Ahhh…the bliss of the blog….I’ve missed Blogland and it's lovely citizens…I realize it was only a few days in “real” life, but it certainly felt longer! I was lucky enough to post most days, but it's no fun if you can't stalk your fellow bloggers. When I add in all the time during April that I have been unable to blog because of the horrendous computer crash of April 7th, Chilly's heart failure (in a scary..kind of repeat of last year way) the Sunday before my giveaway winners were announced, and now Chilly’s impending knee surgery due to his fabulous stunt moves on Sunday…it feels like I’ve been gone from Blog for years!
So what happened to turn Chilly into Gimpy McGimpster? A fall from plummeting blood pressure that resulted in a broken tibia, femur and knee cap! Chilly never does anything half-assed! No sir-ee! If he's going to injure himself, it's gonna be a big injury!
Oh, did I mention how delighted I am to be driving Gimpy McGimpster to work every morning? It’s a charming 40 miles one way…at 6:00 am because he is THAT dedicated to his job. Yes, I know...he should be home resting until surgery, but Mr. Type A has to work because it will literally kill him if he doesn't. (ahem...that's swell, Chilly...thanks for stomping all over my primo 6:00 am blog time...you know, when the kids are still asleep..oops..that was mean...you only have one working leg...I meant hopping all over my blog time...)

Heavy sigh….Anyhoo…let’s move on to more cheerful topics!
I was recently tagged by the ever delightful, Sassypants Wifey over at the fabulous blog, Sassy Secrets of a True Blue Desperate Housewife for this fun 8’s meme….I am using a wee bit of creative license and tweaking it a bit in honor of my post today. You are supposed to list things in groups of 8’s. I am going to share a list of 8 things that made me feel happy this month. (I know…this month has sucked, but I’m trying to turn this train to Craptown around and head back to Happyville!)
Happy #1 – Awards from Jodi at Jodibee Designs and Sue from Gossamer Creations! Both of these lovely ladies are fantastic artists! I was tickled pink to receive these charming awards! I am sharing them with all of you! I can’t possibly choose, so if you don’t have them, please enjoy them! Thanks Jodi and Sue!
Happy #2 - Extremely patient healthcare professionals who have put up with my husband’s weird sense of humor while administering top quality care for him....admin staff....not so happy with you folks, but we'll save your screw ups for another day!
Happy #3 – The renewal of the NBC series “Chuck”! I loved this line from Monday’s season finale…”Chuck Me!” I will be annoying my entire family with that line for years to come….Thanks, script writers! (thanks, Boob Nazi for the heads up! I think I was thinking "What the Chuck?!" while I was watching it! lol!)
Happy #4 – Winning my “purchase” at a local bookstore the other day! Woo hoo! My luck is definitely improving! Winner! Winner! Chicken Dinner!
Happy #5 - I always find that when life hands you lemons (or health impaired husbands), you should always listen to fantastic music, read a great book and watch “Love Actually” to set things right. Oh, and looking at the photo below...that definitely will put a smile on your face and a spring in your step! (yes, I know I just had his photo on a recent post, but hot tamales! I just can't help myself! He just so happens to be a central character in the book I read yesterday...) Happy to say, my world is brighter today because I did just those things yesterday!
Happy #6 – Handyman Hotties…for example, Carter Oosterhouse….man candy that can fix stuff….oh yeah….(be quiet, Gimpy....I'm your primary caregiver...don't turn me into a Nurse Ratched...)

Happy #7 – Nate Berkus, Peter Ishkhans (Peter Perfect), Paula Deen ya’ll, Sandra Lee, Clean House Team, and Dr. Oz…all who are going to come and do my lifestyle makeover….right? I'm the perfect candidate..seriously! Come do me! (well, not in "that" kind of way....sheesh!)
I saved the best for last...
Happy #8 – Tween Caveboy and Irish Dancer Girl…….They have been real troopers through all of this turmoil. They still smile and laugh even though it’s hard to see Daddy having such a hard time. To Tween Caveboy..way to jump in there when Gimpy was struggling...You dragged him across the room to safety like a soldier dragging his buddy from the battlefield. Good for you!
So what happened to turn Chilly into Gimpy McGimpster? A fall from plummeting blood pressure that resulted in a broken tibia, femur and knee cap! Chilly never does anything half-assed! No sir-ee! If he's going to injure himself, it's gonna be a big injury!
Oh, did I mention how delighted I am to be driving Gimpy McGimpster to work every morning? It’s a charming 40 miles one way…at 6:00 am because he is THAT dedicated to his job. Yes, I know...he should be home resting until surgery, but Mr. Type A has to work because it will literally kill him if he doesn't. (ahem...that's swell, Chilly...thanks for stomping all over my primo 6:00 am blog time...you know, when the kids are still asleep..oops..that was mean...you only have one working leg...I meant hopping all over my blog time...)

