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Happy Mother's Day, Weeble!

To my nickname...Weeble...this wordle is for you......

Your "trip" to town yesterday will be memorable, for sure! We are sending you lots of get well wishes, Nana! And look at the bright side...Weebles wobble but they don't fall down!

Have a wonderful Mother's Day! We love you and miss you! See you in a few weeks!

(Join Shannon for Weekend Wordle fun at Last Shreds of Sanity! It's fun!)


Mimi said…
Happy Mother's Day to you & Weeble!
Mimi said…
Happy Mother's Day to you & Weeble!
Ter said…
hi i tried to do my own worldle. I even downloaded that MWSnap that shan mentioned (I've never been on her blog before but was looking for instructions) and i still can't copy my worldle.

oh well. :(
Kelly said…
Happy Mother's Day to you Dawn!
Unknown said…
Happy Mother's Day!
LORI said…
Shauna said…
HAPPY MOTHERS DAY my sweet friend!
♥ HUGS ♥
Shauna said…
HAPPY MOTHERS DAY my sweet friend!
♥ HUGS ♥
Crazee Juls said…
very cool wordle. :) Happy mother's day to you and to Mama weeble!
Anonymous said…
Happy Mother's Day!!
Beth said…
Uh oh! My mother takes a lot of trips, too.

Happy Mother's Day!
kado! said…
♥ Happy Mother's DAY!!!!!
Shan G said…
You tryin to say your Mama is a Weeble Wobble??? LOL Your family is just accident prone lately! What's up with that, Buttercup?

Thanks for playing again, my friend. I hope things get better soon and the medical issues level off.
Marie Reed said…
Ouch! I'll have to read some more to see how she broke her toe!
Tracy said…
Happy Mothers day to you Mamma Bee!!!
3 Bay B Chicks said…
Now this has got to be the best contribution to Shannon's Wordle Game that I have seen yet. Hilariously funny!

Oh, and I love your little blog make-over. You look great in pink!

Anonymous said…
I hope she's doing better.

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