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Friday Fragments: Frolic, Fun and WTF????? (What the FLIP, I'm G-rated over here...)

Join the Friday Fragments Fun over at Half Past Kissin' Time!

Hi....My name is Dawn, and I have NSPMS...Non-Stop PMS....That's right, are taking your chances hanging out around here today! My kids are now calling me Plankton because everytime they ask me to do something fun with them this week, I sing this song to them...Plankton's part....(go'll get a much clearer picture of who I am this week...)

Yep....I like that you are as annoyed as I am, let's move on...


Good Summer Reading.....

I am too grumpy to tell you what it's about so just read it? grrrrr...


Friday Feng Shui: Read this too.....It's a great book about Feng Shui and really humorous as well! It's my favorite book on Feng Shui and offers up really easy tips to bring prosperity and harmony into your little sanctuary...(oops...I didn't just sound are'll throw in another growl....grrrr....)


A fair warning kind word to a select few employees at Subway...if a parent orders a cheese sandwich for their child, that usually means you should put more than one tiny triangle of cheese on the sandwich. I realize this type of sandwich does not provide you, the Sandwich Artist, with much of a creative challenge. I'm sure I probably offended your Sandwich Artist sensibilities with such a simple request. However, a six inch sub with one tiny cheese triangle would offend my 6 year old. You're darn lucky I pointed out your cheap ass ways unintentional error before she could unleash her fury on you. You're welcome....


Tomorrow, I begin my Mommy Makeover. Since I couldn't do my spa day last weekend as originally planned...(more details in a moment)....I will be launching Mommy Makeover 2009 tomorrow. I am getting my hair all dolled up with a new cut and color! No more old MOM hair for me!

So this is why last weekend was a bust....I made an appointment with an upscale salon in Tucson....I received a "courtesy" call two days after I scheduled the appointment from the salon informing me that the price they quoted me for my spa day was incorrect. It was actually more than double what they shared with me originally....oh, and by the way (informed the snooty receptionist) they figure your "30%!!!!" gratuity into your final price as a convenience for you. LOL!!! THIRTY PERCENT CONVENIENCE! I asked what would happen if I didn't feel the stylist was worth the 30%....Snooty replied "Then I guess you'll go somewhere else next time..." WHAT? I told her I was saving myself the trouble and going somewhere else this time...Please tell me, friends...last time I checked a 20-25% tip was more than fair at a salon...right???


Have a wonderful weekend, my sweet bloggy friends! I hope to back in strong bloggy action next week! I miss you all, and can't wait to catch up on what's been happening around here! (Sorry I've been a poor bloggy buddy...haven't had much computer time lately!)



Alyssa said…
30% is ridiculous! My cousin owns a salon and tells anyone who asks that 20% is for exceptional service. Seems to me that if a salon has to include gratuity then they're worried they're not good enough to get it by the will of clients.
Jess said…
What a bunch of twat biscuits at that Salon. Dump them and move on to somewhere better. You deserve a little pampering after the last few mons you've had. Lots of love and hugs :)
B said…
NSPMS? Love it! Do they have a support group for men who have women with that? I mean OBVIOUSLY the women don't need it, but the men probably could.

And Garden Spells. Great read. Have you picked up the second one yet? Totally worth it. Better than this one even (if I dare say so). I even did little book reviews on them both not too long ago.

To cheer you up a little come check out my little give away. Or spill forth some of your PMS humor and see if it gets you anything good.
Jess said…
Last time I checked, you tip when you feel that it is deserved. I would tell them to go stick it in their ear (I saw earlier that you are G I will withhold that which I would REALLY say). They chose that profession (hopefully) based on the fact that they enjoyed it and NOT the fact that they plan on making a livelihood off of tips. That is what the PRICE FOR SERVICES is for. All that being said, I would say that I leave a $10 tip on my $60 massages.
Randi Troxell said…
WOWZER!!!!! i am soooo freakin glad that you went ahead and cancelled at the first salon and am goin elsewhere... uuuggghhh--- just reading that got my blood boiling!! though i cant wait to see pics of you and your new mommy makeover, im excited for you!! happy friday dear!
Jillene said…
You gotta love Plankton and the F.U.N. song!!

And as for Subway--uh--HELLO?!
Caitlin said…
Grumps are no F-U-N, but I have faith that you'll pull through. :) NSPMS occurred for about two to three months around these parts when I changed up my BC. Poor hubs! I totally understand where you're coming from. Had the snooty lady informed me that 30% convenience was figured in to my bill I would have just canceled then and there. I've become friends with my stylist so I usually just tip 5 bucks every time, no matter what it is. She usually doesn't like any more than that! Make a stylist friend!! They are terribly handy! :)
blognut said…

That's all I'm sayin' because I know better than to mess with PMS.

