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Friday Fragments: "Come On, Get Happy"

Join the Friday Fragments Fun over at Half Past Kissin' Time!
(by the way...Google reader users...I hit publish before saving....this is my completed post...the other unfinished post is deleted...yep, I feel like a huge dork! Hopefully you are reading this one!)
Yesterday, on the way to Irish dance class, Cat shouts out this little gem when passing the hospital where Chilly spent lots of time last week...."Look Mom! That's where Dad went to Asian Care!" (of course, Mr. Perfecto Tween Caveboy has to remind her it's Urgent Care, trying to rain on my parade of laughter..which only makes me laugh harder...)


I spent the entire night dreaming about the Partridge family. I have no idea why...I must be having some weird 70's induced flashback brought on by the middle age hot flashes I went through all night long....Hot flashes = seriously irritated Mommy....Back to the Partridge family....LOVED them when I was growing up! David Cassidy was my big crush. I can't get "Come On, Get Happy" out of my head this morning. Ahhh....those were the days....

I would like to thank Heather for this awesome award....

and Sassypants Wifey for this fabulous award!

Thanks, you two blogilicious girls! I love them! If you haven't visited these two lovely ladies, please be sure to scoot on over to say hello! You will be glad you did! I am sharing these awards with all of you today! Please feel free to right click and copy! Hooray!

This is for Tween Caveboy....Yes, Tween Caveboy, I do like FRED Figglehorn...I hope that when you're 14, you will be a gazillionaire like his alter ego, Lucas Cruikshank, so you can take care of me....Favorite Fred episode...the shark in the swimming pool....there..are you happy now, Tween Caveboy?


Do you like my new tramp stamp?

I'm trying to decide which silhouette would work best on my new business cards..
I need some fast cash for next week's Irish dance competition...Catherine's very first feis! There are socks to be purchased, a wig and tiara to be worn, and other incidentals. Mama needs some money fast! I will be at "The Candy Store" gentlemen's club (aka stripper joint) in Tucson strutting my stuff all weekend...(not really, Dad...although I'm close to desperate, I am not ready to "show my business" for cash...yet....sorry Chilly, I know you were getting a wee bit excited for a minute...)


Friday Feng Shui Tip: Stand at the doorway to any room. The back left corner is your wealth corner. Add purple to your wealth corner to increase prosperity! You can use candles, stones, pictures, pillows, even a square of purple paper works!


Cat asked me if we were going to rent the Benjamin Bellybutton movie this weekend......Anyone seen this yet? (actual working title...The Curious Case of Benjamin Button...)


I was watching Tween Caveboy play Sims 2 Pets on XB360 when this popped up while his Sim dude was on his computer..."Your blog has reached 2% popularity. The more you blog, the cooler you become. Cool is fun." LOL! Blogging is even taking over the Sims world!

Have a fabulous weekend!



Crazee Juls said…
I'm definitely thinking the last image would be good for your business cards. Yeah, baby! :) We have a dance recital coming up the first weekend in June..and I've been hand out cash left and right...and it's driving me insane.

I have not yet seen benjamin bellybutton, but want to. :)

Loved your Friday Fragments! :)
Polka Dot Moon said…
You are HILARIOUS! My cheeks hurt from smilin' so much ;)

Happy Friday and Have a Wonderful Mother's Day!!

(more giveaways! come by!!)
Tracy said…
I've been thinking about you sweets!! How are you doing?

Hope you're doing well!!!

Baby Bee
B said…
I vote for the second silhouette.

As for the Feng Shui, what if the room has TWO doorways? Should I just turn that into the purple room just to ensure I get purple where it needs to be?
Kathy B! said…
I haven't seen Benjamin Button but I'd like to. Anything with Brad Pitt, if it's bad, at least you've got some eye candy!

I'm lovin' those Irish Dance Mom pole dancers :) That's how you could raise some extra $$ for the competition... Work the pole baby!
Ter said…
Just wanted to say hi and let you know I'm reading! :)
Bobby G said…
YAY FRAGMENT FRI! Love the randomness! Also you have a gift from BG on the G spot!
Jazzy Jemz said…
LMAO at the business cards. Congrats on the awards! Have a Happy Friday and I hope no one has to visit to Asian Care!
The Blonde Duck said…
LOL! I love that third stripper card. It cracked me up.
Randi Troxell said…
benjamin bellybutton.... i just love her... she's too cool! happy friday and happy early mothers day!!!!
kado! said…
HaHa! "Asian care!"

...I'm gonna go with the Support Irish Dance really shows off your flexibility!
Mimi said…
Love the Asian care!
Eve said…
Blogging mentioned on SIMS? Haha... that is too funny!
Lesley said…
definitely the second should be your calling card...and the tramp stamp...fabulous.....and I would have totally taken you for a Brady Girl....rather than Partridge....
Anonymous said…
You thought I forgot about you, didn't I? Well, I didn't. I think about you a lot actually.

But, please do the world a favor and say no to the tramp stamp. Not that it wouldn't look good on you or anything....but it wouldn't....

Miss ya!
Kristina P. said…
Definitely the stripper pole. Stripper poles make everything better.
beckylbranch said…
Oh I used to be addicted to playing the Sims...good thing that passed! LOL Now Sims 3 is coming out...we'll see how that is! Those card pics are hilarious! Either one would be awesome :P
Jennifer said…
Now I've got that Partridge Family song in my head!

Hey--thanks for the Feng Shui tip! I have a "money tree" in that corner of my living room, but now I'll add some purple too!
Unknown said…
i liked the second image myself, dance isn't cheap but i am.. come to think of it... that might work for writing too... (writing's not cheap, but i am ... support a starving artist today!)
LadyStyx said…
Well nuts! Why couldnt the corner the purple goes in be MY corner of the office??? Hubby doesnt even LIKE purple (unless it's on me, of course!).

So...the prior entry was a fragment of a fragment?
Congrats on the Awards! You totally deserve them!

And...I say...the second one should be your calling card. Nothing says I love, support and am a good role model for my daughter like sliding down a stripper pole!
momof3girls said…
You crack me up! I love the tramp stamp - funny!
Nicole said…
That would be so funny on a business card!

Asian care huh? That is too funny!
Beth said…
Because I'm a directional cripple, I'm putting purple stuff in every corner of my house. Will that work?
The Mrs. said…
Too funny! I had a little 80's dance party with Landon today! rock Lobster!
Shan G said…
So what did I miss? Chilly broke his leg? How?

I like the tramp stamp, but you need to add a pint to it.

The second business card is my personal favorite.

You and The Partridge Family...LMAO

And your kids....funny.
Mrs4444 said…
Only 2% popularity? You're going to have to give your boy some tips! :) But seriously, I love the Sims; sort of disturbing, but fascinating, too.

That tramp stamp has me wondering... :)

Grabbed your button; it's adorable. It's looking terrific in here!
Marie Reed said…
Asian Care!!!!! I freakin' love Fred! I think my favourite is when he cooks for Judy:)
I constantly get the song "girl, look what you've done to me" in my head... LOL I sing it to my 9 yr old daughter and she screams and runs away every time :) Has nothing to do with your posting, but the Partridge family reminded me of it he he he
Love your new business cards!!
Heather said…
Your daughter is cracking me up! Thanks for the kind words too!
Anonymous said…
I love feng shui! Thanks for the new tip!

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