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Thankful Thursday...Memory Loss Edition

Yesterday, while driving to Irish dance, my mind was zipping through my list of 45 million things to do when all of a sudden, I started thinking about how nice it would be to have a butler ....which then made me think of this guy...(weird, I realize, but my mind is filled with lots of weirdness these days)

Yes, that would be Mr. French....the world's first tv "manny". Back in the day he was called a butler, but seriously, he was all "manny." (Which would you prefer...a manny or a nanny?)

I thought it would be so lovely to be greeted upon arriving home by my butler..."May I assist you with the 25 gazillion items that need to be brought in from the car, Madam?"...."Here are your keys, Madam"...(that alone, would be worth the six figure salary he asked for when I hired him...)...."How about a glass of tea, Madam?" Then he would whip up a fabulous meal while I relaxed with my tea. Sigh.....

Then, being the mind wanderer that I am, I tried to remember the theme song to "Family Affair". I couldn't remember it! It drove me nuts for the rest of the day! Friends would talk with me and all the while, my mind is trying to grab at any little memory of that dumb song! I would nod politely and say "uh-huh", "why, of course"and so on while my friends chatted happily about their summer plans, but inside my mind I was having a complete nervous breakdown because I could not remember that dumb song! It was almost as traumatizing as the time I couldn't remember that dumb arcade game, Tempest...That worked on me for weeks...I forgot about Google back then...Stupid menopausal brain fade!

So, I did what any old person like me would do when having memory issues...I googled Mr. French (not in a creepy way...tsk tsk...minds out of the gutter, please..) Still nothing....Then I remembered YouTube...and VOILA! There it was! I felt an enormous weight being lifted from my shoulders! (Here's a link in case you don't remember it either....) So on this Thankful Thursday, I am thankful for YouTube. YouTube, I love ya....

I am also thankful for Heather aka Mrs. Southern Bride (who is the cutest thing around!) for sharing the Honest Scrap Award with me! I love reading her blog! Pop over and say hello! You'll adore her too! Thank you, Heather, for sharing this with me!

Since I've shared many scraps with you before, I will drop this Honest Scrap bombshell on you today....

I love, love, love the song "Dragula" by Rob Zombie. I drive my kids bananas singing that song...Did that freak you out?...It certainly freaks out my kids!

Also, I have a HUGE crush on this guy...

Swoon....I love Jack...

Have a Happy Thursday!



theUngourmet said…
I loved that show! I still have my Mrs. Beasley!
Jillene said…
I too love Jack. And I can't wait until I get to see him. October 2010 here I come better be ready!!
Ashley said…
You most certainly crack me up! But I'm the same way. I cannot wait to sometimes bust out a google search for something that's been occupying my mind all day.
I don't know what we ever did before the internet. "Google it" is common advice at my house!
Bobby G said…
I like Thunderkiss 65 by White Zombie, thats the JAM!!!!!
blognut said…
Okay, I can't You Tube anything while I'm here at work, so this going to drive me insane until I can go home and listen to the theme song from Family Affair.

Unless, of course, you'd be willing to call and sing it for me. Then I could possibly get on with my day.
Anonymous said…
That is totally the way my mind works too!

And it's "Manny". Love the mannies.
Kristina P. said…
Uh, oh. I don't know this show at all!
Polka Dot Moon said…
Now I feel old................. I watched "Family Affair" when I was lets just say less than 10 years old!

I would like an extra set of hands, and brain for that matter! I'm forgetful these days..........

sheesh......see I forgot what I was commenting on!
beckylbranch said…
You are so silly...I can't believe you have a crush on Jack! He gives me the creeps!
Kathy B! said…
I actually like that stupid Dragula song, too!!

What is wrong with us?!
Unknown said…
hahah i loved mister french too ... i could use a gentleman's gentleman myself more times than i can count!!! long live the manny!!!
Liz Mays said…
You do know Jack is not real, right?
LadyStyx said…
the song, not so freaky... that last scrap, yeah just a bit.
LORI said…
Beth said…
Now I'm wondering what my mother did with my Mrs. Beasley doll. I loved that silly thing.
Mimi said…
OMG I loved that show. I had a crush on the dad Brian Keith (I think that was his name)
Crazee Juls said…
My kids are kinda old to have a manny or a nanny, maybe not....especially if I could have me a hot "manny" like David Letterman, yeah, that's my strange crush. I'm crazee like that.
The Blonde Duck said…
My buddy Libby loves Jack too. Personally, I prefer men with a bit more meat on their bones.
stephilinn said…
I would totally rock a manny especially if it was "Eric" from True Blood! Now I need to go fantasize abit! (is that how you spell fantasize? My mine just went blank....again....)
Kelly said…
So glad you got that song figured out. I do that all the time! If you tube didn't exist we'd all be bonkers trying to recall things all the time.

Have a good weekend!
Mrs4444 said…
Loved Mr.French!! And I knew the theme song right when you mentioned it. Awesome.
Marie Reed said…
I LURVE youtube! I was watching Roy Rogers Show of all things this morning! Mr. French! I'm on my way:)

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