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You Want Some Whine With That?

My family is a big bunch of whiners this week. Seriously...can't a girl blog without whine? (Cammie, I know you love your wine and Robert Pattinson...your wine is the good kind of wine...mine, not so much...)

If you were a tiny fly on the wall in my house this week, this is what you would have had the great pleasure to witness...

*My husband coming in at 3:00 am to find me on the computer...

"Chilly: "Minnie, you are like a crack "ho" and your blog is your crack.

"'ll wake up the kids...

Chilly: "Seriously, Minnie...get off the're becoming a freak."

Me: (looking around for the cops...I mean, kids...) "Shut up, Chilly...get out of here!"

He shuffled back to bed trying to figure out how to break the news to the family that I'm an addict...

Then there was this lovely "busted" moment...

Me...blogging...eating some waffles...My son walks by me and says...

"Whoa! Mom! You just went Godzilla on that waffle! Dude! You attacked that thing!" (then he starts giving me a replay of me eating the waffle...think slow motion with Godzilla sounds...) "Does blogging always make you do that?"

I reply:"What? I'm just looking at the bank account..." (I quickly hit minimize and try to bring up the bank account..) Connor just smirks at me and walks away. I feel ashamed....but not enough to stop my waffle-eatin' blogging! Yeah!

My daughter has even been a victim of my blogging addiction. She brings me a book the other day and says, "Hey mommy..let's read Fancy Nancy." I use my happy princess voice and say,"Ok, sweetie! I'll be right with ya!" I finish up blogging and sing out, "Kitty, ready to read?" No answer... Cat?...still no answer....Then I find her...asleep on the floor...holding her book...CAUSE A STINKIN' HOUR WENT BY!!!! That's when I knew I was a blog freak. I just lost my Parent of the Year award (and we're not even out of January!)

So, at the risk of letting my freak fly, here goes...

"Hi, My name is Dawn...and I'm an addict."

I know some of you have had the pleasure of playing with this little gizzy over the last few days..The first time I came upon this over at one of my favorite haunts, The Adams Family, I scored 81%. Then I did it again with a little more honesty...84%....uh..better not play this game anymore...oh, heck..why not just lay it all out and be completely more time...

88%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?


Chilly's right...I'm a freak...but I think I'm a good kind of freak! (The really sad part of this story is that I'm not even truly phased by that!) So here's the deal,'re still getting fed, bathed (stop laughing, Mother..) and I'm here to meet all of your a minute, no...really in a minute...I have to finish reading this hilarious post...what? the house is on fire? Go ahead and call 911...I'll be done in a minute....

ALERT!!! You must go see Misadventurous Mommy over at My Mommy Said for some wicked cool quizzes!!! You're all in for it now!!!!

p.s..I learned how to linky!!!! Whoo hoo!

p.s.s...this is for Chilly...hey, at least I haven't named the computer yet...


Unknown said…
I was LMAO because once again that is so me...and my blogging has seemed to annoy the heck out of everyone in my family as well...but if it keeps me sane they should be all for least that's what I keep telling myself!
Sandy said…
My family doesn't get it either! Oh well:)
Cammie said…
There shall be no shame in blog addiction. I wont have it.
Lori said…
I agree...what's the big deal....they're all fed and clothed?! hahaa
That's funny about redoing your canopy too, the pink and white polka dots sounds so pretty!
Jillene said…
I was only a 68%--I am very disappointed in myself!!
Anonymous said…
OMG How did I miss your name is Dawn!!!

I got carpel tunnel (sp??) because of blogging...I working to get the wrist back to being flexible...

You are not alone...not at all!!
Tracy said…
(peeks head in) Hello? Anyone home? I was sent over by Nerdy Jess. I heart her... and she raves about your blog. So here I am!! And boy was she right!!! I have enjoyed your blogs... thank you!!!

You're so not alone in the whole world of addiction to blogging. It's such a wonderful addiction though!!!
Anonymous said…
You make me feel sooooo much better about myself. The reason I came over here is because I saw your 84 at City Mouse, Country Mouse and I thought...she exists...another one like me! Now you've got me outdone and I ain't complainin'. I got an 84 and it just means I need to work a little harder. I can get there and I will. :)

Love your blog!
Bethany said…
Found you through SITS. Glad I came by! Your blog is so cute! I will follow. :)
* said…
Dropping by from sits. Aren't we all obsessed? You've not the only one.
Mary-Catherine said…
Hahahaha! your husband and my husband should start a support group..."spouses of blogger addicts" I cracked up at the waffle part...luckily my daughter is still too young to notice...I wonder how much longer I have??
The Blonde Duck said…
You ain't seen waffle godzilla eating until you've seen me around waffles. Tell your son to bring it on! :)
Anonymous said…
LOL! Hi, my name is Andrea, and I'm an addict.
Tori C. said…
Hi there - wandered over from the SITS comment thread of the day and wanted to say hi. I love love love your blog banner - so fantastic! Have a great day! :-)

-The Sweet Jelly Bean
Unknown said…
How very sweet of you...thanks for all the link love!
Erin said…
I love the fact that you minimized your blogging so you could look like you are doing online banking. I totally do that too! And I was only 75% addicted to blogging, but I'm pretty sure I lied on a couple of the questions.
Erin said…
I'm afraid to see my percentage!!!
Debbie said…
I'm addicted too. It's nice to meet you. Now, we aren't here to get over our addiction, are we? Cause I don't want to.
Anonymous said…
Here I sit blog hopping and my poor hubby has been calling my name from the bedroom for like 5 minutes. His temp is 103 and I'm shouting "wait a minute, I'll be right there". I'm going to have to check into the clinic soon for blog addiction.
Jess said…
uhm.. you aren't supposed to name your computer? Whoops!

*hangs head in shame*
Kristen Andrews said…
ahh yes I am an addict too and the hubby will come around, mine has but doesn't have a choice.
You are seriously funny! I don't know why I hadn't clicked over here sooner! I feel your pain, being addicted to blogging! Maybe instead of Blog Stalkers Unite, we should have formed Blog Stalkers Anonymous!
Lorie said…
I will say that it gets better and you will be able to balance your time. At least on most days.

But I could be lying!
blognut said…
Hi, my name is Blognut and I'm totally addicted to blogging. No need to confess it if you aren't going to try to stop it though.
I am really happy that you are an addict. I am loving your blog!!
Gina said…
Ditto to what Pam said! I'm still new to the blog thing but I am a Facebook addict according to my husband.
You are not alone my friend. I have woken up in the middle of the night to go to the washroom, only to find myself take a detour to the comouter to see what's new in bloggy land.
My name is ... Capturedat1point8 and I am a blogoholic!! I had to work some extra days and all I could think was how I was not updating my blog!!! I finally have the first award up and since I was gone found out I recieved another!!! Now I am even further behind. Thanks again - for the award and for the laughter!!
LORI said…
LORI said…
Claire said…
That is so, so funny, and so true! I can't tell you how many nights my husband has tried to get me to come watch TV or something, and I reply "Just a minute!" which turns into about 2 hours. Blogging is my new life!
Summer said…
The blog world can suck you up, huh?!? It's a crazy addiction, but healthy at least!!!

Im loving your blog!
momma said…
stopping by from sits

i took the quiz and am 88% addicted, too.

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