NOT ME Monday is brought to you by the fabulous MckMama over at My Charming Kids. Please send your well wishes for her wee Stellan. He needs our love and prayers. Thanks!
Hugs and smoochies to you all!!!!
p.s. I tried to do some stalking from Chilly's office over the weekend, but only had a short time to do so....Miss Kitty became ill and we needed to scoot back home to get her all better for the Easter Bunny's visit! I PROMISE you I will be back to commenting as soon as my laptop is repaired! I PROMISE! Hope you don't give up on me! I love to comment...I do! This whole thing has been a nightmare for me! lol!
I did NOT curl up and rock back and forth sucking my thumb in a dark corner for hours last week because of the stupid surge that sent my laptop to the Geek Squad hospital during my MONSTER giveaway. I would NOT act like such a baby. Also, I did NOT cry so hard on Tuesday (and Wednesday) that my right eye was actually swollen shut for a while. I would NOT be so emotional over a computer. My son did NOT tell me I was EMO because I did NOT wear black all week and act depressed.
I did NOT stand in the middle of my yard shaking my fist to the heavens and yell (in my Scarlett O'Hara voice) "As God as my witness, I will never be laptop free again!"
I did NOT stand in the middle of my yard shaking my fist to the heavens and yell (in my Scarlett O'Hara voice) "As God as my witness, I will never be laptop free again!"
I also did NOT roll around in agony in my yard screaming.."WHY? WHY? WHY is this crap happening to me!!!!???? Why this week????""
I did NOT feel HORRIBLE because I was unable to comment, say hi to my new bloggy friends and visit blogs due to my lack of computer access all week. My family did NOT tell me to seek therapy for this. I did NOT tell them to shove their therapy talk where the sun doesn't shine.
I did NOT gasp out loud when passing by this magazine at Borders. I am a grown woman and that would NOT be appropriate. Also, I did NOT whistle when I looked inside this magazine that I did NOT pick up and flip through. People did NOT stare at me and shake their heads in pity.
I did NOT receive a terse note from the Easter Bunny reminding me that as of 6:30 pm on Saturday evening I still had no egg dye or candy for the kids. He did NOT sign the note "Smooth Move, Exlax." The Easter Bunny is NOT that rude.
Chilly did NOT ask me what I got him for Easter. After pausing for several seconds, I did NOT say, "uh...that would be a big nada." He did NOT then reply..."Wait you just did...You just gave me 3 minutes of silence." Chilly is NOT that big of a NeRdAnDeRtHaL!
Catherine did NOT freak out over how the Easter Bunny was going to enter our home. She did NOT go into a begging spasm at Hallmark when she found this. I did NOT buy this because I do NOT give in to tantrums. (you can totally tell I'm lying, can't know this freakin' key is hanging on my door...don't you...)
I did NOT have a FABULOUS time making Easter dinner with Cat (age 6) for the first time. We did NOT make this feast while dancing around the kitchen in rabbit ears and singing songs from "iCarly." I would NEVER behave like such a whack job in front of my child.
I am NOT happily adding FIVE more prizes to the giveaway because I am NOT grateful for all of your kind understanding and support during my laptop's illness. I would NOT be so desperate for you all to like me. NO, NOT ME....
And I am NOT adding a few more days for the giveaway to give you plenty of time to enter! I would NOT be so helpful.
I will NOT accept entries until Friday, April 17. ( maybe I will...) I will NOT announce the winners on Monday, April 20. ( maybe I'll do that too... Be sure to check back on Monday!)
And I am NOT adding a few more days for the giveaway to give you plenty of time to enter! I would NOT be so helpful.
I will NOT accept entries until Friday, April 17. ( maybe I will...) I will NOT announce the winners on Monday, April 20. ( maybe I'll do that too... Be sure to check back on Monday!)
(I will be announcing the additional prizes in a post later today! I still have a few things I may want to add...( may even be more than 5!) I'm still kicking a few nifty prize ideas around. If you check back for that post and leave a comment, it will count as another entry! I know...I am a crazy woman!
Hugs and smoochies to you all!!!!
p.s. I tried to do some stalking from Chilly's office over the weekend, but only had a short time to do so....Miss Kitty became ill and we needed to scoot back home to get her all better for the Easter Bunny's visit! I PROMISE you I will be back to commenting as soon as my laptop is repaired! I PROMISE! Hope you don't give up on me! I love to comment...I do! This whole thing has been a nightmare for me! lol!
(And I did NOT drool over that very same GQ either...same on those women...shame!)
Thank you. Really, thank you!
P.S. Laptop issues warrant all of the above behaviors or else you might find yourself being hugged in a jacket with strings in the back.
Loved your not me Monday:)
You didn't cry over your laptop? That's amazing. I.would.have.died.
And you still don't have a lap top? Weren't you promised a healthy lap top after 3 days?! Those jerks!
I do NOT understand how you feel.
I <3 your bloggy and you!!!
Happy Monday!
I <3 your bloggy and you!!!
Happy Monday!
(and no, I'm not sucking up)
"Smooth move, Exlax"
Bwaahahhaa! I'm still laughing.
And Hubs and I had a similar conversation - him "um, what did you get me for Easter?" me "um, nothing but my sweet lovin." him - "good, because I didn't get you anything either."
Say what?
Still sending good laptop thoughts!! E
So, you enjoy iCarly at your house as well. My kids LOVE it!!
Please swing by when you can and vote for me in a photo contest.
and I'm NOT sure I believe you about the magazine cover (wink, wink!)
I DID NOT just stand in my kitchen for the last ten minutes yelling into the silent room that I am sick and tired of not fitting into my said home, and having things drop on my head every two minutes. I would not be that ungrateful....LOL!
Sorry about your computer....I am glad you are all better now..
ok...well after reading your least a little better...
Jamie :-)
Wow, this is fantastic that you are giving away so much stuff!
Which may or may not have earned an eye roll from my husband.
And the Easter Bunny!! ROOOOOOOD!
hee hee
Yer too cute! ...Sorry I've been MIA on yer bloggy posts...We're just crazy trying to get ready for our art show this weekend. Thanks for extending the give-a-way...I'm happy that I didn't miss entering.
Hope you really DID have a Happy Easter!