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Not Me Monday: Geeks, Fancy McDonalds and Fergie

Join in the Not Me! Monday fun brought to the land of Blog from MckMama over at My Charming Kids! Don't forget to send your prayers and well wishes over to her sweet baby boy, Stellan!

Here are the many things I did "NOT" do this weekend....

I did NOT want to give Tommy at the Geek Squad a million bucks for once again rescuing me from my stupidity where my computer skills are concerned on Sunday. He was NOT absolutely wonderful (yet again) and I am NOT eternally grateful for all of his help! (wink..wink!)

I did NOT go to the fancy McDonalds and take these photos for you to see. The crew did NOT freak out when they saw me snapping shots of their restaurant. The manager did NOT shine the "stainless steel" arches (that's golden arches here!) for my photo. We did NOT giggle because they thought we were from corporate, and they did NOT think we were inspecting the cleanliness of their dining area.

Wi-fi Lounge / Application Station

McCafe Coffee Bar (couldn't get a better shot...will try to next time...)

Stainless Arches
sports bar with 47" flat screen tv

Pottery Barn Style Dining Area
I do NOT love McDonalds Iced Coffee more than Starbucks now. I do NOT drink said coffee from the stainless steel arches at least 3-4x per week. I would NEVER betray Starbucks and it's white chocolate frappucinno. That would be mean. (I do NOT suck McD's Iced Coffee down like a thirsty traveler who hasn't had liquid refreshment in 20 years either. That would be bad for me.)

I did NOT slice the hecky darn out of the tip my ring finger. I did NOT stand there bleeding all over the place while sweeping up glass because I am NOT an amazing multi-tasker even when injured. I do NOT want to punch someone everytime I use my ring finger when typing now.

I did NOT feel sad (actually I was really, really sad...) about the loss of blueviolet, Jay @Halftime Lessons and Vodka Mom this past week. I do NOT hope they return to their witty ways of the blog soon. (sniffle sniffle plop plop...tears falling...cause you know I really miss them...)

I do NOT love Fergie. I do NOT think she's Fergilicious...I do NOT enjoy singing her songs (especially this one..."I'm the F to the E R G the I the E and can't no other lady put it down like me...I'm Fergilicious...") while out in public to further humilate my children. I do NOT try to pull my Fergie moves while singing it front of people...while my children cover their faces so no one will know they are with me....

(go ahead and enjoy the photo, know you want to....)

I am NOT overwhelmed by the incredible support of all my bloggy friends! You are all NOT (to quote one of my favorite bloggers, Nerdy Jess) the AWESOMESAUCE!

And finally, I am NOT feeling badly for Chilly who took a nasty spill in a parking lot yesterday. It does NOT appear that he probably has a broken leg (or at the very least a fractured knee) and I will NOT have to drive his derriere the 40 miles to his place of employment for the next couple of months. I will NOT be spending my entire Monday sitting in a hospital (again) waiting for him to be checked out. I would never feel so sad for someone who's had some bad April mojo like I have NOT had.

I DO hope you all have a Happy Monday!

p.s. To my family members who are reading this...Chilly will be ok...I realize you're all freaking out, but seriously, we are so done with all of this negativity! I ate the chocolate voodoo guy yesterday;) (lol!)


Anonymous said…
Oh no you didn't!!!!
Nancy Face said…
Oh, no! Poor Chilly! :(

This post was awesome, and so are you! :)

I had NO IDEA there were fancy McDonald's restaurants! :0
Kristina P. said…
Let's talk about how Fergie looks like a tranvestite, and I think that her eyebrows have been surgically implanted.

Unknown said…
Hey, does that Tommy guy make house calls? Don't know what's up with our computer. I do know that I'm techno stupid (been told that by someone who knows) and I'm at a loss!
i'm a closet fergie lover...Fergilicious...true dat!!!
blognut said…
Hope all is well with Chilly - Hang in there, April is almost over and May has got to be a better month for you!
Anonymous said…
great post! that new stylish mc d's is pretty neat!
Crazee Juls said…
what happened to those bloggers you mentioned... I've noticed that there are quite a few bloggers out of commission right now!?!
Randi Troxell said…
ooh poor chilly.. hope he gets to feeling better soon... and btw.. i so wanna go to that mcd's... looks so cool!
Michelle-y said…
Ouu...McD's put on their fancy pants! We need one here (but they would NEVER put one in our 2-bit town).
Poor Chilly! You guys need a vacation!!!
Here's to a rockin' May!
Tracy said…
Jess is going to be SO excited!! :)

Big hugs to Chilly!!!
Kat said…
I love McDonalds coffee so much it is wrong, but oh oh oh so right.
Jillene said…
I love to sing along with Fergie too. And sorry about Chilly!!
kado! said… where is this up-scale Mc.D's? I might actually go inside and enjoy my Sweet iced-tea at a table...instead of wearing a wig and costume as I pull thru the would never do that!

you are so funny...your kids are lucky to have such a wonderful singer/MOM! =)
Jazzy Jemz said…
Poor Chilly! Get better!
Loving me that McDonalds! lol at the fact they did NOT think you were from Coorporate.
The Blonde Duck said…
Ouch! I hope Chili is ok!

