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My Crazy Mama Had a 73 lb Baby!

What?! How does someone have a 73 lb baby!? It's a twisted tale, but here goes...

About a month ago, I began noticing some very odd behavior in my mother. Now let me back up a second and give you some parents moved in with us several months ago to help out with my very high maintenance, heart bypass recovering husband. He used to get up in the middle of the night for water, to potty, whatever...promptly pass out and drop to the ground like a ton of bricks. Sometimes there were seizures involved. Needless to say, this was freaking me out quite a bit especially since I didn't relish the thought of my kids walking in to see Dad on the floor with his eyes rolled back in his head..oy! So, my parents (who are quite simply THE best parents in the Universe) packed up and moved in to help me with the kids, etc. They have their own "house" separate from the rest of us (it was probably the only reason they agreed...they could shut us out when we got too rowdy!) It's been a tremendous relief having them here, but that's another post in itself. on with how my normally sane mother went crazy and had a baby....

About a month ago, my mom starts making strange comments like these..."I have to stay out of that animal shelter." (what? where the heck did that come from?) "I can't go to the animal shelter...I would bring them all home." "I want a chocolate lab...or a black lab" (HUH?) "I took a trip today to the animal shelter..they have a black lab." She's got to be kidding, right? My mom knows my son would have a flip out attack if there was a dog anywhere near his beloved black cat, Shadow. Now these bizarre comments would just pop out at the most random times. At first I thought my mother was just becoming senile. Then I realized something more sinister was happening. I knew we were in for it when she roped my dad into going to the animal shelter with her. I really knew we were in trouble when I heard this...."We want to have a family meeting."

I will spare you the details of the family meeting, but will tell you the end result was my mother having a 73 lb baby boy named Gordie.

Here's he is... Cat & Dog in harmony...


How can ya' resist that? Even if I did have to endure the dreaded "family meeting." (yes, I am 43, but still required to go to family meetings..)

At the shelter, Connor was holding firm that no dog was coming around his cat. However, once he saw Gordie and Papa together, his cold heart of steel melted and he gave his thumbs up. Catherine fell in love instantly. My mom knew that once she got us down there, we'd be toast. (That's just low, wait...I'm so going to make more photo dvds that make you cry...sobbing, ugly crying...and then I'm going to do a photo slideshow of your ugly crying and blog about it..)

So here we are with our new family member, Gordie the Black Lab. He's actually more of a toddler (18 mos.). His birthday is May 10...another reason we love him...most of the family birthdays fall in May. He's a sweetheart and wonderful with the kids. Shadow has even started to come around.

Mom, no more family meetings for a while, ok? I know we have four acres, but I don't think Cat is ready for a pony yet. Wait...forget I said really, ponies need a lot of care and grooming and Cat really wants one...oops! Forget that last comment....

p.s. (I'm famous for the post script) Today is my 1 month blogiversary! Woo Hoo! Thanks ya'll for your awesome support of my bloggy!

p.s.s. Just Us did a cute short and sweet blog about the ugly cry yesterday...go check it out!

p.s.s.s. (for those of you who have emailed me about my, I did not marry a rich OLD billionaire...although with the cost of medical care these days, I probably should have! My husband is 40 and has had diabetes since his youth. Years of diabetic complications led to his heart damage and many more issues that I could blog about for years! Thank you so kindly for your concern. And most of all, thanks for reading our family blog!)


Debbie said…
Happy blogoversary. I thought you had been on here much longer!
What great parents you have indeed. I think they deserved a dog (and maybe even a pony).
I don't do family meetings. It frightens me. BAHAHAHAHAHA It always brings me back to when my dad would have my report card, sitting grimly at the table and call me in the kitchen to "talk" about it. Shiver....

