Just the title alone gives you a giggle, huh??? But first I have to share a tidbit about how completely mental I have become...
Picture me...yesterday...writing out my "to do" list...
*Pick up last minute party items for Cat's bday
*Finish laundry
*Trim Cat's fangs (my daughter, Catherine...not our real cat...)
Did ya catch that? Trim Cat's fangs???? Now those of you who have read my post Twilight Tendencies will completely understand why I might do this. If you havent' read it...go read it:) Then you won't think I am so paranoid. Can everyone say classic Freudian slip? (my stinky linky won't work...please locate this tantalizing post over in my archives...)
Now, on to Tomato Soup and Garlic Butts....
I hear some of you asking yourselves, "What exactly is a garlic butt?" (Yes, I'm using the word butt, but feel free to insert "tushy, booty, bum," whatever you are most comfortable with.) I can tell you this...most of you have probably eaten one or two in your lifetime. HUH? Stay on board this crazy train...it will all makes sense in a moment....
Yesterday while I was making a lovely (aka fast so I could get back to blogging) lunch of tomato soup and garlic bread for my kids, I realized I had one small loaf of garlic bread. Uh-oh...Cat is a garlic bread freak. (I know, I know...you've probably linked over to my Twilight post and are thinking, "but I thought Cat was a vampire?" I personally believe she is. I think she is just a super vampire and garlic doesn't phase her...) Back to business...
Limited garlic bread for the kiddos...what to do? I counted out the tiny slices (because this was a loaf made for Lilliputians) and figured out they could each have four tiny pieces. That left the ends for me....the butts. (you know that they look like that...don't look at me like I'm a whack job...which I am, but don't look at me like I am...) Garlic bums aren't the best tastin' things either. Which then got me to thinking that Moms are just the BEST creatures God created (besides kids, of course!) because we are always willing to do things like eat garlic butts, burnt toast, wait till everyone else is served and then take what's left...you get the picture. We are willing to go out in public with stains on our clothes, risking humiliation after humiliation all for the sake of raising our lovies to be the best they can be. We put ourselves in the public spectrum with the full knowledge that most likely at some point while surrounded by strangers, our children will air the dirtiest family laundry, strip down naked or lay on the ground writhing in pain because you said no to a piece of candy while standing in the checkout line. (my kids don't do this...well not alot anyway...lol!..well Cat does...) We've all born witness to events like these, some of us actually being the poor victims of these encounters, and we know it's not pretty. So what's the point of all this rambling? Glad you asked...(cause I probably would have rambled on more and gotten completely off topic...)
I, for one, have decided that next time I cut the garlic bread, I am keeping a few pieces for me. Next time I make toast I am going to slow down and pay attention to what I'm doing so I do not burn it. I am going to serve myself while serving everyone else in my family. And do you know why I am taking such a radical step? Because always putting ourselves last as mothers doesn't help our children. It wears us down spiritually and emotionally. (and I for one, am tired of being tired!) It reminds of the "plane going down" analogy. They always tell the parent to put on the oxygen mask first so you have the ability to take care of your children. It's time to put on the oxygen mask and breathe fresh air and clear the static out of the attic! I want to be a mom who is present (and wearing a stain free shirt) for my children...that's why I chose to be at home with them. Here's to being part of the family and not just the person who takes care of the family! (and besides, I don't want to be so out of it mentally from exhaustion that I actually do end up trimming my daugher's fangs....)
So goodbye garlic butts! Hello warm buttery goodness! No more "make-do" mommy here! What say you? Care to join me in my radical behavior??
Have a happy Thursday!

p.s. I'm still gonna wear my banana hair clip though....
p.s.s. I'm in the middle of a blog makeover..please excuse my mess while I try to pretty up my fine self and get my "girly" on:) Yes, my colors aren't matching yet...but I'm workin' on it!
Picture me...yesterday...writing out my "to do" list...
*Pick up last minute party items for Cat's bday
*Finish laundry
*Trim Cat's fangs (my daughter, Catherine...not our real cat...)
Did ya catch that? Trim Cat's fangs???? Now those of you who have read my post Twilight Tendencies will completely understand why I might do this. If you havent' read it...go read it:) Then you won't think I am so paranoid. Can everyone say classic Freudian slip? (my stinky linky won't work...please locate this tantalizing post over in my archives...)