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who is crazy. Where did Blue Violet go?
Anonymous said…
LOL...that is some MdDs...And for poor Chilly...tell him I understand as I am starting week two with my stupid ankle...ugh.

Hope YOU have a great Monday!
Heather said…
Hecky darn. Love it and asking permission to use this phrase!
Bobby G said…
Yeah I do NOT like Fergie either, I don NOT turn the radio up when Big Girls Dont Cry Comes on, im NOT as gay as I
Just SO said…
That McD's is cool! Sorry about your husbands leg and the bad April Mojo....bring on MAY!
nikkicrumpet said…
I had no idea there were fancy Micky D's...too bizarre. And I'm so very sorry about your hubby. Crap that angel voodoo doll was too creepy to help. Somebody out there must have a fairy wand we could wave over him and then sprinkle some magic dust...the poor guy needs it!
Oh, no!!! Poor Chilly.

Hope all is well.
mama's smitten said…
Hey Friend, Your blog looks great! What a Fancy MC Donalds ! Yeah I heard their cofee was pretty good , gonna have to try it!
Robyn Jones said…
Ok...You should come out here and pretend to be "corprat" at our McDonalds...they are the dirtiest I have ever seen.... ughhhhhh We hate going there.

and I love that you humiliate your children in public....good for you...keep up the good work.

I wrecked mine too. :)
Queenie Jeannie said…
Super cute post!!!

I'm missing blueviolet too and would like to personally punch the peeps responsible for her hasty exit!! (just sayin')
Jodi said…
Poor Chilly and your poor finger!! :( I hope you both feel better soon!

Stop by my blog when you get a chance. I gave you an award! :)
LadyStyx said…
~nice~ Mickey D's! The were upgrading the ones where we used to live in Texas. It was all done in this very nice, adult plaid (as opposed to parochial school plaids).
Mother Mayhem said…
The Fergie of my day would be the Duchess of York. Formerly married to Prince Andrew. This Fergie scares me. So I'm old. ;o)

(Glad Chilly is okay.)
Erin said…
Wow, what an awesome McDonalds!

Love the list!
Jen said…
that is one crazy mcdonalds. sure beats mine.
I was also sorry to hear about blue violet, but hadn't heard about Vodka Mom leaving - what's going on?

That McD's looks fabulous... good thing I'm not into their fries at all. ;)

Hope Chilly heals quickly and feels better soon.
Jenners said…
Oh My God ... Chilly needs to be put into a protective bubble right now and stay there! I can't even believe that. What stress this man causes you all! I hope he is OK!!!

And that McDonalds ... amazing! I love their reactions.

And what is up with all these bloggers disappearing? I've been feeling a little burnt out ... I guess perhaps it is catching!
Unknown said…
Totally jealous of your McDonalds! Since I live in Small Town USA it will be an eternity until I get one that cool! Hope you all have a better week than the last!
Marie Reed said…
I'll do my part by eating chopping down a few voodoo dolls for Chilly! Poor dude!

Do you know what the heck happened to blue violet? I got the gist of Vodka Mom's trouble from her last post. I will miss her sooo much too!
A Psych Mommy said…
Yikes, I've been away for far too long! My apologies--my blog party just zapped all my energy, but all is back to normal again! Anyhow, I can't belive that's a McDonald's--or excuse me, a McCafe!
Mama Dawg said…
Yeah, I'm a Fergie freak, too. And I also try desperately hard to embarrass my kid in public. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. It's a crapshoot.
Grand Pooba said…
Holy crap! That's a McDonalds?
Debra said…
I hope you and Chilly mend soon! LOVE that McDonald's!
Anonymous said…
Hope your finger is ok!

That McDonald's is insane!!!

It is sad to lose a fellow blogger from blog land. :(
Shannon said…
That is some McD's!
Kristen Andrews said…
wow we don't have a fancy McDonalds!
debi9kids said…
I had no idea that blueviolet is taking a break. (I haven't been around much)

That MCD is awesome. WOW!
And, I have got to admit, I LOVE their iced coffee! YUM!
How funny! I love that Fegolicious song. Makes me wanna dance! And what's up with that McDonalds?? That is the coolest one I have ever seen. If mine looked like that I would be hanging out blogging there all the time!

Marie Reed said…
Vodka Mom is back!! She's posting again!
Jess said…
Ah! You quoted me :) now I'm all squishy ;)

xoxoxo Mama Bee
momof3girls said…
You are so funny! I miss blueviolet to - her site won' t pull up for me, says there is a problem with her burn feeder - ugh!
The Mrs. said…
That Mc Donalds is redunculous!!!
Megan said…
Wow! That is SOME McD's! Craziness!

I lerve Fergie, too.

Poor Chilly. Hope he feels better asap! That's a long way to work, one way! Eek!

And I hope your finger feels better too! Owie!
Alexis AKA MOM said…
You flippin crack me up and OMGosh I can't get over that McD's!!! That is crazy come a long way from the ugly gray polyester skirt wearing days of my HS years! Did I mention the nylons and oils don't mesh well together. Nothing like the smell of burnt flesh and nylon. What too much? LOL

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