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Revisiting the Blue Suit (aka I DRINK YOUR MILKSHAKE!)

My son is a tween. Tweens are fascinating creatures. They're highly intelligent beings that will waste no time telling you how un-intelligent you are compared to them. The tween creature that lives in our house has the market cornered on sacrcasm. (I don't know where he learned that...hee hee) He is fascinated with his hair and is convinced that you adore his lovely locks as much as he does. He is the master and commander of all he sees (except for the fairy...and that makes the tween a very unhappy camper at times...)

There are a few things that can really freak out a tween. *Cameras...point a camera at a tween and he'll disappear faster than you can say "cheese". Haircuts...tell your tween that if he doesn't clean his room he has to get a haircut. That room will be shiny and bright in 30 seconds flat. Send emails in geek speak...example..."I luv u".."u r 2 cool"...the fact that you can speak geek will mortify your tween. (I love doing that!) My favorite way to annoy my tween is to say this..."I DRINK YOUR MILKSHAKE! I DRINK IT UP!" (from the movie "There Will Be Blood" starring Daniel Day-Lewis.) This drives him INSANE!!! I love to do this in public..hee hee hee....(I still want to buy the t-shirt at Hot Topic that says!)

My tween is a bit taller than me these days. His voice much deeper than it was even a few months ago. I was watching him today...he is growing up so fast. It made me want to rewind time back to the days of the Blue Suit. What does all this have to do with a Blue Suit? Allow me to share with you the story of the Blue Suit...

The Blue Suit

I was picking up boas, bracelets and tiaras from various locations in my home one afternoon...all left behind from Princess Catherine. As I was putting them away in her room, I started to reminisce about the time when my son, Connor, (now 12) was five and we found the holy grail of dress up for him. We were at a thrift shop dropping off donations. On our way out of the store, my son stopped dead in his tracks and pointed straight ahead. A brilliant light shone down from the heavens, choirs of angels were singing...and there hanging on a special display was "the blue suit."He walked with a strong purpose toward that suit, picked it off the rack and grunted, "must...have...this...suit..." I checked the price tag...$8.00...okay, so it won't break the bank. I notice it has pinstripes. I have visions of my son wearing this suit attempting a gangster style holdup..."I'm Johnny Bag-of-donuts. Give me all your candy and I won't break your kneecaps." Disturbing, I know, but this is how my mind works. "Why do you need a suit," I asked, completely confounded. "I just do" he said with conviction. How could I argue with such determination? So off we went to the cashier.

Later that afternoon, I am folding laundry in the living room and notice my son dressed in his new attire standing on the landing in the stairwell. He is looking very suave and has a small "briefcase" in his hand. "Hello, " I greet him. "How can I help you?" He smiles at me sweetly and says "My name is Rick (what??) and I am here to sell insurance." Well, he certainly has the smooth confidence of an insurance salesman. "What kind of insurance?" I ask completely intrigued. I mean, we're covered on lots of levels, but this salesman sure is adorable, so why not add a little coverage here and there? "I am selling toy insurance. It's $100,000 dollars per year." Whoa, nellie! What kind of toys does this kid think I have? ", I'm gonna have to check with my husband about that," I say as I slink backwards out of the room. "How about you come back later?" "No problem, ma'am! How does 6:00 sound?" (he is still smiling at me.) "Sounds great!" I manage a weak smile and continue my backwards exit.

Fast forward to 6:00. I am in the kitchen making dinner. Suddenly, I look to my right and standing in the doorway with his fingers in the "I've gotta a gun" position is my son. Uh-oh...."Hi Rick" I say as I move toward the phone (in case I need assistance...) "I'm not Rick", he says seriously. "Oh, really? I was expecting Rick, this insurance guy about some toy insurance. Who might you be?" I am actually clutching the phone now. "Bond...James Bond..."he says. WHAT?????? Did he really just tell me he was James Bond? "You have invisible bad guys here. Don't worry, I can handle it," he assures me in his best British accent. A wave of relief washes over me. "Thanks, Mr. Bond," I gush. "I feel better knowing MI6 sent you over." "No problem," he says as he checks each room for danger. "Oh, can I have a glass of milk?" Aww...My heart is very full...chasing bad guys while drinking many spies can do that? "Sure, Mr. Bond. Do you prefer that shaken, not stirred?" "That's cool" he smiles. He takes the glass and off he goes to defend us from evil doers. And it all started with a blue suit.

That blue suit got lots of playtime over the years as a business suit, more time as James Bond, and various other identities. It was the best $8.00 I could've spent at the time. When he finally outgrew it, I was sad to see it go. We put it out in one of our yard sales. I actually kept bringing back in the house several times, just not able to let it go. Finally, toward the end of the sale, I took it back out. A young boy and his mom came right over to it. The little boy's eyes lit up just like Connor's had and I knew the suit had found a new home. It's kind of like Frosty the Snowman's hat. "There must have been some magic in that old blue suit he found..." So here's to dress up time your kids layer on the boas, bracelets and tiaras, or even a blue suit, why not jump in and join the fun?