The dog is a cutie, but I wouldn't let your mom go to the shelter again. Who knows what she will come home with next:)
Erin said…
The dog and the girl are both so pretty!
Lesley said…
Happy 1 month....and you have amazing parents....and what a precious 73 lb baby....
Tracy said…
That is one big baby!!! hahahaa!!!
So precious... we really want a chocolate lab!
PS - Happy Blogiversary!
Anonymous said…
Happy anniversary! :)
Unknown said…
First Happy Blogiversary...I'm so very glad that you decided to start a blog because I don't know where if I didn't visist your blog always makes me smile and laugh!

And I love the dog. I had a black lab named Jackson and he was the best dog I ever had...I so miss that dog!
Marie Reed said…
Thank goodness that you don't have to change Gordie's diapers! He is a cutie pie!
KatBouska said…
Oh man, I get suckered so easy with animals! I have to stay away from the animal shter too. Next thing you know Gordie is going to need a friend...
Kim said…
Congrats on your anniversary! I love Black Labs—they are so loyal and trainable. You've got yourself a good family dog!
Anonymous said…
Congrats on the anniversary and on the new BIG baby! Labs are the best.
Happy one month anniversary, hope there are many, many, more months ahead!
Kirsty said…
Oh wow! Once I got the shelter I would have caved....I love the new dog though, he is GORGEOUS!

Thanks for the shout otu to my blog! I have had HEAPS of lovely visitors:-)
Jess said…
Aweeee! Cuteness.

Don't eat bacon. They love bacon farts.
Claire said…
Congrats on the new family member!! I'm sure you will be providing us with your own doggie translations soon enough.

Also, even though he's not a puppy, I highly recommend taking some obedience classes. It has done wonders for Moxie, since she picked up some bad habits after being a shelter dog for so long!
Jenni said…
Happy one month blogoversary! Gordie is a cute doggie!!!
Anonymous said…
Happy Anniversary! You know, I always wanted a big brother, but I guess Gordie is close enough! I'm glad I live 2000 miles away....I hated those damn family meetings. (I'm still cringing....)You go girl! Love you!!!!
OH! just occured to me that he would be our "brother"..OMG...I just have one word for you OOOOO....snow....
Anonymous said…
That's one cute dog. Happy blogiversary.

I can totally relate to the hubby with health problems. Mine was pretty bad off for a while in December but he's recovering nicely. It's very stressful. I'm glad your parents are there for you.
Anonymous said…
Atleast we don't have to worry about Gordie getting treated better than us! Our parents atleast know he IS a dog and WE are humans unlike some parents we know.......Do they read this? Just saying.......LMOA!
Tori C. said…
Hi there and thanks for entering my giveaways! Stop by again soon! :)
Wow 73lbs? And I thought I had it bad with my 8.5lb'er! Goodness!

I love labs. I think they make for great dogs. We owned a chocolate lab once, it was a short stay for her though (I discovered I was VERY allergic)!

Oh and Congrats on the 1 month! Don't you just love to blog!
Sweet Tea said…
A new edition to your family?!
I bet he eats more than 4 oz of food at a feeding, huh?! Gordie is a beauty and God bless your MaMa I think she's entitled. She knew you'd fold, you Softie!!
Your kids are gonna LUV, LUV, LUV, playing with him.

Congrat's on your one month Blogoversary!! We're almost Blog twins. I've been blogging just a few more days longer than you.
Seeker said…
congrats on the blog. i too thought you were out here longer. see you fit right in...keep up the good work.

and all i can say about the dog and pony will end where it ends. Mom will take care of that.
love said…
I love it. What a great baby. Sounds like Gordie was just sitting there waiting for his new family to finally show up. I bet he new immediately.
I'm so happy to hear another dog has a forever homne! He looks like he is smiling in the picture.Cute child too.
Melissa said…
How great that your parents moved in to help. That is so awesome! Hope your husband is on the road to recovery.

Gordie is a cutie! I'm glad to hear the kids are enjoying him.

Have a fabulous Sunday.
LORI said…


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