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Wagie Rides and Sharing Our Love

As many of you know, I am still a newbie blogger (just over 30 days.) My life has been forever changed by my blogging experience. I've made so many new friends! I've read amazing stories of courage and hope. I've giggled my panties off (not really off, Chilly...don't get excited..) and at times laughed so hard I have almost tinkled in aforementioned panties. I've found some fabulous writers, been asked to be a book reviewer (check out Girls With Books!) I have been inspired by the talents and creativity of fellow bloggers. I have witnessed the awesome power that blogging has to bring people together for a cause. The CPSIA Amendment is one of those causes. All of this brings me to the purpose of my blogpost for today. (I know I'm a rambler, but I promise my rambling will lead us somewhere!)

Like many of you, my heart has ached deeply for the family of beautiful little Tuesday Whitt who's precious soul flew to Heaven far too soon. If you haven't read their story, please click here. Yesterday, I happened upon a wonderful blog, moms without blogs. Lee has written a beautiful tribute to Tuesday. She and another fellow blogger, Em at Life, Liberty and the Pursuit have come up with a wonderful way to share in the celebration of Miss Tuesday's life. On Saturday Feb. 7th, Tuesday's family will have a bike and wagon parade at their local park. Miss Tuesday loved "wagie rides"! For those of us who want to show their support for the family, Lee and Em are hosting a virtual wagie parade. On Monday Feb. 9th, they will post the photos we share with them. Please clickety on the Wagie button on my sidebar for details. I know Lee and Em would love it if you add their button to your blog. My family will be out in our wagie on Saturday. I hope yours will too!

Also, Jay over at halftime lessons is shaving his head in support of children's cancer research through an organization called St. Baldricks. He has inspired me to donate Miss Catherine's long lovely locks to make wigs for children with cancer. Please click on the St. Baldericks button on my sidebar for more details and while you're at it, add that button too! Jay is spot on when he says that we have all been affected by this disease. My cousin David died at age 12 from leukemia and stomach cancer. It deeply affected me as a child. Please read Jay's blog. You will be inspired.

I would like to say thank you to Brenda Jean over at In the Treetop for leading me to Lee at moms without blogs. Scootie on over to Brenda Jean's blog! You will get the giggles! I love ya', Brenda Jean!

Lastly, another fellow blogger, Cynthia over at Confessions of a Yummy Mummy suffered the tremendous loss of her baby Aiden on Monday. I found Cynthia through SITS just recently. Please send her prayers and support.

I cannot even imagine what these families are going through. I feel so helpless. I hope that through my blog today, I can encourage you to show your support to these families in crisis. Thank you for sharing your time with me today.

Love to you all...

p.s. Ty update...Didn't get to see my hottie:( My dear friend who lives in that neighborhood called to tell me they had that place locked up tighter than Fort Knox! hiss...


Kristina P. said…
SO many sad things happened this week, but then the human spirit comes together in love and support.
Cammie said…
this is a great post-Tuesday's story has broken my heart this week as well. I wont be in town this weekend to get a picture but I cannot wait to see them all
Elisa said…
I just found Tuesday's blog yesterday. I spent the day loving on my kids and saying prayers for their families.

Count your blessings, name them one by one...
Kim said…
I had never heard of Tuesday, until maybe a week or so ago when half of the blogs I read started asking for prayer for her family. Which proves your point about the blogging community—what a way to get the word out and what an amazing support system that exists for this family. Women they don't even know and will never meet are lifting them up and praying for them through this ordeal.
Unknown said…
It always amazes me to see how many people truly care so deeply for people they've never met and in the blogging world that love and care is so real and genuine and just amazing!
Tracy said…
Thank you for bringing these much needed causes to the forefront. One can only hope and pray for them and thank God every single second for the blessings that have been bestowed upon them. I know I sure do...

I came across this website yesterday... funny you brought this up today. Anyways, check it out of ya have a second. Something that I'm pretty interested in...

I'm sorry you didn't get to see your hottie with the hottie temper... day dream away my pet. It'll get you through the rough patch! hahahaa!!!

The Blonde Duck said…
How sweet of you to post about this. I can't believe you're such a blogging baby! You know a lot more than I did when I started out!
Debbie said…
It has been a tragic few days. You are a dear to bring these things to light for those who may not have known.
Mammatalk said…
I think out of pain, can come something all the wonderful support for this family. How heart warming.
Jenni said…
The blogging community is a tight one...a very caring and loving group to be sure!
Tracy said…
I know you loved the boogie thing... Dont deny it.
It is overwhelming what the bloggers can do together. I can't imagine my life without my friends I have grown to truly love through cyberspace. These two tragedies can be somewhat lessened by the unity of all the prayers and thoughts. Thank you for helping spread the word. You are a doll!!!
Jess said…
Oh my goodness. That just breaks my heart. I can not imagine that. You momma's are made of strong stuff.

On a cheerful note: HI!!!! *waves* So sorry I wasn't available to chat today! *kicks work* for actually make me work. I wondered if you'd get to see Ty. Is it bad that I'm glad you didnt? hehehe
LORI said…
What a lovely post today. There is so much sadness, and for all we hear we know there are so many untold stories.

For over a year I followed the blogs of ladies who lost their babies (mostly to T18) and the blogging world pulls together to hold these families up. It is truly amazing what strangers will do for each other. It lightens my heart to find like minded people with the same values. People are good, I am thankful to have found so many wonderful people.
debi9kids said…
Thank you so much for posting about little Tuesday. I am a friend of the family and I know they will be so touched by all of the love and support.
Most sincerely,
blogismycopilot said…
its been kind of a sad week, hasn't it?
check all your options before donating your hair for a wig and make sure that the hair you are donating is actually going to be used for your intended purposes. A major/famous charity that people think makes wigs for children with cancer actually sells the hair to any wig-maker and use very little of their income for charitable purposes so make sure you chose a really great charity whos actions match your intentions.
I love the Waggie Ride made me a little teary eyed.

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