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If It Walks Like a Duck...

I heard voices in my bathroom this morning.

At first, I thought it was the shower zombies. (What? You don’t have shower zombies? Come on…you mean to tell me that you don’t have near empty bottles of shampoo and body wash just waiting to launch a full-on assault on your foot while you are blissfully enjoying your morning shower??)

Upon further investigation, I saw Miss Rubber Duckie Dawn had a guest. They were talking in low voices. I could also see that Miss Rubber Duckie Dawn was sporting a new look. Hmmm….

"I appreciate you coming over on such short notice, Zen Duck. She’s just so edgy lately. She was blessed with some really lovely bloggy awards that she hasn’t posted. How rude of her! And she has won some giveaways that she hasn’t acknowledged. She loves that Eco Baby Shampoo that she won from Kristen at La Dolce Vita. That creepy PMS lady is gone so I really don’t know what her problem is."

Zen Duck looked at her thoughtfully. “Perhaps she needs reminding of an attitude of gratitude or a nice massage.”

(While I can appreciate constructive criticism, I just can’t get past Zen Duck’s “man” boobs! Freaky!!!)

“Agreed,” said Rubber Duckie Dawn. “I know just the ducks for the job.” She gave a few quacks and along came the reinforcements.

(WHAT?! What are Tween Caveboy Duckie and Miss Kitty Duckie doing here? I didn’t know for sure what was coming next…an intervention or an exorcism, but I knew that I wasn’t sticking around to find out! The nerve of those little quackers!)

I started to leave when I heard Tween Caveboy Duckie formulating a diabolical plan with the shower zombies to teach me a lesson. That does it! I scooped up all the shower zombies and promptly tossed them in the trash. You should have heard them threatening me! Idiots! I’m bigger than they are…they didn’t stand a chance.

The little row of duckies had grown silent. “Fine! I know I’ve been a grump-a-frump lately! I know I need a shower! I know the laundry volcano is going to erupt at any moment!” I sighed and sat down next to the tub. “You’re right, Man Boobs Zen Duck . I need to get my attitude of gratitude on.”

My sweet bloggy friends, please forgive my rudeness!

I am grateful for my very sweet bloggy friend, The Blonde Duck ,

who graciously awarded me with the Triple Award! That is so cool!! Her blog, A Duck in Her Pond, is filled with fabulous stories, recipes and pies…delicious, mouth-watering pies…and you have to meet Queen Bitty and Bear! Thank you, Blonde Duck!

Also, the amazing Amy from The Undomestic Army Wife shared the Kreativ Blog Award with me! Thank you, Amy! She has fantastic decorating ideas over there and she’s a wonderful gal! She also has some great blog layouts for you to use too! Go on over and say hi!

As you know, I am terrible at choosing awardees because I want to share them with all of you! So once again, it’s an award grabbing bonanza! Grab away!!!

And Rae Anne from Critical Mass tagged me for a "7 things you may not know about me" meme. Rae Anne, I promise I will do this soon!! Her blog is a fun fest!

I truly am grateful for all the kind support everyone of you has shared with me and my little bloggy!

Big smoochies and hugs to all of you!!!

p.s. BIG Giveaway announcement coming soon!!!


Kristina P. said…
I love all the cute duckies. Congrats on your well deserved awards!
Cammie said…
heehee. love the ducks
Cute ducks, cute post. I am pretty bad at awards too. I never know who to give them to because there are so many blog I enjoy. Then I pick one and they already have the award. I have not done any of mine yet. I feel really bad about it. But.............. congratulations on your awards! Have a wonderful day.
Congrats on the awards! You are more than deserving.

I do have to say..I'm a little concerned. About You. You have zombies and talking ducks. Not only are they talking ducks, but ducks that morph. Whats in the water in your parts? Have you been playing with the creepy crawler creatures you live with?

P.S. I don't really think you are crazy. I do have to ask..what's the story behind the ducks? Inquiring minds want to know.
love the morph duck...and the blonde duck too! wooo hoooo!
I have had zombies for years, but I didn't know what was going on.

I am a terrible blog friend as well, I have so many I need to get caught up on, but never find the time.

Congrats to you!
The Blonde Duck said…
Thanks for the kind words! The talking ducks are always welcome at the Pond...we have bikini tops for the Zen duck...
Cute ducks! I am horrible about passing on awards! I always have great intentions, but then I forget about it and so on.

Jazzy Jemz said…
HOw do you pass out awards?

I was so intrigued to find out your duckies were talking to you. How cute!
Tori C. said…
Congrats on those awards, girly! You deserve them!
Raven said…
Super congratulations on all of the sweet definitely deserve every single one!

blognut said…
Man! My ducks never talk to me. Not one word.

I have really rude ducks.

Anonymous said…
LOL!! Thank you for visiting our site!!
Marie Reed said…
Rubber duckie you're the one is Johnny boy's all time favorite song!
nikkicrumpet said…
Man...if there were that many things living in my shower....I'd never shower again! I'd just live out the rest of my days as "that stinky lady". I'm glad the only thing that lives in my tub is stray dog hair!
Anonymous said…
LOL! I want a duck with man boobs!
Crazee Juls said…
I'm horrible at remembering awards... I feel so bad..because I'm always excited to get them... cute, very creative..and congrats on your bloggy awards!!
Anonymous said…
Okay, where on earth do you find these different rubber ducks??
Anonymous said…
Congrats on your awards! Your duckies are fun presenters. :)
Jen said…
I have loving the ducks and thanks, I knew that I heard something in the shower. Now I know.
Thanks for the giggles Duckie Gal:) I'm out of sorts too so I needed a giggle.
A Psych Mommy said…
That Buddah Zen Duck is awesome! I need to get one of those for a friend--I can just imagine her playing in the bathtub with it!
Kelly said…
Where do you find these duck photos? They are adorable.

Hope you get your spring back in your step soon!
Lesley said…
oh god...I'm loving it....attitude of gratitude...I must remember that...and why does zen duck...remind me of Mr. Clean?...
Kristen Andrews said…
those ducks are so cute, Will has a collection and I see there are many we can still had. He loves his duckies.
debi9kids said…
LOL! First thing I thought when I saw the "zen duck" was man boobs. hahaha
LORI said…
Stephenie said…
I'm loving the duck post.. I love the hello kitty one..What a cute post...
Tracy said…
Congratulations on the awards, but I'm do you get time for long showers with youn kids in the house? I didn't get back to long showers for a good 10 years! LOL
Stacy Uncorked said…
Hilarious post! Love the duckies! :) Congrats on your awards - I'm so far behind in doing my thanks and acknowledgments, too - ACK! I'm the same way you are - there are so many blogs I enjoy I have a hard time passing the wonderful awards on to just a few... :)
Tracy said…
And this, my friend, is why I adore you!!!

Jenners said…
The more I read your blog, the more I want to start a collection of little ducks. They are so funny!

And I'm the WORST at acknowledging awards. I think I have some from DECEMBER that I haven't done anything about. I'm going to rectify that this week though!
Alexis AKA MOM said…
Girl miss ya hope the lard sales going well! I just had to stop over for a laugh, I always know I can stop by hang out and laugh.

Love Ya
It sounds like you are having a hard time getting your ducks in a row..... I am sorry for the cheese talk, I couldn't resist.

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