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Makin' Money for the Man..the Irish Man

(Scroll down for my Wordle!!)

Yep, I am having a yard sale today and tomorrow! I will be slaving away trying to rake in a few bucks, selling off everything we own so I can continue to afford Irish dance. I will catch up with ya'll on Monday! Got any yard sale horror stories for me? What about lucky yard sale stories??? Anything???

Before I go, I want to share this delightful tidbit that I happened upon while visiting my friend, Ladystyx! Do you like Chick-Fil-A? Do you enjoy their tasty chicken sandwiches with pickles and a nice cold Cherry Coke as much as I do?? Then be sure to click one of those linkys!
You will laugh your pa-tootie right off! Seriously, go check it out!!! Even if you have never heard of Chick-Fil-A it's worth checking out because it will give you the giggles! My kids and I can't stop watching it! (just scroll down a little when you get there!)

Have a wonderful weekend!

Don't forget to join Shannon over at Last Shreds of Sanity for her Week-end Wordles!


Mrs. Schmitty said…
Good luck! I have to have a sale too, I'm sick of looking at all of the clutter!
Devri said…
Oh I love me a yard sale.. too bad I don't live close!

Hope you make millions so you can give me someithing good!
any good stuff? love yard sales...and it reminds me that 'tis the season. wooo hooo.
Mother Mayhem said…
As long as you don't sell your computer. ;o)

The best yard sale I ever had was with my mom. Before the sun rose, we blew up balloons and hung them everywhere. In the glare of daylight, we realized that they looked like blown up condoms. Hanging EVERYWHERE. ACK.
Jess said…
Ugh, I'm jealous. Peep my blog for what's gonna hit us this weekend. Its CRAZY. Tornadoes last week, snow this week. What.the.shit?!

Stacy Uncorked said…
I love garage sales! We usually make it a group event and turn it into a party... :) Hope you're having fun and make lots of moolah! :)
Randi Troxell said…
happy friday and happy yard sale! believe it or not i've never had a yard sale!
Tracy said…
Ew garage sales! I hate having them!!! I always get so mad when you are selling a pair of $50 jeans for $2 and someone tells you 50c!? WTH!?? NO B*TCH!!! {phew} Sorry... can you tell I dont like garage sales!? hahahaaa!!

Good luck peaches!
Claire said…
That Chick-Fil-A song was hysterical! We love eating there and now I am craving it for lunch.
Anonymous said…
Good luck with your garage sale! I know how much work they are to do. I have them about every 2 years which means I am due this year. I'm skipping though. Maybe next year.

I saw that vid at her blog for Chick-Fil-A and it was hilarious!
Dapoppins said…
Good luck! Make lots of $$$$$
The Blonde Duck said…
Have fun at the yard sale!
Donnetta said…
Good luck! Hoping you make some serious moola!!
Alexis AKA MOM said…
Yard sale so where are all the pictures of stuff for sale? Yup I'm demanding pics of you sitting out there hawking I mena gently asking people to buy (or else) LOL

Have fun girlie hope you're having better weather than here.
blognut said…
Good luck with your sale. I hate those things!
You will do fabulous darling!

Seriously..I have had great luck with the yard sales I have had. Made almost $500 one time. (I had a lot of baby stuff to get rid of). There was one time though..I was helping a neighbor with her yard sale, and two of her 'customers' back into each other. One of the drivers was so upset over the whole ordeal she dropped the glass table she had just purchased, breaking it. She demanded her money back. After discussion, my neighbor agreed to give her half back. As the table was still usable, it just need a glass insert. Silly people!

Good luck and I look forward to hearing about your success!
Ann Harrison said…
Good luck with your yard sale. I hope the weather is good! (In Oregon you cross your fingers and hope for the best -- even in August!)

I checked out that Chick-Fil-A video. So funny :->
LadyStyx said…
omg *gigglez* Well THIS explains it! I was wondering why I was getting some new nicks in visiting. A couple mentioned this is where they came over from, but I had absolutely no clue I got a shout out. Thank you so very much!!
Cygnus MacLlyr said…
No horror stories, happy to pass on...

But ebst of luck on the fund-raising...

I better go check out this Irish Freak on thingie... sounds very Cygnusenticing...

Anonymous said…
Wah! I've never had chick fil a!
Hope your sale is going well, and you are making lots of money to feed your habit.

LORI said…
Scary Mommy said…
Your Wordle just made me really hungry! :)
Debbie said…
I think a lot of us are selling off some things!
Shan G said…
Good luck with the yard sale. Did you pick up any tips from Clean House? LOL

Good Wordle...but ya need to let me know when you post early...I get people popping over to my place looking for Wordle and I don't post it until Sta morn about 3 is confuseling peeps, Dawnie! LMAO!

Thanks, as always for the shout out! Now get on back over here as soon as ya can and catch up on my posts! LOL

Oh and Zen duckie is freaking me out, man!
nikkicrumpet said…
That was pretty funny! Good luck with your yard sale...take the camera and give us pictures of the creepy shoppers!
Anonymous said…
Good luck with the yard sale !
Blog Stalker said…
Good luck with your yard sale. We have been fairly lucky as of late in the way of money coming in but the horrors are the people who will try and steal from you. YES! I have caught people trying to walk away with stuff. Like paying 50 cents for a shirt is just too much! But I don't let it go and usually they are guilted into buying

Have a great weekend!
Jenners said…
Arrrghh! Yard sales. People haggling with you over a toaster that already costs a dime! I hate them! They are so much work and people are so cheap. I ran an ad once with a start time of 7:30 am and people started ringing the doorbell at 6:00 am. Yard sale people are nuts! Hope you get some good sales!
I am all about yard sales.... I wish I could be there to shop. Hope you have "fun".
Queenie Jeannie said…
Good luck with your yard sale!! I know how much work all that is!

Really diggin' your Wordle!
Megan said…
Good luck with the yard sale!!
Marie Reed said…
That sounds like a blast. My cousin and I used to sell lemonade whenever my Grandma had a yard sale! We were so excited by earning dimes:)
Good luck on your yard sale. I want to have 1 this year & sell all the old baby stuff. I love Chick-fil-a, but we don't have 1 in our mall. I want to go to the other mall & eat there soon. I've been missing it.
Sandy said…
I hope everything went well and you made lots of money! I really need to drag all my crap out and sell it. I feel like my house is shrinking!

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