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Playing Hooker and Getting the Boom Boom Pow

I've been playing hooky from the world (and from blogging) with my kids this week. We are officially done with our school year! Hooray! Since we've all been through a lot with Chilly and his health stuff the last few months (not to mention all of the other stinky mojo), I decided it was time for me to spend some quality time just hanging out with my two offspring with no distractions. It can be pretty overwhelming for the kiddos watching their dad deal with his diabetes and heart condition. We just need some "down" time to chillax.

My kids kept asking me if I was going to get in trouble because I wasn't blogging. Apparently, they have been tipped off about some sort of bloggy police force that may write me a ticket for non-blogging. I assured them it would be fine and that we were just going to play hooky for a few days. Later that same day, a cashier at Target asked Cat what she'd been doing for the day. She smiled at her and said, "I've been playing hooker with my mom." That was a lovely moment. The cashier just looked at me and I could hear her thinking "ain't no way I'd pay money for you, lady..." Niiiiicccceeee.....

Which got me to thinking that I am waaaayyy over due for a makeover. I have a confession to make....I haven't had a haircut for over a year now....color...forget about it! My roots are dark with curly gray tendrils sticking up all over. I look like a hag. This weekend, I am getting a cut, color, manicure and pedicure. I am tired of looking I am going to rock a new look, and then the cashier at Target will realize she could never afford me if I really were a hooker! Snap!

Tween Caveboy finally bit the bullet and whacked off his long locks yesterday! Can I hear a "whoop-whoop"!? Actually, I thought his long hair looked pretty cool, but the desert heat finally proved to be too much for him. Chilly, I know you are still celebrating over this.

Speaking of the nerdanderthal, last night he missed the finale of American Idol for the first time since the show began. He went to pick up our son from a church youth group meeting that ended at 9:00 pm. I actually had to give him the play by play over the phone. When they announced Kris as the winner, I blew out Chilly's eardrums with my went something like this..."OHMYGODKRISALLENJUSTWON!HEWONHEWONHEWON!!!" and more really loud screaming after that. Don't get me wrong..I thought Adam rocked the house...the guy has an incredible set of pipes! I just know that Adam has a superstar career ahead of him no matter what happened last night. I am really delighted that Kris won!

Chilly entertained us throughout the show with his Adam Lambert rocker scream singing....I did my best Fergie moves and impression while "Boom Boom Pow" was performed by the Black Eyed Peas....Catherine went crazy playing air guitar when KISS was jamming "Detroit Rock City." She was jumping around like a crazy person so much that I kept screaming "Watch your feet! Don't hurt your feet! You have a dance competition in two weeks! Stop it with the feet!" Sad, isn't it? I've become one of those psycho dance moms....She paid me no attention however and just kept on rockin' the air guitar. I just sighed and got back to playing my air drums....

Thank you to everyone who emailed me about my absence:) That really made me feel all warm fuzzy! Hugs and smoochies all around!

Wishing you all a very peaceful Thursday!



LORI said…
Dapoppins said…
Wasn't there a post on here about your adorable dancer girl? And now she is hooking with mom? Is that rug hooking, cause, idon't know, sounds kinda dull to me, until we got to the Idol rock out fest of 09 at your house.

Have a fan-tab-u-lous break with your kids!!
The Blonde Duck said…
I'm glad everything is better! Hooray for a beauty day! You'll feel like a new woman.
Kristina P. said…
I'm glad you decided to check in! Your kids sound hilarious!
Badass Geek said…
A good haircut is in order for me, soon, too. The heat is too much.
Joyce said…
After your new hair and nails etc you are going to Rock for sure! I screamed so loud when Kris won last night that I must have scared half the old people awake in my condo building:) Now I also love Adam too and think you should buy some eye liner like his:) Now the hooker story is priceless and made me laugh outloud:)
Ter said…
playing hooker, eh? well, aren't you just the perfect role model lol ;)

thanks for the laugh
Randi Troxell said…
glad your back and glad everything is ok! and thats exactly how i felt too about the whole kris/adam thing.... adam would go far no matter what, but i think that kris needed the title to make it happen!
Unknown said…
I for one am so glad that you are bad and that everything is well with you and yours. I did have a slight panic attack when you hadn't blogged in a few days wondering who on earth I was going to find to make me laugh as much as you always do!

And I so need a makeover too...I haven't cut my hair in over a year either.
Kat said…
I need a hair cut as well. I just don't have time for it. I just bought clippers to do my dogs hair and have yet to even attempt it because I don't have time for that either...sorry Elizabeast, you are just gonna have to have hair I can spike up just a little longer.
Ash said…
Glad all is well, you hooker, you.

