Ahhh…the bliss of the blog….I’ve missed Blogland and it's lovely citizens…I realize it was only a few days in “real” life, but it certainly felt longer! I was lucky enough to post most days, but it's no fun if you can't stalk your fellow bloggers. When I add in all the time during April that I have been unable to blog because of the horrendous computer crash of April 7th, Chilly's heart failure (in a scary..kind of repeat of last year way) the Sunday before my giveaway winners were announced, and now Chilly’s impending knee surgery due to his fabulous stunt moves on Sunday…it feels like I’ve been gone from Blog for years! So what happened to turn Chilly into Gimpy McGimpster? A fall from plummeting blood pressure that resulted in a broken tibia, femur and knee cap! Chilly never does anything half-assed! No sir-ee! If he's going to injure himself, it's gonna be a big injury! Oh, did I mention how delighted I am to be driving Gimpy McGimpster to work every morning...