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Cupid's Tea Party

I would like to begin by saying thanks to my bloggy friend, Kristin, over at The way it is ! She bestowed this lovely award upon me recently! She has a fantastic giveaway going on over there so please click here to check it out!

This award is given for "lovely and witty comments and for always knowing the right thing to say at the right time." The rules say share with 10 but being the crazy rule breaker that I am, I will be sharing it with 3...(remember I have kids that are starving, need educated..yada yada yada...) The awardees are.....drumroll....trumpets playing....angels singing...

Please go check these ladies out! They are fabulous bloggy gals! Spread your comment love amongst them!

Now on to Cupid stuff..

Valentine's Day has special meaning around here. First of all, there are hearts involved. As many of you know, Chilly had the big bypass a year ago. This is what I'm giving him for Valentine's Day....(special thanks to one of my bloggy BFF's, Marie over at Cpaphil Vintage Postcards for showing me this! Her blog is wonderful!)

It's a gentle reminder to STOP EATING GARBAGE!! Do you hear me, Chilly?! Stop with the coffee cake muffin from the quick mart on your way to work! Isn't the ginormous scar blazing down the front of your chest enough to remind you of this?? See how this little guy has a smile and is a healthy red color? That's because he eats a heart healthy diet, my friend! No quadruple extra cheese on his pizzas! And speaking of pizza, I DO NOT want to see you looking like this on Saturday when you don your Cupid outfit for me...(I realize he has a delivery box full of's probably the quadruple extra cheese pies you ordered behind my back...just try to show a little restraint and not hijack the driver for a fast getaway to eat your precious pizza in secret...)

Ok...done with my husband rant...till he gets home anyway!

The kiddos and I are celebrating our V-day with a Cupid's Tea Party. We will eat some yummy treats, make Valentines for each other and exchange little treasures. Cat will wear her tutu and crown. (Want some fabulous tutu's? Check out Tutu's Bliss! Gorgeous tutus!!)

We'll have some red velvet cupcakes....

and some of these delicious chocolate
covered strawberries...

Maybe we'll whip up a special Love Potion punch! Jones Soda has a special promotion to customize your label and choose your flavor to create your own love potion! You could also pick up a few bottles of any cherry or strawberry soda and add your own labels. Kathy over at Kathy with a K did this with pink soda for a baby shower..too cute! Pink lemonade in fancy bottles work too! And of course, flavored teas in fancy pitchers are fabulous too!

We might bake some heart shaped cookies, and of course, Catherine must have her heart shaped pizza. (that you, Chilly, will have to stare at longingly...)

We'll play some fun games like Catch Cupid and Count the Kisses. (Catch Cupid...Cupid wears a belt with felt hearts attached that can be easily removed by the 'chaser' (think flag football.) Whoever grabs the most hearts from Cupid wins! I made this up all by myself!) Count the Kisses...fill a jar with Hershey Kisses...whoever guesses the amount wins!

We'll get out my scrap paper "collection", throw in a few doilies and make some cards. We'll annoy other family members with these...

Botox Lip Whistles (from Party City)

and these big red wax lips...

Here are a few treasures I found over at Fred Flare if you want to play Cupid...
Boo Boo Kiss Bandages!

Make Your Own Mix Tape USB Flash Drive!
(is this cool or what?!)

Rose Rings!
Voodoo Love Babies..get them here...

Go make your own Candy Hearts here! (Thanks to Zen Cupcake for sharing this little gizzy! I played with this all night!)

p.s. Word on the street is there is a Cupid Toile fabric used in bedding...It's deep red and tan...I want it! If anyone knows where this is, help a sister out and point me to it! Thanks!

p.s.s. I know there are lots of linkys! They're all worth checking out! I promise!

p.s.s. Thanks for sticking with me through my long posty today!


Anonymous said…
It sounds like you will have a fun Valentines with your kiddos! I hope you have a blast! I love that little heart pillow. My mom had a triple bypass almost 4 years ago, she didn't get a pillow that cool. :P
Kristina P. said…
These are all such fun items!
Cammie said…
ohhh, excellent. Thank you, I will get this up tomorrow! Which will be post #99!!!! In which I will also pimp out my big #100 for Monday!
Erin said…
I love all of those fun things!
Anonymous said…
I could buy every one of those things! I think I have the fridge magnets for that stuffed thing up there. Glands I think? Does that sound right?
Tracy said…
You're the best mamma hen ever! I'm so glad we've blog stalked each other and are blogbuddies now!! :)

Oh and thanks... Baby J officially wants a red velvet cupcake. If I weren't SO lazy I'd drive on over to Sprinkles right now and buy two. Yes I said two. The minute Baby J gets his... his momma will want hers! hahahaa
Kathy said…
You are one heck of a sweet thang lady! Thanks for the bloggy love and links :) And if ONLY I had seen that pink lemonade bottle before my shower...It's exactly what I was looking for...ah well, I'll know who to go to for tips on my next par-tay!
Mammatalk said…
That heart pillow is a crack up! Have a great V-day with your family!
Anonymous said…
FYI To all of you fabulous blog followers of Bee and Rose: My sister always has THE BEST ideas for parties! If you ever need some ideas, shes the best person I know! Cudos Big Sis! I wish I was there for this years cupids tea party:( We will miss it! Love you!

Your fabulous little sister!
Congrats on the award!

I love the lip bandaids..those are just cool! I have been contemplating cute and fun ways to celebrate Valentines with my kids..I think your Cupids Tea-party has sparked some great ideas for me....Thanks for sharing your "mother of the year" secrets.
Tori C. said…
I love the heart generator - thanks for sharing!
Kathy said…
Dawn - Help! I can't figure out how to get this pic on my blog. How will I ever post my very first bloggy-award? So I right-clicked and saved as a .jpg. Any ideas?
Kristen Andrews said…
sounds like a very special V-Day, enjoy it! Cool pics, the cupid on the scooter w/ pizza is a hoot!
Lori said…
what a fun valentines day you have planned!!! i wanna know where those sheets are too, they sound CUTE!!!
Wow, aren't you just the Valentine's Day gal! We have a little party planned for the kids too. I love all of your ideas, especially the gift for your husband. BAHAHAHAHA
Seeker said…
Love the band-aid lips...just too cute when imagining "kissing it better" it a whole new meaning. Must find those...the grandbabies will have "Owwies" galore just to get them..thanks for sharing
LORI said…
Ms Cupcake said…
Hey you!

Thanks for blogging about my site!

Right backatcha!

Kirsty said…
These are all fabulous! I love the plush heart! I reeeeeeeeally want some of those kissy bandages!
I need to look into making some red velvet cupcakes. Looks like you have put a lot of thought into Valentine's Day.
Dapoppins said…
How much fun is this?

Wish I was there with you, we could wear the lips and chase the kids around.

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