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Wordless Wednesday...Poofy Easter Princess

Miss Kitty's Second Easter 2004
(Gee, those bangs look awfully familiar!)

Join the fun!
Wordless Wednesday at Extraordinary Mothers


Anonymous said…
She's absolutely adorable! I even like the bangs, then and now!
oh my goodness...i love the poofy girlies call them "spinning dresses". she's is too cute!
Deb said…
oh man! you beat me to the punch line! LOVE the bangs.

don't they grow up so fast?

that little dress is adorable. ah, yet another reason to be jealous of moms of girls...
Anonymous said…
Adorable! Love that dress too!
Old(er) pics are great. You look at them and wonder where the days have gone. Gorgeous dress, and beautiful baby girl.
Cammie said…
soooooo pretty!
Jillene said…
The poofyer the better (at least that's what my girls think). So cute!!
Nancy Face said…
Oh my goodness! She looks so precious! There is nothing cuter than poofy dresses on little girls! :)
Anonymous said…
Oh. My. Gosh!
Devri said…
I was just going to say!.. tee hee.

She is a doll.. and the dress is too cute!
A Psych Mommy said…
Awww, she's sooo cute! And what Frankenbangs she has (LOL, I think her hair is adorable, too!)
blognut said…
Just adorable! Frankenbangs are a good look for her.
Anonymous said…
...Seriously?! How cute is that?! She's a doll!
Crazee Juls said…
adorable. I love big puffy dresses.
Kristina P. said…
I really wish I could find that dress in my size.
*Just Jen* said…
What a BEAUTIFUL little girl, AND dress!
Unknown said…
What a beautiful little Easter Angel!
Tracy said…
pek pek pek... oh how you've been missed momma hen!!!

i'm back... in full swing {i hope}!!!

and as usual, miss kitty is just adorable!!!
3 Bay B Chicks said…
I think that the first picture is my absolute favorite. She looks like she is remembering something.

Darling, darling little girl.

Alexis AKA MOM said…
OMG Girlie she looks so cute and that dress is amazing! Looks like one fun Easter Egg hunt :).

Ahh bangs yup kids and scissors ... LOL
The Blonde Duck said…
I want a poofy Easter dress!
Shauna said…
Precious! Thanks for sharing :)
Randi Troxell said…
she is just too perfect and gorgeous looking, what a beauty!!
THanks for the compliments on the wedding. Your little on is the sweetest and you can't beat a puffy dress! Love the color too!
Jenni said…
Oh cuuuuuuuuuuute!
Claire said…
Wow, what a cutie!!! It's hard to believe what a big girl she is now. That seems to be going on at our house too :)
Jen said…
She is beautiful!!!!! I want a dress like that for Claire.
Unknown said…
I had to redraw in my bracelet giveaway and your were the lucky winner...if at all possible please email me your info by tonight! Congrats!
Kristen Andrews said…
so cute, that is priceless.
Oh - how sweet! I have a little girl who would love to wear that cute outfit!

Have a super night!

Awwwww! So precious. Great pics!
LORI said…
Jazzy Jemz said…
My that is a poofy dress! Very chic too!
Jenners said…
Totally totally adorable! And what little girl wouldn't want that dress? I know I want it for myself!
Grand Pooba said…
she's adorable! I think the bangs give her character!
kel said…
I love that dress! Don't you wish we grown girls could get away with dresses like that??
Unknown said…
So sweet and adorable.
Raven said…
What a cute little princess she is!

Anonymous said…
Cat you are beautiful! I love you!
Stacy Uncorked said…
Absolutely Adorable! :)

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