Now, on to Tomato Soup and Garlic Butts....
I hear some of you asking yourselves, "What exactly is a garlic butt?" (Yes, I'm using the word butt, but feel free to insert "tushy, booty, bum," whatever you are most comfortable with.) I can tell you this...most of you have probably eaten one or two in your lifetime. HUH? Stay on board this crazy train...it will all makes sense in a moment....
Yesterday while I was making a lovely (aka fast so I could get back to blogging) lunch of tomato soup and garlic bread for my kids, I realized I had one small loaf of garlic bread. Uh-oh...Cat is a garlic bread freak. (I know, I know...you've probably linked over to my Twilight post and are thinking, "but I thought Cat was a vampire?" I personally believe she is. I think she is just a super vampire and garlic doesn't phase her...) Back to business...
Limited garlic bread for the kiddos...what to do? I counted out the tiny slices (because this was a loaf made for Lilliputians) and figured out they could each have four tiny pieces. That left the ends for me....the butts. (you know that they look like that...don't look at me like I'm a whack job...which I am, but don't look at me like I am...) Garlic bums aren't the best tastin' things either. Which then got me to thinking that Moms are just the BEST creatures God created (besides kids, of course!) because we are always willing to do things like eat garlic butts, burnt toast, wait till everyone else is served and then take what's left...you get the picture. We are willing to go out in public with stains on our clothes, risking humiliation after humiliation all for the sake of raising our lovies to be the best they can be. We put ourselves in the public spectrum with the full knowledge that most likely at some point while surrounded by strangers, our children will air the dirtiest family laundry, strip down naked or lay on the ground writhing in pain because you said no to a piece of candy while standing in the checkout line. (my kids don't do this...well not alot anyway...lol!..well Cat does...) We've all born witness to events like these, some of us actually being the poor victims of these encounters, and we know it's not pretty. So what's the point of all this rambling? Glad you asked...(cause I probably would have rambled on more and gotten completely off topic...)
I, for one, have decided that next time I cut the garlic bread, I am keeping a few pieces for me. Next time I make toast I am going to slow down and pay attention to what I'm doing so I do not burn it. I am going to serve myself while serving everyone else in my family. And do you know why I am taking such a radical step? Because always putting ourselves last as mothers doesn't help our children. It wears us down spiritually and emotionally. (and I for one, am tired of being tired!) It reminds of the "plane going down" analogy. They always tell the parent to put on the oxygen mask first so you have the ability to take care of your children. It's time to put on the oxygen mask and breathe fresh air and clear the static out of the attic! I want to be a mom who is present (and wearing a stain free shirt) for my children...that's why I chose to be at home with them. Here's to being part of the family and not just the person who takes care of the family! (and besides, I don't want to be so out of it mentally from exhaustion that I actually do end up trimming my daugher's fangs....)
So goodbye garlic butts! Hello warm buttery goodness! No more "make-do" mommy here! What say you? Care to join me in my radical behavior??
Have a happy Thursday!

p.s. I'm still gonna wear my banana hair clip though....
p.s.s. I'm in the middle of a blog makeover..please excuse my mess while I try to pretty up my fine self and get my "girly" on:) Yes, my colors aren't matching yet...but I'm workin' on it!
Hubby looked at me like I had four heads last night when I fixed my plate before anyone elses (I did only because I wanted the smallest steak and didn't want the chance of losing it to anyone).
"Here's to being part of the family and not just the person who takes care of the family!"
Wear your banana clip with pride and enjoy your buttery goodness! :P
hey, do you want to be added as an author in the new blog that Girl in the Glasses and I are doing ? Kind of like a book review blog--we have not got it up and running just yet
And as for putting me last, I almost always do(as do we all) except when making and serving dinner...I always make mine first, because dammit I may have to settle for a quick shower instead of the long hot bath I'm longing for, I may have to stay up until 3 am doing homework(which we all know means blogging) because I chose to help the kids do theirs first, and I may have to sacrifice my dignity every 30 seconds when I venture into the light of day with my kiddos, but I will now, repeat, WILL NOT eat garlic butts!
No kids for me so I dunno whatcha talkin' bout.
I love your header! Birdies make me happy
P.S. Love the new look!
(Me) http://aneaglesview.blogspot.com
Sherrlyn Borkgren Destination Photography
I posted another blog, woots!