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Honest Scrap! My First Blog Award!



I was given my very first bloggy award by my very blogilicious friend, Shalee, over at Sometimes Its Good To Be Speechless! Thank you, Shalee! You are a rockstar!

Now, this award doesn't come easy! I have to earn it by exposing myself (yikes!) .... (not as freaky as it!) Here's the scoop...

The rules for the Honest Scrap award:

The honorees are to:

A) List 10 honest things about yourself -

and make it interesting, even if you have to dig deep!

B) pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap

And away we go....

1. If Edward Cullen were a real person, I would run away from home, kick Bella's be-hind, and make him my own...cause I'm older and more experienced...and my blood is probably tastier cause it ages like fine wine...

2. My husband proposed to me at KFC...(yes, that's right...the chicken joint..)

3. I can only have white hangars in my closets. (can anyone say, "Mommy Dearest?")

4. I LoVe to play Cash Cow on Webkinz for hours and hours...

5. When I go into a bookstore, I always find the timewarp and end up staying in there for hours...and hours...when I come out 100 years has passed by...

6. I love Aerosmith, Metallica, Muse and Bullet 4 My Valentine (yes, I realize I am 43, but what are ya gonna do?)

7. I am horribly addicted to an intervention is probably needed (and I've only been at for 2 weeks!)

8. I am a closet road rager. I will scream (yep, I set a great example for my children...) at all the stupid drivers until they do what I say. (My kids find it amusing that I think the other drivers can actually hear me...oh, didn't I mention I rage with the windows up?)

9. I am a huge fashion nerd. (my sister is the stylish one...)

10. I wish I could be paid millions for my wit and, make that billions...

Whew! Exposure over! Hope I didn't flash you too much! turn to give the award to 7 blog-fabulous friends!

(drumroll please..................)

And the awards go to:

*Andrea over at The Hall Family
(She's adorable and a great mom!)

*Kate at Clueless in Columbus
A delightful blogger buddy (and an Ohio girl too!)

*Pam at Country Mouse, City Mouse
One of the nicest bloggers in blogland!

*Jillene at Jillene's Journal
Absolutely blogilicious bloggy buddy!

*MindyLew at Captured at 1Point8
A wonderful photo blog (and she's nice too!)

*Kate at Home is Where My Heart Is
She knits, makes brownies, takes great pictures and is just
overall, a wonderful gal! Love those socks!

*Cammie at Life in the House of No Sleep
You have to read "The Tale of the Dragon & the Queen" post! She's very entertaining! Go on now..go read it...

(and I'm gonna add one more...I know it's supposed to be 7, but she makes super cute pendants and is a very crafty girl! *Jamie at StampinMom this one's for you!)

(and a little shout out to Blonde Duck at A Duck in Her Pond...congrats on your award too! We rock, sister! Yeah, that's the soldier boy dance...)

Now ladies, go expose yourselves and win this award!!!!

ps..(yes, I know, I post script..alot...but I'm old and forget stuff...) I am still learning the ways of blog and haven't figured out the link stuff..So...if you're reading this and want to linky to these fabulous blogs, go to the Blogilicious list on the sidebar and link away!


Thank you so much for thinking of me. I have some thoughts rolling around in my head...I will try to get to it shortly!!

Hey there is nothing wrong with your music choices, I am Def Leppard's most loyal fan.
Jillene said…
Aaaawwww....that you so much!! I have already been given this award (I forgot to add it to my sidebar) so if you want to see my honesty you can check it out at:
Jillene said…
I put the award on my sidebar and added you as a giver!! Thanks again!!

Oh yeah--I love all of thise bands too!!
I am coming over from Jillenes blog. I loved this is always fun learning about other people. Stop by my blog if you get a chance.

And I would fight you over Edward....just saying
Cammie said…
Congrats on your first award!!! And thanks for passing it on to me....I got this one today too and have my post up already! And You and I are new hit on a few things that I could have written myself...particularly 1, 5, and 8
PS....are you on goodreads? Go friend me if you are
Thanks for the award - My first one too - Congrads for you also. I will definately have to ponder on this for a little while - I will have it done soon hopefully. I had to work this weekend so I have a lot to catch up on.
Thanks again!!! I would like to thank --- Oh wait My 4 seconds is up already - Sorry - I am exiting now - Thanks again --- LOL
Erin said…
We need to hear the KFC love story!

Oh, and I love Aerosmith and Metallica too. I'm only 32, but I'm pretty sure I will love them in 10 years too!
Oh thank you for the award :-) I didn't have a speech prepared but let me work on that, hehe. I'll get on it and you do have the cutest blog an layout!
Anonymous said…
Thanks so much for the award. Now I'll be spending my day at work thinking of my 10 things to post. I promise to come up with good ones.

Thanks again!!!!

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