I'm lookin' to play a little hooker myself. The kiddos are growing up way too fast.

Enjoy your day of beauty!!
Robyn Jones said…
I know about those bloggy police...

I love the hooker comment...Kids embarrass us in the most wonderful ways don't they! That is actually what I wrote about today....

Glad your back! Hope you had fun with your kidlets..
Bobby G said…
So I thought adam shouldve won! I am so pissed about this season, I may be done forever, yeah I say that now but come Jan...
I would have died..if one of my children make the 'hooker' comment. But, because it wasn't me..I was laughing hysterically. (all in good fun, of course).

Are you going to share photos of your new look?
Deb said…
hysterical! i think i would rather have been watching you than the show (although the show was entertaining)!

glad your back from walking the streets and have escaped the law.
nikkicrumpet said…
Playing "HOOKER" is a necessary thing now and then. I've been a blog hooker for the last few weeks and I'll be that way most of the summer...alas the gardens won't weed themselves...and then there is that pool out there calling my name! I was hoping for an Adam win...but I'm sure they'll both be successful...they seem like really nice guys. I'm glad you got some fun down time with the family.
LadyStyx said…
Looks like I wasn't reading your blog back in January because I would have for sure been all over THAT entry. In this household, it's the other way around. My poor hubby becomes a widower from January to May every year. This year was no different than any other...he parties on finale night because it means his wife ends that particular obsession for the next 8 months. I was extremely happy this year because I ended up with 2 favorites in the finale... no way I could lose this year. Totally awesome. The finale was the best I've seen in the last... well since I started watching in Season 3. Every year I promise myself that no way am I gonna get hooked....and then next thing I know I have my pen and paper out from day one and bags under my eyes from late nights of reviewing notes n facts n writing it all up in a blog entry (the Jukebox). Yeah, I'm really that lame...
Beth said…
Maybe I should play hooker, too, eh?
So glad you are enjoying some one on one time with the kids. Awesome! I am slacking as well, the weather is gorgeous this week, we are getting out riding bikes every morning this week. And then working on the flower beds in the afternoon. Not to mention Emily's dance recitals are this weekend.
Cygnus MacLlyr said…
Parallel lives-- and here I came to say sorry for being remiss in my visits!

Makeover or no-- the cashier be blind.
Hmm... she must live in houston...[ahh..neevr mind. Too long a story...!]
Nice to "have you back", Lady D.-- and to be so meself!
(Wanna makeover together? HEHE!! SORRY, CHILLY!!! Well, only Kinda...!!!lol!)
Amy said…
I think as women, we sometimes need to play hooky AND hooker sometimes!(I mean that in the very best monogamous, treat your man right sort of way, of course...) I just got back from a few days of hooky myself. Good times.

My 4 1/2 year old boogied her little tutu off when Adam sang with Kiss! How lucky we are to have children who are uninhibited enough to let the music flow through their veins and move their feet!

Welcome back to The Land of Blog!
Jillene said…
I am glad that you are spending some quality time with your hubby and kids!!

I am also glad that Kris won. WHOO HOO!! Adam can rock but his tongue thing that he does sicks and grosses me out.
Lesley said…
yeah for some hooker it.....
Kelly said…
Taking time off to enjoy your family is a number one priority! Glad you know when to slow the blog down a bit.
Tracy said…
Well you certainly have been missed. But it's for very good reason. I bet your kids really enjoyed the time they spent with their very own Momma Bee!!!

I am THRILLED that Kris won. I wasn't a big fan of Adam though. I couldn't stand that certain pitch he'd hit, the tongue sticking out, just the whole thing. In our house his sound was described as sounding like his balls hadn't dropped yet. :-D
thanks for making me sing over and over that terrible and graphic song in my head...grrrr! as much as i love the beat, its not good for me or the toddlers to listen to. have a good weekend
Jenners said…
Well, I was just getting ready to write you a blogging citation but I guess I'll let you off the hook now. But next time, lady -- WATCH OUT! You're getting a ticket!

I love that your daughter said that to the cashier! Classic!

And I think spending time with offspring is more important than blogging any old time!
kado! said…
HAHAHA...I'm still cracking up over the "I've been playing hooker with my mom all day!" How funny is that! What a perfect mother daughter day!!! LOL!

and the Blog-police...sometimes you wonder if they might exist...right!?!?
Anonymous said…
Lol! Yup, you're grounded!
♥ Noelle ♥ said…
omg, you are hilarious!! "playing hooker"!! don't ya love when kids speak?
Kathy B! said…
I like to play hooker, too :)

Glad you got some down time chillaxin.

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