I am looking for a Fairy Blogmother. Do you know where I might find one? As a newbie blogger (just a couple of months old) , I find myself at a loss at times for technical support, bloggy etiquette and the like. I'm thinking a Fairy Blogmother can fly to my rescue, wave her mouse around and help a sister out! I even installed a special door for her near my laptop! Fairy Blogmother, a lovely welcome reception area would be much appreciated. What about a lovely blog of your own with a few gentle tips on how to go about your journey through the land of Blog? You could share advice on how to interact with the natives, how to speak the language, etc. You could advise on the finer points of leaving a calling card (aka comment) . Maybe you could share decorating ideas too! How about some blog improvement classes like "How to Grow into a 3 Column Blog" or "Create Your Own Header"? Blog Etiquette classes would be most welcome too! When I was a newcomer to the land of Blo...