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Fast Track to Funk-y Town

Don't be afraid...Tween Caveboy and Irish Dancer Girl have removed the pms crime tape and hard hat signs! Peace and harmony have been restored to the land of Bee and Rose again!

Let's talk about the train to Funk-y Town. Word on the street is that some of you have been riding it too. I know some of you jumped off, you lucky ducks (or should I say "eagles" wink..wink..), and saved yourselves! It appears that a blog funk has settled upon the land of Blog again. Have you fallen victim to the Funk? I actually stayed away from the computer (except for a few moments to check on some emails and write my posts) for two whole days!!! I actually tried to do some blogstalking but in my exhaustion, everything I was reading was reducing me to tears...even the really funny stuff! So I hopped off the train to Funk-y Town and fast tracked it to the Cave of Restorative Powers....This was my attire for the last two days...
My supermom cape was tattered, my blogger superpowers were deactivated, and complete exhaustion was the order of the day. Combine that with the nasty computer crash, Irish Dancer Girl's knee injury (a bad thing when you're an Irish dancer) and Chilly's rapid decline in good health (big time suckfest with that) and you have a recipe for disaster! And that doesn't include the hours and hours I spent going through over 1,ooo emails, sorting and counting entries for the giveaway and spending a good chunk of time with choosing winners! Oh...and did I mention I homeschool my kids....and of course, during all of this hullaballoo, we had field trips. Whew! I'm tired just reading that!

So it was off to the Cave of Restorative Powers to rest and rejuvenate. I finally feel human today.

I am going to make a wee attempt at stalking today (since Irish Dancer Girl seems to be in a funk all her own....let's just say "whine" is definitely on the menu at our house this morning!)

However, tomorrow...WATCH OUT, BLOGLAND! I am spending the entire day blogging. I am giving myself one full day to play in the land of blog to spread comments (as I've mentioned to my dear friend, Jenners...) like Johnny Appleseed! I have tons of friends to visit and I am excited to feel excited about that again! So goodbye, overwhelming anxiety and exhaustion! Hello, happy happy joy joy!

Oh! One more thing before I release the prisoners...

My sweet friend DiPaola Momma over at Chicken Nuggets of Wisdom shared a wonderful post yesterday about her walk to support breast cancer research. It is a deeply moving post and she is also supporting her friend Nicole in her upcoming Avon Breast Cancer Walk. Nicole could use our support so scooty on over and give her a shout out here She has some awesome giveaways going on over there too! Don't the ta-tas! Feel your boobies!

Speaking of giveaways....Winners...don't forget to email me your addresses so I can ship off your goodies!

Have a rockin' Wednesday!


Kristina P. said…
I feel like I've been in that funk for about a month now. Ever since Vegas, really.
Kat said…
I have been in a big of a blog funk too. Now I think I am rejuvenated because of the lovely weather outside. Nothing beats sitting outside with the ol laptop and pounding out some posts and comments.
beckylbranch said…
Yes-you will feel better when you get caught up! Have fun in Blogland tomorrow :)
I can't sleep without a face mask...I got a really soft one at Brookstone and love it!
That's right...Thats MISSES EAGLE to you! ;)

I'm glad my funk is over and welcome back to the Happy Happy Joy Joy of blogging! Its much more fun without the funk!!
Anonymous said…
Yeah, I think it's just the season change or something. Lots of people are in a funk it seems.
Devri said…
woman, take care of yourself!

YOu and your family first, then the blogworld.. sad but true!!
Anonymous said…
Thank you for the comment you left on my other site A FiveOh4 Uplifting!!! That truly made my day!! I'll be following you from my (other)inspirational blog called I Choose Bliss. Hope to see you there!!:)
Jillene said…
I have been in a funk for what seems like forever. It seems that I only want to post about my stupid surgery and all the gory details----which I am sure everyone is SICK of hearing about. Hopefully I get my MoJo back soon because I am bored with myself.
Mimi said…
Yep, I've got the funk. I've been trying to plow through it!
Kathy B! said…
I am feelin' funky, too! What's up with that?! I'm glad you've emerged form the cave of rejuventaion unscathed :)
3 Bay B Chicks said…
It seems that many have been sharing your "funkiness." Moms go through highs and lows. The important thing is that we rebound though, right? I am glad to read that this is exactly what you are doing. :)

Heather said…
Just wait, in 17 days I'll really be "funky!" My mother-in-law will be shortening our 2000+ miles apart to 20 miles, for 3 long long months.
Bobby G said…
I was in a funk for most of 2008! Even tho im losing my job, Im as happy as can be! as far as my blog goes, can judge for yourself!
The Blonde Duck said…
I take breaks on the weekends to avoid the funk. I spend so much time on the computer during the week that doing it on the weekends too is overload. It's all about balance (laughing manically at my own joke.)
Eve said…
Hmm... yeah. I feel it too.

