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Stupid Cupid (and Happy Friday the 13th!)

Yesterday afternoon while gathering up goodies for our Cupid's Tea Party, Miss Kitty asks, "Who is this Cupid guy anyway?" I smile and start to answer, but I'm cut off by the tween caveboy grunting, "He shoots people in the butt with an arrow." Lovely sentiment there, caveboy. "He does?!" her eyes get wide. "I don't want to have a tea party with that guy!" Tween caveboy laughs, "Yeah, cause he'll shoot you in the butt too!" He's really milking this for all he can. She goes running to her room, both hands planted firmly on her booty so Cupid can't get her and then boom! Down she goes! Screaming agony ensues. I reach the scene of the accident to assess the situation. "What happened?" I reach down to scoop her up in a hug. "Cupid shot me, Mom! Right in my leg!" I snort and giggle. "It's not funny! I've been shot!" she cries. I sigh. "Cat, Cupid doesn't come around until Valentine's Day. He couldn't have shot you." She's not ready to give this carnival ride up just yet. "Mom! He shot my leg! Stupid Cupid!" (More sighing from me.....)

Later in the evening, I sat down to google some Cupid images to show Cat that he's not such an evil doer. Here's what I found....('s not pretty...)

What the flip happened to Cupid?! I thought he was the son of Venus, a pretty boy that didn't age? (or get man boobs for that matter!) Hey Venus! What's the deal???

She must have heard my cries of distress because suddenly on my google page appeared this creature...

Now THAT is a Cupid! And then he appeared....

Meee-ooww! A Cupid that bites! Puuuuurrrrrrr....(my cougar radar is on...)

Thank you, Venus, Goddess of Love! My google page shifted again and this appeared...

Oh looky! It's Napolean Dynamite meets Cupid! Venus, you crack me up!
(if you have your sound off, you may want to turn it up if you watch this:)

I guess I'll just stick with the Cupid I know and love...

Happy Valentine's Day! (yes, I know it's tomorrow! Just sending the sentiment today to help you forget it's Friday the 13th and dumb old Jason will be lurking around out there somewhere...stay away from Camp Crystal Lake...)

p.s. Tonight grab a copy of "Love Actually", some chocolate, champagne, wine, whatever tickles your fancy and 'get your romance on'!

p.s.s. Happy Friday the 13th!


LORI said…
Lesley said…
oh lord....stupid cupid is right....I am with Disco Cupid....funny as heck....and hottie cupid...can come by tomorrow...anytime....
DiPaola Momma said…
OH YOU're KILLING ME!!! Sad thing here is I think hunky Cupid might just be the Adonis of a Gay Pride Parade somewhere.. but he's still yummy to oogle at! I love the kids.. now I know mine are normal. #1 (15 yrs old) tried to convince the other three that they'd get shot with an arrow if they didn't give HIM chocolate on Saturday!!! I'm STILL laughing at this post... Can I link to it?
Tracy said…
So am I the only one who did this as a kid... avoid red totally on any Friday the 13th?? Hmmm... I think I feel a blog coming on... You're the best for bringing me out of my once again bloggers block! Smooches!!!
Debbie said…
Don't you just love google images? And those cupids are disturbing (except for the smokin hot one).
There is only one cupid there that I would be interested in. Can you guess which one? Happy pre-Valentine's Day!!

Stay out of trouble on the 13th.

Love you!!
Karies place said…
Oh my!!I like your last one best. :)
Kristina P. said…
Wow, yeah, cupid is not looking like he used to!
Kim said…
Those first 6 Cupids are seriously disturbing!
Unknown said…
You are too freaking funny...and I am all the way with you on the issue of the biting Cupid...who doesn't like a good bite (that may have been a little too much info) but whatever!

Happy Valentines Day!
mama's smitten said…
I think you may be the happiest person I know!! You never fail to make me laugh "CRACK UP!" or smile with your kind comments!Stop by my blog I have something for you!
Dapoppins said…
Will the real cupid please stand up?

Ummm. I wanna get some romance on, but I have a feeling my man is going to have pizza breath.

Jules AF said…
I'm grabbing a copy of my voice disorders book. Doesn't that sound exciting?
Erin said…
Cupid disco is crazy.

I just explained to my five year old yesterday who Cupid is, because he saw his name on an M&M's package. Today, he looked at the package and said, "Oh yeah, that's coopid." Almost, son.
The Mrs. said…
Hysterical!!!!!!!! I think Hot cupid is more my style!!! Tonight it's lobster and a movie! Hope I don't fall asleep!
blognut said…
Damn! Every time I see that angel cupid, I try to look under his skirt but there's just too much shadow there. Can we get that blown up a bit?

Happy Valentine's Day!
Jenners said…
This was too funny!

Make sure your daughter never sees the scary cupid photos or she'll never want to celebrate Valentine's Day again!! Whenever I see photos like this, I always think "I wonder whose father or son that is and what they think of this photo."

And then I got to your "angel" Cupid. Oh my. He can hit me in the butt with an arrow anytime!
Ashley said…
Is it just me or can you see under #7's barely there cloth? MEeee-ooow!
Shauna said…
I am new here! What a great blog :)
Anonymous said…
I'm totally cracking up at you! You're hilarious!
Ashley said…
BTW - I have a little love on my blog to you!
Those first cupid pictures are down right FREAKY! Nothing says 'Love' like a full grown man in a diaper!

Happy Valentines Day!
MaricrisG said…
so funny! I wouldn't mind Hunky Cupid come visit me anytime tomorrow though! He looks like a very HOT date! LOL! Happy Valentines day!
debi9kids said…
Thanks for the giggles! Seriously laughing after watching that "lovely" cupid dance. sheesh!
LOVE LOVE LOVE "Love Actually". Colin Firth! YUMMY!
Happy V Day!
Anonymous said…
Just had to steal that picture of the cupid with the lovely feather wings!
Unknown said…
Oh the cupid did the sprinkler!!! lol

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