

In case you missed this...

Click HERE to see what it's all about!



Bobby G said…
HAD the biggest crush on Ariel from Little Mermaid. Especially when she had legs N couldnt
blognut said…
Cute little mermaid you have there!
Kristina P. said…
I had no idea there was this whole world of mermaids out there!

And I can totally believe they would wear Snuggies. They are awesome! Thanks for the pic!
Jan said…
That was fun Bee. I know that my boys had a crush on Ariel.
Liz Mays said…
I have never even looked at that Starbucks symbol close enough to have noticed it was a mermaid, lol. Thanks for telling me!

I love that mermaid necklace!
Jenners said…
I think SeaKitten is the most beautiful mermaid of all!!
Kathy B! said…
Love the mermaids in Snuggies!!

Now I have to check on this exposing oneself business...
Randi Troxell said…
very mermaidy today... lol!
The Blonde Duck said…
I used to want to be a mermaid.
Erin said…
For 25 years my husband's mom was considered a real-life mermaid. She was a professional underwater scuba dive model/instructor. She has been on the covers of magazines and in ads looking like a mermaid. (She's tall and gorgeous - yeah, not intimidating to me at all.)

Cool mermaid stuff!
I have been oblivious to the world of mermaids! Look at all I have been missing out on!
Alyssa said…
I read your little interview and freaked out when I read that Chilly calls you mouse! A couple years ago, I got sparkly Minnie ears at Disney World. After our trip, I was unpacking my suitcase and put the ears on. Nate walked in the room and looked at me and I said, "Hi, it's me, MOUSE!" and he cracked up and has called me mouse occasionally since then. What a funny thing to have in common!
LadyStyx said…
*gigglez* mermaids in snuggies...
LORI said…
Polka Dot Moon said…
We love mermaids around here and I LOVE that Gwen Stefani Purse!!!!
♥ Noelle ♥ said…
what a cute mermaid post! LOVE the mermaid makeup!!!
Mother Mayhem said…
M'kay... Mermaids in snuggies are just creepy.

LOVE you lil mermaid! :o)
Queenie Jeannie said…
Loved it all!!!! Bella plays with Ariel and Flounder in the bathtub most nights!
Alexis AKA MOM said…
So digging all the mermaids! Love a few of the purses, wonder if I pull that off? LOL

Exposing yourself ... OHHHH well once I told a skinny dip story for a book so who knows :)
Jeanne Estridge said…
Visiting from Chaka's....

Although I'm now an old bat, my daughter was born when I was 19. I don't remember being a young mom being all that great -- no money and less common sense. I think it makes a lot more sense to wait until you're financially and psychologically prepared.

(Totally out of context -- blame Chaka!)
Dapoppins said…
Ooooh. I think I need some of that mermaid stuff. Gimme gimme...

I was going to say something else...something about...?

I am still in shopping mode. Now if I only had the money to shop.
Anonymous said…
Cool! The kids I nanny for are in a mermaid themed camp this week so I'm hearing all about them!

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