Oh well.

Life is like that sometimes.

But it always gets good again! ;)
Jazzy Jemz said…
Im in that funk too. Brain cells must be dying and people must be forgeting I love them. Can I get a forklift please?
Randi Troxell said…
ooooh... bloggy land all day! what fun you'll have!
nikkicrumpet said…
I hope EVERYONE was in funky town while I was gone...It's going to take me FOREVER to catch up! Now I'm off to read what else I missed. Oh and I'm a good girl..I just got my mammo a few weeks first one and all is well...YAY. Ladies for those who have been putting off your first one...DO's no big deal and doesn't hurt like I thought it's a piece of cake!
LadyStyx said…
I was in a funk for about a month and a half. I've since broken free and dropped several entries on my blogs in Blogger. Im hoping this keeps momentum because I really hate when I stall out like that.
Polka Dot Moon said…

Somethings in the water or air!

My remedy.......chocolate, more chocolate ;)
I don't blame you for being exhausted, your giveaway was big-time work. Take a little time to catch your breath before spreading your love again.

I love you and look forward to every post you write.
Deb said…
oh yeah, the funk. i am finally coming out of my second one. well, actually it was my first. the first episode was more like a blog freak out... just this last one was an actual funk.

i'll be in touch with my email. thanks again and take it easy on yourself.
Cygnus MacLlyr said…
I've been in that funk on My Song, but have felt the tides turning flow of late...
(second blog ok. too new to 'funk'...)
Cyclic, I s'pose; Spring and all-- everyone wants OUTSIDE!!!

I'm ready for a good stalking, though... both ways...

anybody wanna? :D

Have a good day, Fair Lady D!
blognut said…
Lately, I live in Funk-y Town. I suck.
Jenners said…
I HAVE been in a bit of a blogging funk...just really tired and behind on everything in my regular life ... and there is the matter of "Breaking Dawn," which needs to be read and finished. I'm just coasting along this week actually. Sometimes you just need a break!
debi9kids said…
uGH! I am in that funk. It's bad. I have some posts done, but can't get through the funk. UGH...
just found out my bf husband is dying, a friend's baby died 2 days ago and little Gia is probably not going to beat her cancer.
I am beyond "lost" right now :(
Marie Reed said…
A suck fest is right! You're poor fam! Is Chilly going to be OK? Now I'm worried...It's times like this when I wish that I were more religious... then I could say that I'll pray for you... What if I eat chocolate for you? Does that count?
Mother Mayhem said…
I've noticed the funk. I'm scared.
kado! said…
I just feel a million things piling uparound me that i want to get done...I think if I tackle them then I'll feel OK about sitting at the lap-top for a few hours....AGH this balance act of life!
No blog funk here. I could just read and read. Of course my boss wishes I would just work and work.
Jan said…
I think there is a funk virus going around. I really do. But no worries, you are still contagious worthy :)
Good thing they removed the tape...whew! Love the 'feel your boobies' sign...hehe.

Jamie :-)

Oh & your magnet is ready here whenever you're ready...

Thanks girly!
Ann Harrison said…
No need to explain a funk. We're a forgiving group.
Mary-Catherine said…
Ahh the blog funk! Fondly known in my household as "blunk" It's an epidemic I tell ya!
Donnetta said…
There are some SERIOUS funk cooties floating aroung the blogosphere!

Give the Irish Dancer cheese to go with her whine! :)

Hope Chilly is doing better!
Alexis AKA MOM said…
I'm still waiting for someone not to claim their price so I can .... LOL
Just SO said…
I think that the funk has been slowly crawling through blogland. I've been fighting it off the best I can. The sun coming out is helping...a little.

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