As you may know, I am experiencing some problems with Blogger...more specifically Google Friend Connect. Yesterday, my blog was removed by Blogger, and every blog that I follow lost me as a follower! I still have NO clue why this happened. Fortunately, I was alerted by the FaBuLoUs blueviolet that something was amiss...

The most amusing part of this nightmare is that once I realized what happened, I immediately tried to reconstruct my "blogilicious" list (blog roll). I'm still missing some, but am trying hard to figure it out. Once I had a good chunk of blogs, I went to each one and tried to re-follow. This is what I encountered....EVERY.STINKIN'.TIME.......(it doesn't matter which browser I use...I've tried them all...)
In case you can't read it, it says "We're sorry, the site owner has blocked you from joining this site."
Notice who I was trying to follow (just for grins and giggles) at that point.....Yeah, MYSELF! I couldn't even join my own blog!
After hours of searching the interwebs for answers, all I could come up with is that Blogger / Google Friend Connect has been dealing with the issue over the last couple of months. (Remember the Great Lost Followers episode a few months back? Followers were droppin' like flies from blogs all over Blog Land...that was all Blogger...)
I can't seem to find any answers anywhere. Trust me...I spent HOURS in the help forum yesterday. If this has happened to any of you, I would be enormously grateful for any advice!
I tried to email as many bloggy friends as possible just to let them know I wasn't jumping ship on their fabulous blogs! If I didn't email you, it's only because I had no contact information. If I follow your blog and it appears I've left, please know that I haven't! I'm still here!!! I'm going to try over the weekend to spread my comment lovin' to continue in my quest to leave no blog behind!

The blessing in all of this is the overwhelming outpouring of support and concern from everyone! Wow! I am truly humbled by all of the bloggy love sent my way over the last couple of days! I am so grateful and want to thank all of you for the kind words! Chilly says "thanks" too! It meant alot to him that so many were concerned for his well being.
In the words of Chilly "We ask that you bear with us during this transition..." (although he uses this strictly to get out of trouble...)
I will be out of the Land of Blog and visiting the Land of Nod today. I spent most of yesterday afternoon and a HUGE chunk of my night (till 4 am!) trying to sort this out. I am in need of a nap and a wee bloggy break. I will return over the weekend:)
Thanks are all freakin' fabulous!!
Blogger needs to be spanked.
I'm so glad yours is back up but I wish everything had come back intact.
You definitely deserve some nod time. Zzzzzzzz
Luv ya!
I checked and it says I am blocking no one. The weird thing is my followers widget says all my followers are still following, but you are not there. I am shaking my head...Blogger needs to stop messing around!!
Hopefully this doesn't screw up your weekend.
stop by for some guaranteed laughs on my post and leave me a comment
Id never block u
Get some rest.
Sure hope that you can get back on track soon.
I hope it all works out soon. Much love, now get a nap!
I hope things get back in order soon. (You still show up in my blog roll, so I wasn't aware of the problem until I saw that you'd updated your blog.)
I hope things get back in order soon. (You still show up in my blog roll, so I wasn't aware of the problem until I saw that you'd updated your blog.)
I have to be honest, I HATE that whole google friend thing. They have taken over my email and its annoying. Yahoo has it too. Blech!
Sorry Blogger/Google isn't playing nice! They need to be grounded!
I am SOOO SORRY all this garbage happened to you! I am not skilled with the computer, so if Blogger decides to do that to me, I'll just give up and move to a deserted island or something! ;)
Hang in there! I hope you can figure everything out! :)
I did get your email and I was surprised to hear what had happened. That stinks. I haven't heard of it happening before. I hope you can get it all straightened out. I always enjoy your posts.....very entertaining. Hope all is well.