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Wordless Wednesday (almost): Who Are The "People" in Your Neighborhood?

Cat made some new friends in our neighborhood friends wearing fun summer fashions....

Cat sharing a laugh with the ladies....I kept telling her to ask them why they weren't wearing their Old Navy Town Gowns, but she wouldn't do I asked them myself and they said it was "casual Tuesday".....I said I thought it should be "Town Gown Tuesday", but they just shoo'd me off to the "2 for $5.00" flip flop sale.....

Of course, Cat wants to adopt this puppy....the Modelkins family didn't want to give him up....Do you have any interesting people in your neighborhood???


Liz Mays said…
Go with the fake puppy! It's so much better than the real "naughty" thing in my picture. ;)

Cat's bangs are looking good these days!
Jess said…
Those creep me the eff out. Seriously.
Hit 40 said…
LOL!! Took me a minute to see her in with the mannequins. Cute!!
Debbie said…
Those are great! I have to go with blueviolet on the fake puppy being better than the real thing:)
Ter said…
I find those creepy!!!

not your daughter, of course, but the rest of 'em. ;0)
That is hilarious! Truly..nothing is off limits when its for blogging!
Kim said…
Ha! Took me a second to find her in that first pic.
Bobby G said…
WOW!!! those commercials crack my shit up!!!!
Jennifer said…
Cute pics! Just found your blog - enjoyed reading!
Jingle said…
They are amazingly creepy! LOL! Everytime I go in there I get creeped out!
LadyStyx said…
I love the tank top on the blonde in the last picture. Kiddo almost blends right in with them.
Randi Troxell said…
yea man! those town gown commercials are funny... but then, they get kinda scary!!
Jess said…
There is no end to the fun my crew would have had with those plastic peeps!
Eve said…
Cute pup - too bad they wouldn't give him up, he seems like such a clean & quiet pet! ;)
Dapoppins said…
I never know what Old Navy is actually selling. I am that fascinated by the doings and conversation of the over botox-ed people. No wrinkles. It is amazing!
Polka Dot Moon said…
"They" are in the same category as clowns.........Creepy and Freaky!!! They scare me a wee bit!

Cat is just precious! Especially in the last photo :)
Kristina P. said…
They sort of freak me out.
The Blonde Duck said…
Those manequins creep me out.
Caitlin said…
Ohhh I hate those things! I hate the commercials even more!!!

Verrrry cute little girl, though! :)
Tricia said…
I love that you had her pose with the mannequins! So funny.
Jillene said…
They are CREEEEEEEEEPY!! But my girls always love the dog too!!
kado! said…
Funny! I'll have to see what my old navy has going on! I think the commercials are funny!
I heard that one of the "models" is pregnant!! LOL
Anonymous said…
These photos look oddly familiar... I believe the Modelquins have met my Haylee before. :) Super cute!
beckylbranch said…
Those things are so WIERD!!!! I love Old Navy, they are too life like. It reminds me of that 1980's move Manequin with Kim Cattrall!
Unknown said…
That is just too funny! Great idea for pictures though. Thanks for sharing!
blognut said…
I do have some interesting people in my neighborhood. But, I am by far, the most interesting person in my neighborhood.
Alexis AKA MOM said…
OMGosh girlie you crack me up so much! Well I guess a new friend is a new friend. And hey you don't have to feed those kind! Same with the dog sneak it out ... LOL

When you get time stop by my Tuesday post I'm hosting a birthday party giveaway ;) Muah
MzUnicaHija19 said…
CUTE pictures but those things scare me!!!
Anonymous said…
Oh yeah, we have talking to manikin pictures too, hahah...cute pup Cat ;-) Sorry you didn't get to take it home.

Jamie :)
Robyn Jones said…
LOL! Great least her friends aren't invisible...
Robyn Jones said…
oh...and ps...fake puppies pee less, shed less and eat less...
Sara Elizabeth said…
Fun series. I haven't been into an Old Navy in forever. Looks fun.

Happy WW from Sara @ the Mostly Wordless Wednesday H.Q.!
Anonymous said…
Oh gosh, we have crazies in our neighborhood!! LOL

our neighbor who was one day married... next day has a college girl living with him... WOW!

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