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Did You Know Tuesday...Peace in the Kingdom Edition

Did You Know Tuesday is a new creation by me because I'm trying to get my bloggy groove back. Did You Know Tuesday is purely my lame way of writing a blog post because my brain function is at zero....Please accept my apologies in advance for any boredom you may incur while reading...Here we go...


that peace has arrived at the magical land of Bee and Rose? No medical dramas playing out with Chilly...Tween Caveboy survived his 24 hour flu (though it was not pretty and Mommy didn't sleep for 2 days...)...Irish Dancer Girl lived through her grueling dance schedule last week....Mommy finally has time to blog...that in itself is a major miracle...


that my bloggy will be undergoing some construction soon?...As Chilly would say whenever trying to weasel out of trouble..."We ask that you bear with us during this transistion." Thanks!


that apparently, Cat Butts are all the rage these days? I have a cat, Shadow, and quite frankly, I'm surprised that he didn't fill me in on this little tidbit. Look...I'll show you...

You can put these on your fridge! I mean, who wouldn't want to look at a cat butt when you're ready to grab a snack? There are five popular breeds and a hairball magnet included...meeeooww.... You can also enjoy a Cat Butt Air Freshener...Did you know that cat butt smells like hyacinth? (Quite honestly, I never want to find my nose close enough to a cat's butt to find out if this is true....)

And finally, it seems that some intrepid researcher has discovered that cat butt tastes like peppermint and would make quite the tasty chewing gum...I'll just take his word for it...


that I will be a busy blog-stalking bee today?

I am going to attempt to hit at least 100 of the 300 blogs I follow today before I have to take Irish Dancer Girl to her dance class this afternoon. I hope that Blogger has resolved that dumb "profile" issue so I can comment on all of them. I've been using the Mozilla browser for a few months now since IE had so many "fails" where blogging is concerned. If your comments are set up where I have to choose a profile (ex: google account, etc), my comment won't post. I'm not ignoring you! I promise! As I mentioned before, pop-up windows are not an issue...I can comment all day long with those. It seems to be embedded comments that are the issue. If you have an email address on your blog, I will email a comment to you:)

I know many bloggers have been writing about the decrease in comments lately...this may be the culprit! Hopefully, I will find resolution soon!


that I think this is the cutest stinkin' turtle I've ever seen?


that I really appreciate you taking the time to read this nonsense today?! Thank you!



Ally said…
Ummm, can I just say that I'm slightly disturbed by the cat butt stuff??


Good luck with the comments stuff, and I'm glad everyone is on the mend or the up-n-up now.

Cheers! ;-)
LadyStyx said…
Ew on the cat butt stuff. I have a cat here but I refuse to check on that stuff for you. I'm very sure her butt doesn't smell like hyacinths though. Why? Because I'm the one who scoops her potty box and if it smelled like flowers, it certainly wouldnt seem like such a chore!

Almost done with the updates on my blog. New name coming up and then some new decor. I'm even planning on weeding out some of my reading. I figure why bother following all those blogs when I have no idea how many are actually visiting mine as well. It's just the polite thing ya know.
Jillene said…
NAAAAAASTY on the cat bum stuff. I am NOT a lover of cats and that made me puke a little in my mouth.
Eve said…
I agree - that is the all time cutest turtle ever!

Cats butts? Really? Huh. What is this world coming to? ;)
Jan said…
My daughter is next to me "crack"ing up over the cats. The gum is so gross.

Anyways, glad you are having a good time and hope the construction goes well :)
Caitlin said…
Who knew there was such a fascination with cat butts...

Love the new banner! Very cute!

I was having blogger issues with firefox so I switched to Google Chrome and it's been great!
Alyssa said…
"We ask that you bear with us during this transistion." thats going in my bank of lines to use on MIL.

I died laughing at the cat butt stuff!
Kristina P. said…
I am a little disgusted about all the cat butt hype. I mean, what about the dog butts! Don't leave them out!
Hit 40 said…
Cat butts? Really. I saw on another blog yesterday instead of air guitar/ air sex is in!!! I guess you can youtube it. I didn't.

... probably enough from me. I will be quiet now.
Debbie said…
And this is why I love blogging. It is so educational! I had no idea cat butts were all the rage. I have two live ones in my house!
I like the look around here. What else are you planning to do?
Unknown said…
cat butts??? ack!!!!! i enjoyed reading all this... it was very entertaining!!! ive been slacking on teh comments myself ... ive been gettign around to reading everybody pretty faithfully but i haven't been commenting... so please forgive the lurking ...xox.... annie
Tom said…
For supposedly having no brain function that was quite a post. I would not have thought that your blog needed any construction done to it, but now I am curious to see what you have in store.
Anonymous said…
I love random nonsense. It complements my thought process well.

Cat butts? Hilarious.

Good luck on your blog hopping!
Polka Dot Moon said…
oh dear.......just when ya think you've seen it all!
What next? Dare we ask!

Liz Mays said…
First I had to ignore your desperate attempt at getting people to believe the Shopaholic movie was better than the book. Now you want us to believe cat butts smell like hyacinths.

Your credibility is on thin ice here, missy.
Mimi said…
Maybe the cat butt fridge magnets would help with my diet!
Jules AF said…
ewwwwwwwww cat butts. ewwwwwwwwwww
Kelly said…
Thanks for the heads up on cat butts. I am not a cat person so I feel left out. Maybe I should start liking cats just for the butts. Or not.
Bobby G said…
the cat butt thing freaks me out...seriously...
Just SO said…
Whoever came up with the cat butt stuff has some serious issues. *shudder* I love the did you know post. Good luck with your commenting.
Randi Troxell said…
Ummm... are those cat magnets for real... b/c if so- that is just really gross and we all know how much i love my bella, but i certainly don't wanna be staring her her booty!!!

btw... love what you've done construction wise already. love the header!
Yay for Peace!

And those cat magnets....GROSS!
Devri said…
Woman, I love the header! Can't wait to see the rest!

hey doing a nintendo wii giveaway, go enter for this week!
kado! said…
OK..I have 2 cats...but...Cat Butts??? YUCK!!!!!

I ♥ your "Did you know Tuesday!"
Unknown said…
I love the idea of a Did You Know post! I usually have great ideas to post about and then forget them when I get home from work, I may have to borrow your idea! I was having similar problems with blogger on IE and so I switched to Firefox. I love it! The only thing that was weird is it changed my blog font, oh well, I just switched to one I liked better.
Love the new header, and I have to leave the cat but thing alone, yuck. Wow, this got long, it could have been a blog post in it's self!
What a seriously charming idea for an ongoing series of posts! I've always been a bit of a fact and trivia nut, and never tire of filling the ol' noggin with new (to me at least) snippets of information.

I'm delighted to know that your comments (on Chronically Vintage) are working again, sweetie! Thank you very much for stopping by to let me know that.

I hope you have a gorgeous Thursday - big hugs,
♥ Jessica
Alexis AKA MOM said…
Construction love it, will I get to see cute topless guys with lot's of muscles? what a girl can dream right?

Cat Butts? Who would have thunk it, well I guess someone did! But still eeewwww :)
Night Owl Mama said…
CAT BUts now that is funny I noticed your header changed can't wait to see the transformation

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