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Warm Fuzzy Friday is Back! (aka Because I'm the Mom)

Another warning...this post may be filled with rambling....the rambling of an exhausted woman...the coyotes had a rock concert outside my bedroom window for about 2 solid hours last night...I am not responsible for my rambling...

Because I was up all night "enjoying the coyote concert", my restless mind led me back to my "early" days of blogging. Back then I did a post called Warm Fuzzy Friday all about my beloved grandmother, Gigi. Gigi loves us so much that when Catherine presented her with a play-doh heart shaped "cookie" last Valentine's Day, she took a bite, grimaced a bit, smiled and told Catherine how delicious it was! Now Gigi didn't know it was play-doh...she just loves Cat so much that when Cat told her it was a cookie she took her at her word and took a bite! (Auntie G, I know you are laughing hysterically at the memory of this...)

Anyhoo, once again, I was filled with warm fuzzies remembering this and decided that today is another Warm Fuzzy Friday! Here are some things that give me warm fuzzies...

*Hanging out with my kids - This gives me the warmest of all fuzzies!

*"Love Actually" - I cannot watch this movie enough! It always makes me smile and the music is fab too! LOVE IT!

*Love You More - This adorable necklace is made by Kristin over at La Dolce Vita..she has an Etsy shop... (go check out her awesome Rock Star Dad guitar picks too! Love those!)

( seems I've gotten off track...that was actually a Valentine's day hint for the hubby...I was just thinking about that and my fingers just began typing like crazy....moving on...)

*Sony Digital Cameras

(oh..looky what I did again...dropped another hint for hubby....what' wrong with me today???)

*Philosophy Amazing Grace 3-in-1 Shower Gel/Shampoo/Bodywash and the fabulous Amazing Grace Perfume

(oh my gracious! I just can't stop myself ! More helpful hints for the hubster...)

This apparently gives my mother the giggly warm fuzzies....

"The Mom Song"

(it's a bit long, but you might get some giggles...)

hmmmm...I think she's still trying to tell me something....

What gives you the warm fuzzies on this fabulous Friday??

p.s. As I am not responsible for my blogging while exhausted...please note that I've never tried the whole video upload before...hopefully it's working! I apologize in advance for any irritation you may develop if it's not:) Off to bed now...I mean school....zzzz...zzzz....


Kristina P. said…
I watched Love Actually for the second time in my life, this Christmas. I had seen it in the theater when it came out, and I completely forgot what a great movie it is! Definitely one of my all time faves.
Anonymous said…
Love Actually is one of my all time favorite movies! And Philosophy products.... mmmm they're the best! :)
mama's smitten said…
Good morning! Hope you got some rest! Cute post!
I really enjoyed this the warm fuzzies.
Tamara Dawn said…

I just wanted to thank you for your message to Tuesday's family. Your heart is made up and will be delivered to them with many messages of love & encouragement.

Please continue to spread the message. I want to fill a whole box for the Whitt family.

God Bless!


(Great post too - tired or not! :) )
kel said…
I love Amazing Grace!!! Love it!!!!
Raven said…
I think I have to watch Love Actually again to give it another chance.

I loved reading about your warm fuzzies. And, thanks for the laugh with your oh-so-subtle Valentine's Day gifts. :)

Tracy said…
Warm Fuzzies... the little kicks that I feel all day. The excitement my hubby shows when he rubs the belly. And when he says in church he is grateful for our family to be and asks for prayers as we embark on our journey together.

Ummm... I'm spent. Smelling smoke yet? Brain worked in over drive.
Sue Wilkey said…
My sister and I routinely use Love Actually dialogue in everyday conversation. "just in cases".....
I once was privilaged to be an audience to a coyote concert. What a joy that was. I remember being terrified. Its not wonder you are not rest!

Lets see..warm fuzzies.....when my youngest hugs. He gives the very best hugs! And when my oldest says the word "wuff you" (love you). My heart melts!
Dawn said…
Your blog is just seems to be a 'feel good' blog. I love it! These were great warm fuzzies! :)
LORI said…
blognut said…
Exhaustion becomes you - great post.
Erin said…
I love philosophy, but I've never tried the Amazing Grace scent. Great - now you've got it in my mind that I HAVE to have it.

I hope you get some sleep!
Jenni said…
I looooove Kristin's necklaces! I bought myself one for CHristmas and I wear it every single day!
Debbie said…
I love that little story about your grandmother. What a great woman!
Jess said…
Yay! I LOVE love actually, its such a great movie.

Go check my blog, I posted something that will make you shoot soda out yo nose. Gah, its so funny.

Anna Lefler said…
I feel both warm AND fuzzy! Mission accomplished! ;^)

(I love "Love, Actually" too!)

Have a great weekend and I'm so happy to see you visiting my blog! (Thank you!) Yours rocks...


Anonymous said…
If that was my mother (the video one, not yours), I'd run away. She's manic and frightening.

I love that necklace from La Dolce Vita!!!!!
I would love to hear a coyote concert, although it would probably scare the daylights out of me at first. I love your warm fuzzies.
Kristen Andrews said…
thank you for the shout out, you are so sweet! sorry the racoons kept you up, maybe try to get them to move down to a neighbors that you don't like :)
Elisa said…
Coyotes scare the crap out of me!

The mom song cracks me up!

I'm exhausted too. :>
Marie Reed said…
Good idea! I need to start blogging some hints!
Marie Reed said…
I saw that cake wrecks is on your blogroll! Thatis sooo groovy!
Ashley said…
Thanks for posting at that Esty store! I've been looking for a meaningful necklace for awhile now, and I think I've found it :)

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