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"Did You Know?" Tuesday: Stranger than Fiction Edition

I am back with another self created edition of "Did You Know? Tuesday!" I know...I can feel your pity delight all the way over here! Off we go!

Did You Know....

**that I am an awesome baton twirler? (Chilly, I know you are blown away by this confession, but it's true!)

**that I have a panini press and I'm not afraid to use it? If it can be smashed into a grilled sandwich, watch out!

**that these are my favorite flip flops (Skechers Skullys) on the planet?...and that mine (shown below the nice crisp clean one) are tattered from tons of wear but I refuse to stop wearing them???...see?...super nasty, but I can't stop wearing them!...and yes...I have lots of really "nice" shoes too...(Thank you, blueviolet, for giving me the courage to come clean...or not!)

Did You Know....

**that I want to wear this very cool glow in the dark stick figure princess costume for Halloween?

**that I hung out with this kooky bunch as a kid?

**that I think he's adorable and could listen to him chitty chat all day long?? (Check him out in Becoming Jane, Atonement, Wanted, and The Last King of Scotland...Jame are yummy!)

**that this book is wonderful inspiration for aspiring writers?

**that while I love the scarf trend, I won't be wearing one of these...

**that I thank you from the bottom of my bloggy heart for sharing your bloggy love with Chaka yesterday! (He's up to 90 followers now! Scooty on over and let's see if we can get him to 100 today!!!)

Happy Tuesday!



kimberlee said…
Oh my gosh, that last one. Oh my.
Baton Who would have thought?!
Randi Troxell said…
that sandwich looks awesome... and those scarfs... gross!!!
Kristina P. said…
I will literally cage fight you for James McAvoy. I heart him.

In fact, I had a James McAvoy marathon last weekend, watching Penelope, Wanted, and Atonement. My husband was clearly out of town.
Caitlin said…
The shoes! Oh Lord, the shoes. I have so many pairs of rundown shoes similar to those you have no idea. I've had one pair of tennies going on 8 years. Yikes.
Bobby G said…
I need a blog explosion like that! I want 100 followers too! lol
Anonymous said…
Haha! Did BV start a trend, are we all supposed to confess about the raggedy items we still wear? Mine would definitely be the bra. Once I find a good bra I stick with it for the long haul.
The Blonde Duck said…
Tattered flip flops just mean they've been loved.
Jess said…
Happy Tuesday Mama!
Leslie Lopez said…
Glad you like the GlowPrincess. On most days, I feel like her but every now and then my family thinks I resemble Glowitch!
Jan said…
How funny. I love that you baton twirled. That is so great. And your panini maker and our panini maker should get together and get married to make more panini makers. Deal?
Unknown said…
I love your flip flops, and that picture of James McAvoy just made my afternoon a little brighter! Thanks!
Marie Reed said…
I sort of want one of those scarves. I mean I wear a AAAA bra so this would be a real improvement! I tried to go follow Chaka but I couldn't find the follower widget! The blog must be cracking out for some oddball reason!
beckylbranch said…
I LOVE James McAvoy-where is he!!!! I want his next movie out and I want it now! Also-that boobie scarf is hilarious-who on earth???
Eve said…
I became a follower of Chaka yesterday (after reading your post)- he's hilarious!

Those scarves are, uh... creepy.

Ooh - I want to be a stick figure princess for Halloween too... or maybe for everyday. I dunno.

Cute flip flops - my favorite scarf (or hair band - depending on how I wear it) is covered in skulls. It came attached to a shirt (like a belt, I think). I loved the scarf so much that I bought the ugly shirt just so that I could keep the scarf and toss the rest. ;)
3 Bay B Chicks said…
You may very well be the funniest person on the planet. Add to the fact that you can twirl a baton and I just may want to be you.


Jennifer said…
I LOVE your flip-flops! But the scarf? Yeah, I'll take a pass too!
Thanks now I want a Panini press. :) Your post made me giggle. I'll have to pass on the scarf as well.
Jillene said…
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Boob Scarf!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! That is freaking hilarious!!
LadyStyx said…
Oh you SO forgot to list that he was in the first Narnia movie. He played Mr Tumnus, the half man, half goat. And yeah, I think I could listen to him all day!
Kitten said…

I loved the Harvey cartoons as a kid, too...Casper was my fave.

