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Wordless Wednesday (Yes, It's Still Cloudy With Increasing B*tchiness)

(If you need details, scroll down to yesterday's post "Cloudy With a Chance of B*tchy" says it all....)


Kristin said…
Yep! That about summs it up.
Ashley said…
Aww! I hate PMS. I feel your pain for the emotional roller coaster you're on!
You poor thing, another bad day?
Cammie said…
see this is one of the perks of me being fairly bitchy on a day to day basis. I dont so much notice pms. HA
Anonymous said…
That sums it up completely! Break free of it, break free!
Bethany said…
Thanks for visiting so often. I love your comments! Your blog is crackin' me up!! :)
Randi Troxell said…
i feel ya sistah!!! thanks for visiting my blog... hope you dont mind a new follower, and i also added you to my blogroll... cant wait to read more from ya!
Tracy said…
Awww my peaches! I feel for ya... I really do. Want me to beat her up for you? I can do this. I am one wild preggo woman... I can take her. You tell that b*tch I'm coming and to watch out!!!

PS - I'm glad that my bloggy chased her off... if even for a wee little bit. When she comes back try chasing her with Nerdy Jess' sketti scratching spoon!!! (I just re-commented over there and I must say that I laughed at my own wittiness... how pathetic, I know.)
Seeker said…
don't hate me....i never had that PMS thing. Guess the Lord thought i was cranky and dangerous enough without it...
Anonymous said…!
Great comic strip. I think most women can relate.

Jumped over from 5 Min. for Mom... :D
Jenni said…
I have all that AND the hormonal breakout to boot. Bah!
Michelle-y said…
Thanks for the bloggy love! I just stumbled onto your blog from reading the sweetness you left for Tracy and I must say, you are hysterical! I love it. I will anxiously await what may come!

P.S. I hope you're feeling better. Chocolate is the CURE ALL!

P.P.S. I love the shout out to our gnomies...TOO FUNNY!!!
Unknown said…
It's amazing how you found that picture of me...I was so sure that I deleted it forever! LOL And this is so me and sadly not just once a month@
I think its contagious! We seem to be having similar 'problems' at my house!
Anonymous said…
Hugs from Colorado
Unknown said…
Sounds like exactly what I am going thru here! I sympathize!
Jen said…
I FEEL that same way!!!! Loved these 2 posts.
Tracy said…
I'm convinced I actually get that PMS on steroids that they now call PMDD!! My advice is to keep in mind that you have been body-snatched for a few days and make no rash decisions.
May the Goddess Venus restore your correct hormone levels soon!
Shan G said…
LMAO!! I just went through this...but I still have a desperate need for chocolate!
Jenners said…
I just love this! Totally sums it up!

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