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Not Me Monday...And Prayers for Stellan

Hi everyone:)

It's Monday and before jumping into my Not Me post, I want to start by asking you to please send loads of prayers over to MckMama. Her sweet little baby Stellan is in the hospital and they would truly appreciate your prayers and support.

~Thank you~

Here is a list of some of the things that I did NOT do last week....

I did NOT find myself weirded out by Edward Cullen’s freakishly red lips while watching the Twilight dvd. (I also did NOT drool over his hot-ness either...No, Chilly, I did NOT.)

I did NOT cry my eyes out while watching the movie “Amazing Grace” to the point that my eyes were actually swollen. I would never cry that much over a movie. (I did NOT tell everyone I know to rent that movie or I would hunt them down. I would NOT threaten my loved ones that way.)

I did NOT want to shave my daughter’s head bald after spending 45 minutes trying to untangle ONE STINKIN’ KNOT.

I did NOT want to shave my own head after seeing the enormous amount of gray hair that has mysteriously appeared over the last few days.

I did NOT scream in horror when I realized I had been walking around all week with a uni-brow because in my exhaustion I failed to tweeze.

I did NOT fall into a pit of despair over not having the time last week to spread my comment love around the land of Blog. I am NOT that addicted to blogging.

I am NOT ready to kick blogger's booty because it's not updating posts in a timely manner. I did NOT miss several new posts from bloggy friends because of this glitch that does NOT exist. (stupid blogger)

I am NOT super excited about the giveway I am having for my 100th post coming soon! It is NOT huge and fabulous!

So...what did you NOT do last week???


Kristina P. said…
Reader makes me angry sometimes. I don't know what's going on with the glitch.
Jillene said…
I am NOT having the same issues with Blogger. It is NOT taking forever to update and it is NOT pissing me off--because I only have the rest of today, Tues. and Wed. to blog. Boo!!
Between Reader and Blogger..I'm about ready to jump ship! It's always something!

Oh yeah...I did not sit in front of the tv all weekend and play Scrabble, Battleship and Connect four on the Wii. Nope! Nope! Not me!
Anonymous said…
I've been noticing that blogger issue lately too and it ticks me off.

I just finally took control over my eyebrows this past week and I feel so much better for it. :)

I can't see the Edward thing. I just can't. Help me.
I have noticed that there seems to be a problem. Good thing I am obsessive about you and just keep dropping in on you:) Hope your weekend was wonderful and the week ahead looks great.

Deb said…
be careful of what you wish for! your daughter could totally make the bald thing happen! you know how much she loves the scissors!
Kelly said…
I cried my eyes out during Amazing Grace as well. Then when I bought the movie 6 months later I watched it without shedding a single tear. Must have been the hormones I guess. Still a great movie!
The Blonde Duck said…
I love the unibrow pic.
Anonymous said…
Yeah, I have several blogs I follow whose updates never show up and I have to remember to actually go check out their blogs to see if they've updated. Stupid blogger!
Anonymous said…
Prayers are being sent.

So sorry to hear of the blogger problem. I did not just make chocolate cupcakes. ;)
Raven said…
I have a lot of NOTS from last week too, but I just added them to my to-do list for this week.

I'm sure this week will be a better one for us all.

Sending love and smiles your way...

I've been horrible with leaving comments lately. I'm not looking forward to your giveaway either.
Anonymous said…
I so *did not* think that about Edwards lips, either! lol
Sorry I havent commented forever, I've been horrible at finding the time to read everyones blogs lately!! (
Kathy said…
I did NOT update my blog last week - nearly four weeks of absenteeism (bad, blogger, bad, bad)! Officially out of hibernation and happy to see some familiar friends.
Tim Atkinson said…
I did NOT wonder why all the blogs I joined this week showed a profile pic that I'd deleted months ago. Wierd!
BAHAHAHAHAHAHHA My hubby was going to buy Twilight for me from Target (scoring points) and they were GONE...waaaaaaaaa. I so DID NOT pout.

As usual, I can identify with all that you said:)
Claire said…
Ack! I have eyebrow issues as well-I need to get to my waxer ASAP!

I did NOT take a Benadryl last night in the hopes of getting some decent sleep. I also did NOT wish I had something a lot stronger. Laura did NOT wake up three different times causing me stumble around the house in the dark in a Benadryl stupor. And I was NOT at all exhausted this morning and practically unable to get out of bed! :)
Jan said…
I can't get pass the unibrow. Hilarious.

Glitches keep us all guessing I think. I have no idea why the why's.
LadyStyx said…
Im with blue...I just dont get it about Edward. Then again I dont know why so many are googoo over Matt Giraud in American Idol either. I just dont see it.

Blogger's been a pain over here too. Im one that if it doesnt come up in my reader (or at LEAST the bloggie follow on my site) I tend to forget to visit. The reader's SUPPOSED to be making my bloggy-following habits EASIER...NOT making more work for me!

As for what I didnt do...I didnt get days behind (try closer to a week)on news here to blog about and then just decide to :P~~ it all and not blog until I felt better.
Momo Fali said…
I did not laugh at this point. As a matter of fact, I never laugh at your posts. Also, I did not drink too much beer on Saturday night and I did not have to do mountains of laundry today because everyone was out of underwear.
A Psych Mommy said…
Ahh, yes, Blogger--makes me kind o wish that I started with a differen platform. I'm not brave enough to make the switch though.

I'm getting really excited about your 100th post!
Alexis AKA MOM said…
You make me laugh so hard! I would have loved to see a uni brow swollen eye shut picture, oh yeah with the grey hair sticking up. LOL

You're too funny girlie :)
I think I have to join this "Not Me Monday". I love reading peoples lists. Yours seriously had me giggling. Love the uni-brow photo. It hit a little too close to home. :D

I watched Twilight tonight with my husband....
mama's smitten said…
Great List! I have to check out that movie! Love the unibrow pic! God bless you for spreading the word about baby Stellan.
Kristen Andrews said…
I watch Twilight and his lips weren't weird for me but man is he hot, hot hot! I am in love w/ a vampire now.
I have a uni-brow and have done nothing about it. My boyfriend is calling me "cousin it". Can't imagine why...
Cygnus MacLlyr said…
I also am NOT addicted to blogger; I promise, I do NOT think about y'all all day @ work and wonder if anyony-- and whom, if so-- is visiting whilst I canna be near...

Oh, and Prayers on the way.
Called on my personal gods; hope they suffice...
LORI said…
3 Bay B Chicks said…
Blogger has become a real pain. I am totally considering breaking up with him permanently. I just can't take the unpredictability of our relationship.

Badass Geek said…
I did not think they did a good job with the makeup for the vamps in "Twilight". I only know this because I've endured the movie twice with my wife, and cannot get over the fact of how bad they look.
Debbie said…
I'm not sure why the posts show up in reader at odd times. Sometimes I will be on a new post from a blog but my reader will still now show it. Frustration.
Marie Reed said…
All my prayers out going out to her sweet little baby.. Poor thing...
Mammatalk said…
Those brows look familiar. Eek!
Jules AF said…
I also did not stare at his lips for the whole movie because I was so freaked out by them. WHO DID THE MAKEUP???
Jenners said…
Um...well, isn't that Edward guy a vampire? Shouldn't he have red lips -- you know, from drinking blood?

The unibrow lady is going to give me nightmares.
Tom said…
You just started this blog at the first of the year and are already approaching 100 posts and have nearly 100 followers? I think you need to start conducting blogger seminars across the country.

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