Heavy sigh….Anyhoo…let’s move on to more cheerful topics!
I was recently tagged by the ever delightful, Sassypants Wifey over at the fabulous blog, Sassy Secrets of a True Blue Desperate Housewife for this fun 8’s meme….I am using a wee bit of creative license and tweaking it a bit in honor of my post today. You are supposed to list things in groups of 8’s. I am going to share a list of 8 things that made me feel happy this month. (I know…this month has sucked, but I’m trying to turn this train to Craptown around and head back to Happyville!)
Happy #1 – Awards from Jodi at Jodibee Designs and Sue from Gossamer Creations! Both of these lovely ladies are fantastic artists! I was tickled pink to receive these charming awards! I am sharing them with all of you! I can’t possibly choose, so if you don’t have them, please enjoy them! Thanks Jodi and Sue!

Happy #3 – The renewal of the NBC series “Chuck”! I loved this line from Monday’s season finale…”Chuck Me!” I will be annoying my entire family with that line for years to come….Thanks, script writers! (thanks, Boob Nazi for the heads up! I think I was thinking "What the Chuck?!" while I was watching it! lol!)
Happy #4 – Winning my “purchase” at a local bookstore the other day! Woo hoo! My luck is definitely improving! Winner! Winner! Chicken Dinner!
Happy #5 - I always find that when life hands you lemons (or health impaired husbands), you should always listen to fantastic music, read a great book and watch “Love Actually” to set things right. Oh, and looking at the photo below...that definitely will put a smile on your face and a spring in your step! (yes, I know I just had his photo on a recent post, but hot tamales! I just can't help myself! He just so happens to be a central character in the book I read yesterday...) Happy to say, my world is brighter today because I did just those things yesterday!

Happy #6 – Handyman Hotties…for example, Carter Oosterhouse….man candy that can fix stuff….oh yeah….(be quiet, Gimpy....I'm your primary caregiver...don't turn me into a Nurse Ratched...)

Happy #7 – Nate Berkus, Peter Ishkhans (Peter Perfect), Paula Deen ya’ll, Sandra Lee, Clean House Team, and Dr. Oz…all who are going to come and do my lifestyle makeover….right? I'm the perfect candidate..seriously! Come do me! (well, not in "that" kind of way....sheesh!)
I saved the best for last...
Happy #8 – Tween Caveboy and Irish Dancer Girl…….They have been real troopers through all of this turmoil. They still smile and laugh even though it’s hard to see Daddy having such a hard time. To Tween Caveboy..way to jump in there when Gimpy was struggling...You dragged him across the room to safety like a soldier dragging his buddy from the battlefield. Good for you!
Irish Dancer Girl, awesome job of running for your doctors kit to bandage up the Gimp! You are simply the sweetest doctor around! You two are rockstars! Mama LOVES YOU!
Feel free to join in the crazy 8's meme fun! Check out Sassypants Wifey's post for the original 8's or feel free to take this tweaked version!
Well now, that feels much better! What makes you happy this fine Thursday?
p.s. I would like to thank "Chinzie" (sp?) for sharing the moniker "Gimpy McGimpster" with Chilly....you have no idea how much fun I will have torturing him with this...mwwoooohhahahaha! (also, thank you, Chinzie...for helping Gimpy up and down the stairs at the office and for making sure he arrives safely to our vehicle! You rock!
Oh and also "who wants a clean house" love that show! miss niecy though.
I'm keeping fingers and toes crossed for all of your lemons to turn into those delicious little candies shaped like lemons but all rolled around in sugar. I'd wish for you only sugar, but we all know that would be a massive crock of crap kind of wish.
Glad you're back wandering in the Land of Blog!
Down hubby the worst! They are like a child times two!! Maybe... you should leave him at work! Why bring him back to drive him again the next day. He could pull an all nighter for them.
Our taste in men is very different. I like mine with a little more meat on their bones and with hairier faces. :o)
You & him deserve an award.
What I'm happy about - that crabby Hubs went to work - oh Chuck off Crabby McCrabbster!
Hey, that's fun :-) Thanks!
hope your man is feeling better right away!
I am thankful I went to the gym already....something off my list for the day.
Sorry that your husband is hurt. You are a real trooper to drive him to work. I would look at my husband with my patented clueless expression and say, "So, who are you going to get to give you a ride?"
I hope husband chilly doesn't over do the working thing...stress can't be good for him.
Ummmm. Handsome me with sharp teeth.
enough said.
I think I need to invent a stalker.
Oh, how I sympathize with your troubles, but you do have a way of wording things that makes me laugh somehow.
Just know, I'm not laughing at your woes, but at your wording! ;)
I am praying for you and thinking of you, I get worried when I don't hear from you.
Anyhoo... I'm so glad that you are positive and really trying to hold it together. You are amazing and that is yet another quality I truly admire about you. That and you love "Love Actually". I heart that movie. Everyone should watch it. We actually just watched it the other night... it was on TV.
big hugs to the fam! I say McD's ice cream (yum my fav!) for the kids for doing their part. AND you can go back to that fancy schmancy McD's Tuscon has! hahahaa
And though I do love me some Carter my allegiance lies with Andrew Dan Jumbo. Mmmmmm....Andrew.....
Smiles and a happy 0600 commute menana...
Please vote for my card this last week-Im almost there!
And at least this month is OVER. May MUST get better!
My hubby is happy that Chuck was renewed as well. It's not a regular in my tv viewing, but I do watch occasionally with hubby and it is a good one.
Miss ya, take care! Muah