Bobby G said…
30%? WOW! im in the wrong business!!!!! Subway is obnoxious, the sammich artists are like 15 yr old kids, im like you are an acne artist! lol
LadyStyx said…
Oh dear, that video is enough to give me nightmarse for weeks!
I love subway but you have to lead them by the nose as to what to put on it.
Kim said…
I can't believe that in this economy a hair salon is pulling that kind of nonsense. Almost makes you wonder if the receptionist is trying to sabotage the business, because including a 30% tip "for your convenience" is stupid. I'm offended and insulted just reading about it!

I've got yer gratuity right here, buddy . . .
♥ Noelle ♥ said…
wow- what a snooty ass salon! 30% is RIDICULOUS!! i hope your new "do" comes out wonderful!! can't wait to see picks:)

every mom should be given a make-over!! lol
Kitten said…
I've got NSPMS this week as well. And I lurve, LURVE, lurve that F-U-N song from Spongebob. Classic.

Have you heard the Campfire song from Spongebob yet?
Enid Wilson said…
Your selecting employee at subway story reminded me of Edison. He was once said to have interviewed employees at breakfast. Any one who put salt in eggs before tasting them was ruled out, deemed not scientific enough to research the level of saltiness before action. And will you post a photo of your new hairdo?

Steamy Darcy
Joyce said…
I actually go to the Aveda school in my area. I use to pay $125 for a cut and color every 4 weeks without the tip. My hair grows very fast. Now I pay $15 for the cut and $30 for the color. My first student graduated and I cried as she was the best colorist ever. I am onto my next student and she is better at the cut. Teachers supervise these students like hawks. My hair never looked so good for so less. I tip her what the tip would cost in a regular salon.
Mrs4444 said…
I'm so with you on the Subway thing; Kendall only gets cheese, too, and they charge me extra for two "extra" slices but give me NO credit for the missing meat! Grrrr.

Are you sure you've read that Fung Shui book? Isn't it supposed to be improving your mood?! Silly girl...

Sorry I can't stay and poke around more today; as you can see from the time, it's late (wedding tonight) and 3-hour roadtrip tomorrow. I'll be baaaack.
Polka Dot Moon said…
My son LOVES Spongebob!!! He wants to keep replaying :)

and 30% ARE THEY KIDDING?? And snooty on top?!! I'm sure in this state of economy, you could find some really nice places that'd be more that happy to have you as a customer and repeat client :)

Have a great weekend!
Whitney said…
I wish that tips were how they used to be - an offer of gratitude for a job well done. If you did a good job, you got the tip, if you didn't do a good job, well do a better job next time. . .

That being said, I don't think that the tip should EVER be figured in the price, that's ridiculous! Good for you for going somewhere else!

Post some pictures of your mommy makeover!! Horray!
Beth said…
First of all, I am in love with the title "Sandwich Artist." It is brilliant and I am totally going to use that with my youngest step-daughter. She'll like that title better than the Dagwood we currently call her. The girl has mad sandwich making skills!

Second, what the heck is the salon thinking to charge 30% gratuity. I've never heard of such madness. This makes me want to make signs and organize a rally. I hope you told them off in the non-G rated manner.
Anonymous said…
Can't wait to see your new Un-mom hairdo!
nikkicrumpet said…
Have some people forgotten the a tip isn't something they get no matter's something they EARN!!! I guess if it's the best dang haircut ever it might be worth 30%...but I think you should get to decide that for yourself. I love how they said it was a "courtesy for you"....gee don't help me out THAT MUCH! I'm glad you told them to take a hike. If more women did they wouldn't get to be so darned snooty!
Anonymous said…
Yeah Dawn, what's up with those Subway sandwich artists that only give ya one piece of cheese? I don't care if you need to charge me extra...I WANT EXTRA CHEESE, thank you, tee hee!

Jamie :)
Anonymous said…
Just wanted to stop by and say Thank You for the giveaway gift! I received the Owl and card this past week when we returned from vacation! Love it!
Robyn Jones said…
The F.U.N. song is awesome, and Plankton is my hero...My little boy has me hooked on SPongebob...but i am thinking the person who wrote that show was smoking crack....LOL!

I need a mommy makeover...
kado! said…
We ♥ plankton too!

...yeah...RUDE salon....was this the same salon I just read about that messed up your hair???? I HOPE you did not tip 30%!
Shan G said…
So glad you told snobby-poo to take a hike! LOL I have NEVER understood having the gratuity added on to the bill. A tip is supposed to be based on service recieved and the amount decided AFTER said service has been rendered (and evaluated).

Oh, I have that Feng Shui book too! Have for years, actually. My Husbands calls it FANG SHUEY! LOL

And have you been to the doc about your perpetual PMS? That is just not right!

I have missed you around my bloggy. No week-end Wordle from you this week. *sniff*

I hope to see you back soon.

P.S.: I may not always comment, but I stalk you from my Google Reader! LMAO

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