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Thankful Thursday: A Gentle Reminder (or a brick upside the head...)

Today we are a wee bit sensitive at the Bee and can all send your thanks to Chilly for that....(for those of you just joining our regularly scheduled programming, Chilly would be my hubster...)

You see, Tuesday evening, the Chillmeister decided to interrupt my practically perfect pity party with news that he was bringing home the DVD "Seven Pounds" starring Will Smith. As he delivered this bombshell, I was in the midst of a series of "Why Me's", "What Do You Want From Me's" and other assorted mental suckage issues with God. I find it ironic that shortly after I issued my invite to the Heavens to my pity party, Chilly calls about the DVD. Mind you, he is really proud of himself because he feels he has "listened" to me during casual conversation where I mentioned once that I would like to see that movie. So he calls, and says "I have a surprise for you...yada, yada, yada" and I reply "Whatev" and get back to the pity party. (I think God used Chilly as His messenger to me, because not only did he bring home the movie, but picked up dinner too! Now I am totally suspicious...I feel an emotional conspiracy going on here....)

Fast forward to after the movie....I now understand why this movie is titled "Seven Pounds"....because you need seven pounds of Kleenex while watching it!

Will Smith is absolutely outstanding in this movie! As we are a family potentially dealing with the same issues shown in the film, we were deeply moved by this inspiring (albeit very emotionally charged) story. I don't want to give any plot details away, but I will say it is a film that will sit with you emotionally long after you've seen it.

It is a heartfelt, and at times, soul wrenching story that touched my soul in so many ways. Ironically, it completely shifted my mental attitude from the sadness and overwhelm I feel about Chilly's situation, etc. to a much more hopeful place. It reminded me of my abundance and good fortune (and I don't mean that in the material sense.)

I couldn't have watched it at a better time in my life. Thank you, Chilly, for listening....Thank you, God, for your impeccable timing (as usual!)


Ter said…
I have this movie on my zip list at .... I look forward to seeing it. I've only heard good things about it, and Will Smith is an amazing actor, so you know it can't be a bad movie if he is in it.
Jillene said…
Isn't it funny how things work?! I am glad that the movie came at a time when you really needed it. God works in mysterious ways huh?!
Badass Geek said…
I've heard mixed reviews on this movie. I'm still curious about it, though.
~j said…
hugs to you... =D
Amy said…

You're right. Seven Pounds of Kleenex (or Puffs Plus with Aloe) is needed in order to make it through this movie. I'd heard mixed reviews as well, but after watching it, give two very heart wrenching thumbs up. I adore Will Smith but after this film and, I Am Legend, I hope he makes a comedy!

I'm so glad that you feel you recieved something you were in need of.

Thanks for sharing,

Thank you for the DVD suggestion. I have been running out of stuff to watch. Only so many reruns of Wings that I can watch.

I enjoyed Fireproof for the message the movie had for marriage. The actual acting in the movie was awful!!! But, it will make you think about marriage. I just didn't enjoy watching them argue. My husband and I never yell at each other. We are very passive aggressive.

I'll let you know how I like the Will Smith movie.
Eve said…
I keep meaning to pick this one up, but haven't gotten around to it yet. I am really uncomfortable with movies that make me cry (same goes for books) - I always like them, but I hesitate to watch them.
Liz Mays said…
I swear things like that happen all the time and I'm so glad it did for you via the movie! Now I want to see it.
Bobby G said…
7lbs looked like a good flick, but I hardly ever watch movies, so i have Yet to see it...
Kelly said…
Loved this movie too! My husband thought the ending was too much though.

Glad you are getting some tenter mercies!
Anonymous said…
I've seen this movie and plan to see it again. It indeed stops anyone in their tracks and makes them focus on the good in their lives.

I'm glad your hubby and God worked together to help you. :)
Kristina P. said…
I was going to say the same thing sas Badass Geek. I haven't watched it because of the negative reviews.
The Blonde Duck said…
I'm glad you feel better!
Beth said…
I went to the theatre to see this one and it was a good movie. I liked Will Smith's compassion and I do wish there were really people who were that nice in the real world.

Maybe that should be my new goal - be a "Do Gooder."

Also, heartfelt movies always affect me more when I am in a funk.
Anonymous said…
Haven't seen it but now I must. Your recommendations are always wonderful! Glad you are 'mentally feeling better' Dawn.

Jamie :)
beckylbranch said…
That movie was so good, but SO really makes you think about life and self sacrifice. You need to see Gran Torino with Clint Eastwood..I didn't think I would like it, but it was SO good!
Randi Troxell said…
ive been wanting to watch this... and now after reading this of yours... i def will this wkend!
Polka Dot Moon said…
I lost 7 lbs. of water weight (tears) watching that movie!!! I adore Will Smith :)

I've been in a funk too...........maybe it's just AZ??!!

I'm going to do a little chanting, dancing and sprinkling of some fairy dust to see if it helps. I'll let ya know ;)
blognut said…
I haven't seen it, but mostly because I'm not much of a movie watcher and I never turn on a TV unless it's to watch a sporting event.

However, I've heard that this is one movie that I do need to see. I'm glad it helped brighten you up.
LadyStyx said…
Dontcha just love when things happen in a time when they are really NEEDED?
Robyn Jones said…
I haven't seen this movie, but now I will have to watch it...I have a lot of respect for Will Smith..he is a great actor.....
Mrs4444 said…
You're not going to believe this, but I just finished watching that movie, which is why I am up so late (just checking on my FF post before I go to bed and naturally got to poking around instead!) I agree-very good (though heartwrenching) movie. Still not clear on the title thing, though...
LORI said…
Mother Mayhem said…
Ain't God good? :o)
I'm curious about this movie!
Just SO said…
I really want to see this movie. Even more so now. I'm glad that Chilly got this movie and it was able to move you to a more hopeful place.
Alexis AKA MOM said…
It always seems like he's listen and gives us that gentle little push ... or shove to see the light huh? :)

I've been wanting to see that movie, I know I'll end up watching it by myself and my eyes will be puffed shut the next morning. Since I bawl at Hallmark commercials. I'm waiting for the perfect night were I don't have to go or see anything the next morning.

Much love my dear, you know I'm always thinking of you and the family.
Devri said…
great you saw it when you needed too! I love trash ties!

Hey you, go enter my GIVEAWAY for a chance to win a

IPOD Touch!


(sorry I have bee MIA)
kado! said…
LOVE,LOVE, love that movie!
Tracy said…
I suck... I haven't been around much since the baby has made his arrival. Miss you to pieces. You doing okay? Email me and we'll chat!!!

LOVE LOVE LOVE that movie. And Will Smith. Yum.

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