When I find a good sweatshirt, I wear it for the long haul. As I told Blueviolet the other day, I have this one sweatshirt that I have owned since high school that still fits and I refuse to part with. I lurve it!
stephilinn said…
Hey! You didn't tell me you modeled for a scraf! (The saggage is a perfect replica!) Heheheheh...your loving and knowing sister!
Unknown said…
I'm so glad I wasnt' drinking when reading today..those scarves are to die for...

You still/always Rock!
Jenners said…
I love Bird by Bird!! Best and most practical writing book ever!

And gotta love those scarfs!
kel said…
Oh James cheeky little devil....meow!
Ann Harrison said…
If that's what the scarf looks like I wonder what's on the earmuffs?!
Leslie said…
I sooo want a Panini Press! The scarf... not so much.
Dapoppins said…
I love Chaka, but I follow him in secret. shhhhh. Don't tell.

And what is that bird book about? how can it be about writing? If it is a book about writing, I need to read it, but I think your just fibbing and it is really about birds and eggs and stuff.
Kristen Andrews said…
oh goodness those booby scarfs are too funny! Have I featured you on my blog yet as a featured reader? bear w/ me I am tired tonight
♥ Noelle ♥ said…
OMG! LMAO; love the saggy boob scarf! that made my night!!
Polka Dot Moon said…
OH DEAR! Are THOSE scarves??! What the heck is on the one on the right and left?!! And what are they grinnin' about?

I was a baton twirler too :) and LOVE Chaka blog!
I'm now following!!
Vickie said…
Yeah, not liking those scarves. Don't like what I have, why add more:)

I would love to get a pannie grill. My lunch would start to look restaurant worthy.

I really haven't seen those movies with that James dude. Sorry. But last week you wrote about Colin that is a guy I could just listen to all night. But I saw The English Patient last night for the first time and he was trying to kill his wife's lover...NO Mr. Darcy!! Anyway, that is the most depressing movie I ever saw!! I went to bed sad!! Maybe that is why I am in a funk today, hmmm.
LORI said…
Kelly said…
Also LOVE James McAvoy! Something so attractive about a slightly ugly overly confident man with muscles and an accent. So talented.

The boob scarves are burning my eyeballs and making me laugh out loud.

Where do you find this stuff?
Mother Mayhem said…
Hey! I hung out with the same bunch when I was a kid! :o)

I don't need the scarf. Ahem.
stephilinn said…
okay, you got me back by publishing my comment with spelling!
Momo Fali said…
WHAT are those women wearing around their necks?!! That is frightening. It's like seeing my grandma without a shirt on.
I too secretly posses the skills of the baton gifted - or at least I did many, many a year ago ;)

A delightfully entertaining "Did you know" post, Dawn, thank you!

Wishing you a marvelous Wednesday,
♥ Jessica
Jennifer said…
Love the flip flops! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Kimberly said…
I'm thinking that those type of scarves would lead me to have issues about myself. Since they seem to be far larger than the pimples I've been carring about on my chest. I'd mostly likely pass on a scarf like that myself.

Unknown said…
Oh my those scarfs should be outlawed!!! LOL at you have a panni maker and know how to use it...can you come cook dinner at my house tonight!
Alexis AKA MOM said…
you flippin crack me up! Do we get a video of you twirling?

I so need one of those scrafs. Funny thing is I have an email with that picture and have been meaning to post it ... LOL
Jenni said…
I was a competition twirler in high school!

We should start a Blogging Moms Twirling Squad!
Robyn Jones said…
Those are...uh....quite the scarves!!!!!
(cough cough) LOL!
theUngourmet said…
I miss Casper. He was such a friendly ghost! :0)
Tamara Dawn said…
I am so totally buying the booby scarf! LMAO :)

I just wanted to come by and thank you for the nice comment you left on my dented can post. I updated my review for the first week using Skin Free with a Giveaway (yay!)

So far so good *whew* Thanks again. I totally should have heaved a can at that mean lady hehe
Ms Cupcake said…
Love the scarf!

Dropping by from sits and blog hopping. Have a great Thursday!
Ms Cupcake
Debbie said…
I'd love to see you twirling that thin - the baton, not the scarf. That would just be wrong.
Liz Mays said…
You know how I feel about those sandals...they have incredible amounts of life left in them.

I would actually wear a booby scarf...under my shirt in place of my own.
Love those scarves...though I wouldn't be caught dead in one!

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