Johnny Bag-of-Donuts at age 5 sipping sparkling cider. As you can see we were in the middle of a move. It was one of the first things that had to be unpacked!

p.s. Thanks for hanging with me while I strolled down memory lane:) These memories are so precious to me especially with what our family has dealt with this past year with Chilly's heart surgery and difficult recovery. It means alot to me that you shared your time with me:)

p.s.s. I know some of you have already read the original Blue Suit post from my first few days of blogging. Thanks for sticking with it again!


Marie Reed said…
James Bond is definitely a milk drinker. He hit the nail on the head! This story was a heartwarming kick in the pants! It's nice to read about his tweeness too! I love mortifying my 9 year old:)
Kirsty said…
Oh I love this story! I have a 4 year old son, who would totally love a blue suit:-)

Thanks for sharing!
Lesley said…
What a wonderful story....and I can totally imagine both rick and james.....and where the heck did Rick come from???...He was one astute 5 year old wasn't he>....Love it....and the I drink your milkshake....hilarious....
Unknown said…
My lil man is only one and a half and I can't wait for the days when he does things like that...though with all the sisters he has I'm sure a dress or two will be forced upon him from time to time. Poor Boy!
Kristina P. said…
That suit is awesome!!! And your kid sounds like a hoot.
Jess said…

thats the cutest thing I've ever heard!

Great job on your first post yesterday! I was helping the sistah move, so I'm playing catch up from yest lol. I need to do one now! I can't believe they asked me to do it too, have they read my blog? LOL
Tracy said…
Your stories make me so excited to live life as a mother to little Baby J. My pregnancy is flying by (18 weeks yesterday - seems like we just saw that double line on the stick in our bathroom only a few days ago). I have learned to cherish every waking moment of their lives... I can hardly wait. So, my bloggy friend, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Yes, I'm one big pile-o-mush today.
Elisa said…
I've been going down memory lane about my 13 year old daughter. I miss her.
Thanks for following me, so that I could link back to you! I LOVE this story. I can relate as my boys are mid twenties, (you have made me very lonesome for days gone by!). Keep hugging your tween, even if he really doesn't want to. He will turn around one day and start hugging you back. ENJOY the journey through teenagehood. You will love it!
Anonymous said…
Dawn! I love that memory! You deliver your stories so well!
Erin said…
What a great story! Between Rick the insurance man and James Bond, I am very impressed.
Jacie said…
I love this post. Taylor and I just played dress up this morning. She's in a ballerina phase. Thank goodness I have plenty of tutus.
magpie said…
omg- i'm so glad you left me a comment today or i would have missed this post!!! how awesome! i'm sending this off to my mom- i know she's got a couple of these kinds of stories to rustle up!

nice to meetcha!
The Blonde Duck said…
Oh my God! If I ever have a little boy I hope he's as cute as yours.
Deb said…
this is the sweetest story. my guy was always "bobby" and he would have been very envious of that suit. he did have a fedora that he would wear... those days are long gone now! sniff sniff! now all i get is attitude.
Deb said…
your comment thing is acting weird. or is it my computer?
Oh that is a cute story!! Thanks for sharing!
Dapoppins said…
What a great story, and a great way of telling it! My boys weren't so much into dress up, or much character play...oh, now I know what I was missing.
Mammatalk said…
Darling story. I am so frightened of tweens. Don't know what I am going to do in 10 years. Eek.
Kristen Andrews said…
that is too funny, but look how cute he looks!
I LOVE this story! It's so awesome:) I love the blue suit.

I have a new thing you can do to freak him out-- call it Hot Tropic EVERY stinkin time. Then when he corrects you say "No way, it's not TOPIC, it's TROPIC...I know it is...". Drives them nuts. BAAHHAHAHAHAHAHA
Anonymous said…
Psst.....I like your "fairy" picture on fairy dust and bubblegum. She looks just like you...NOT! Ha! Just wanted to give you a snicker. Too cute!
Anonymous said…
That had to be one of the best $8 purchases you've ever made!
Anonymous said…
That suit is THE BEST! Seriously! What a great imagination he has!
That was a great eight dollars spent. What a great little imagination he had. You will always remember the days of the blue suit and smile.
{oc cottage} said…
This is great!!!!!

M ^..^
Debbie said…
I loved those dress up days. And my youngest is the same age. I can second that whole haircut phobia!
Mary-Catherine said…
Oh! So adorable...You never know what their little imaginations are going to have in store for you! (It's the homeschool, I'm SURE of it!) Growing up my favorite things to dress up in were cocktail dresses from the 80's...I loved a good puff sleeve.
LORI said…
Melissa said…
BWAHAHAH!!! I love this post. I love Tweens!

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